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Posts Tagged ‘Children’

Exposing how rotten L.A. schools really are

Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 9:59 am |

Guess what? The dysfunctional and immoral Los Angeles Unified School District has been hiding how bad its government schools are. The good news is a lawsuit threatens to force LAUSD’s bad news into the open, motivating even more parents to leave the broken government system and rescue their children.

It’s absolutely unacceptable that, in California government schools, 76% of fourth graders can’t read proficiently.

It’s scandalous that at least 1/3 of LAUSD students drop out (probably more like half drop out).

And it’s hellish that LAUSD is aggressively sexualizing children with perverse ideas.

Big-city government school districts may be very bad, but the lack of reading proficiency, terrible peer pressure, and eight — count them, eight — statewide sexual indoctrination laws threaten all children enrolled in California government schools.

All this is why SaveCalifornia.com is boldly encouraging you to distribute our good-looking flyer to spread the word to parents that now is the time to rescue their children. (If you still think public schools are good, read “Not As Good As You Think” by Pacific Research Institute: summary | report)

Read: LAUSD faces suit linking teacher ratings to student performance (Los Angeles Times, Oct. 31, 2011)

Hear, my children, the instruction of a father,
And give attention to know understanding;
For I give you good doctrine:
Do not forsake my law.
When I was my father’s son,
Tender and the only one in the sight of my mother,
He also taught me, and said to me:
“Let your heart retain my words;
Keep my commands, and live.”

Proverbs 4:1-4 NKJV

Take our Courageous Challenge

Tuesday, September 27, 2011, 7:50 pm |

If you want to be a better father or learn what a good father looks like, I want to encourage you to see the new film, “Courageous,” opening this weekend.

We must all recognize that America has a fatherhood crisis. The crime, immorality, materialism, selfishness, laziness, idolatry, and hatred of God and man in society can be traced to the lack of Godly fathers in the home (or completely missing from the home).

For if a father leads, loves, provides, and shepherds his family to trust and obey God with a heart of love and actions that follow, his children will be positive lights in our culture, making it better, not worse. As “Courageous” vividly depicts, just being “a good enough father” doesn’t cut it.

Listen to my latest SaveCalifornia.com Minute to be reminded of the consequences of not capturing your daughter’s heart.

Any father who wants to discover his God-given purpose can do exactly that by seeing “Courageous.” That’s why SaveCalifornia.com is getting behind the life-changing, family-rescuing film. Love your your family and see “Courageous” this weekend, and tell others.

Take SaveCalifornia.com’s COURAGEOUS Challenge

Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.
Let all that you do be done with love.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14 NKJV

How to be a great dad

Tuesday, September 20, 2011, 2:27 pm | Webmaster

What would save children, save families, and turn our society around? Super Bowl-winning coach Tony Dungy shares one of the most important things that fathers can do: “If your kids know that you care about them and you’re trying your best to make them the best children they can be, that makes you a great dad.”

WATCH: See Coach Tony Dungy’s 1-minute wisdom

Do you part to restore families by raising the standard for Godly fathers

It’s “Courageous Dads Month” at SaveCalifornia.com. Opening Sept. 30 in theaters, COURAGEOUS, by the makers of Fireproof and Facing the Giants, shows dads their divine purpose. COURAGEOUS has good action, a superb story, and is a must-see for pro-family Americans.

ACTION: Visit our Courageous page for your enjoyable action steps

Take another quick minute. Catch the vision of impacting families for good from SaveCalifornia.com President Randy Thomasson and Courageous film producer and co-writer Stephen Kendrick:

LISTEN: SaveCalifornia.com Minute “Win Your Kids’ Hearts”

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet
Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.
And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,
And the hearts of the children to their fathers,
Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

Malachi 4:5-6 NKJV