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Government-run health care war is exposing the enemies of liberty

Sunday, November 8, 2009, 9:36 pm |

It’s sad and scary that the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed the government takeover of health care Saturday night. The initial vote passing HR 3962 was only by two votes before a very scared Republican from New Orleans named Anh Cao added on.

Thank you to our SaveCalifornia.com and SaveAmerica.com activists who called House members in the final hours before the vote. Your time and effort was worth it, because the vote on this terrible bill was so very close.

The good news is that the enemies of liberty and personal responsibility are being exposed to angry voters who are looking forward to the 2010 elections. 

More good news is that HR 3962 is said to be “dead on arrival” in the U.S. Senate. That’s where 40 Republican senators oppose a government-run plan, and Independent Joe Lieberman and two or three Democrats don’t like it either.

Remember, it takes 60 votes to break a filibuster, and without Lieberman and every single Democrat, government-controlled health care can be filibustered until it is dead. Watch Lieberman on Fox News Sunday promise to oppose the so-called “public option.”

HR 3962 is a 2,032-page monstrosity. It removes choice and responsibility from individuals and hands over tremendous power and control to the government. A health-care solution that so vastly increases the size of government and imposes large fines and jail time for noncompliance is the wrong solution.

Elected representatives would do much better to remind people that they, not the government, are responsible for healthy living and their own health insurance. True reform would empower families and individuals to purchase private-sector health care insurance that is much more affordable, accessible, and portable.

This is a philosophical debate over whether people should be in charge of their health, or whether they should abandon all choices and rewards and let the government ‘take care’ of them instead. Americans must remember that, to maintain a free society, we must respect personal responsibility and restrict the size of government.

It was a mistake for pro-life Republicans to vote for a pro-life amendment that enabled this government-run health care bill to pass. Any pro-life legislator should have realized that voting for the Stupak amendment was ensuring that the government healthcare takeover would succeed, and that defeating the government takeover would have also prohibited abortions being performed with federal taxpayer dollars. Therefore, we are not counting the Stupak amendment as a pro-life vote, but as a mistake at best and a deceitful scheme at worst.

For more information read:

The Wall Street Journal, “The Worst Bill Ever,” Nov. 1, 2009
Congressman John Shadegg Statement on Stupak Amendment, Nov. 8, 2009

The Oklahoma Daily, “Government interference in health care not needed,” Nov. 5, 2009

The Heritage Foundation, “Health Care Reform: Design Principles for a Patient-Centered, Consumer-Based Market,” April 23, 2008

Why did Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett die?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 6:02 pm |

It’s sad when anyone dies young. Human beings created in the image of God are precious, and life is indeed a gift of God.

In the Middle Ages, dying in your 50s and 60s was common. But better food, cleaner water, and modern research, surgery, prevention techniques and medicine have today made 77.7 years the average life expectancy in the United States.

Many people were shocked that Michael Jackson died at age 50 and Farah Fawcett at age 62. But modern medicine could not have prevented what these celebrities did to themselves. It was Jackson’s and Fawcett’s own behavior that led to their relatively short lives.

This sober truth should serve as a warning to young people: don’t get hooked on prescription drugs or other artificial substances, don’t engage in sexual activity before marriage, don’t get your value from the attention that people lavish upon you, etc.

The faces of Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett are in the grocery-store stands and are saturating the media. Young and old, churched and unchurched, are talking about them.

I’ve researched these facts to empower you with knowledge so that you can talk with young people, to warn them about the wrong way to live. For, as poet and philosopher George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Michael Jackson

As a child, Michael Jackson’s identity was damaged by his father and never restored. In his 30+ years of adult independence, the “king of pop” made a series of horrible lifestyle choices that led to his early demise. Outliving Jackson is his father (age 80) and his mother (age 79). Read more

Are “passive pastors” to blame for bad government?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 4:41 pm |

Molotov Mitchell has a new video called “Who’s to blame?” which takes on priests and pastors that don’t speak out against homosexuality and abortion or teach Biblical standards for voting.

“Priests and pastors,” says Mitchell, “are the voice of America’s conscience, and many of them have grown silent, leaving congregations of voters adrift and confused.”

“Shepherds should not fear their flock,” he concludes. “That’s not leadership. That’s not Jesus.”

View this provocative two-and-a-half minute video. Then send it to your friends, family, pastors and priests who need a Biblical challenge.

Did Joel Osteen really say he doesn’t ever preach about abortion or homosexuality because it’s a “distraction”? Yes, he did, in 2006 in a TV interview with Barbara Walters.

As a born-again Christian and a pro-family patriot, I agree with this video’s challenging message. It’s high time and long overdue for pastors to start leading for moral values in their communities!

SaveCalifornia.com can train pastors or anyone to take the first steps.

I think the relevant Bible verses that apply to this video are John 10:11-152 Timothy 4:1-5, John 12:42-43, and Matthew 5:13.