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Give the gift of parental rights

Friday, December 6, 2013, 8:30 pm | Randy Thomasson

gifts_v14You know how a small word of encouragement can make a big difference?

Sometimes it takes just one person to affirm why we do what we do. Like Missy, who wrote on our Facebook page: “Thank you Randy for all you do for us parents.”

It’s not long or fancy. But it caught my attention. And it means a lot.

Because reaching, activating, and fighting for the rights of parents and the protection of children is a top priority of the SaveCalifornia.com team.

And even in this Christmas season, the moral assault upon families is intense. Even Christmas itself is under attack!

But just as the Liberal Left doesn’t stop pushing their immoral agenda, neither will SaveCalifornia.com stop boldly fighting the good fight for children and families.

And with your help today, we can continue to make an impact for good — for parental consent, for informed consent, for man-woman marriage, for the importance of fatherhood and motherhood, and to protect children from moral ruin.

Will you empower SaveCalifornia.com to represent you in the battle? To work, lead, and fight for parental rights statewide in 2014? Right now, you can help make the difference for us.

Please give your best gift today
Your donation is tax-deductible

In 2013, SaveCalifornia.com led for parental consent on many fronts, including:

  • Alerting fathers and mothers to the sexually perverse agenda happening behind their backs in government schools.
  • Informing parents of the 10 “LGBT” laws harming children in California public schools.
  • Rallying dads and moms to boycott sexual indoctrination events, such as “Day of Silence” and “Harvey Milk Gay Day.”
  • Providing both short- and long-term educational solutions for families.
  • Producing “Church Rescue Packets” showing pastors how to start low-cost schools to rescue children in their congregations and communities.
  • Reaching countless parents — through media interviews, internet, social media, and purchased radio ads — who otherwise don’t realize the threat to their rights.
  • Empowering parents with the tools they need to protect the hearts, minds, souls, and bodies of their children.

You can help achieve more successes in 2014 with your support of SaveCalifornia.com and our Campaign for Children and Families. Will you consider giving a gift of $20 or more today to further our defense of parental rights, the foundation of family?

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration at this important time. Together, we’re standing for the best values the world has ever known — God’s moral virtues for the benefit of mankind. Thank you.

Please give your best gift today
Your donation is tax-deductible

SaveCalifornia.com is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.

California: A half-full glass

Wednesday, December 4, 2013, 2:55 pm | Randy Thomasson


SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Do you see the glass half full or half empty?

I invite you to see the significantly good potential in a half-full glass of water, and all the satisfying quenching of thirst it can bring. Especially if it’s a big, tall glass.

The State of California is like that glass. And there are guaranteed opportunities to fill this big, tall glass with clean, sparkling, nourishing water that helps children and families as God desires.

So instead of thinking it’s impossible to fill the glass more, grasp the reality that indeed it is possible. And realize you are part of the faucet that releases the water that fills the glass.

‘Loser’ vs. ‘winner’ conservatives

Consider that there are actual or near majorities of Californian voters who support man-woman marriage, are against many types of baby-killing abortions, and who want lower prices and lower taxes. Conservative values are not extinct, just underrepresented in our elected representatives.

Now ask yourself — are liberals responsible for bad government, or are conservatives? Consider that:

• Many conservatives don’t vote or vote regularly

• Most conservatives don’t speak out publicly to educate other voters

• Many conservative pastors don’t help their congregations vote right in God’s sight

• Most conservatives never donate to or volunteer for good candidates

• Too many conservatives who know better have thrown up their hands and “dropped out”

The conclusion is obvious. Conservatives have been thinking like losers and not like community activists. This “loser” behavior must stop. For winners never have a “loser” attitude. Instead of imagining failure, they imagine success!

Your historic opportunity

Stop and realize that 2014 is California’s big election year. And for all those who see the glass as half-full, an election year is good, not bad. It’s good because you have an opportunity to make our government and laws and culture better.

On the ballot are governor and all the other statewide offices. Also up for grabs is every state assembly seat, half the state senate seats, and all of California’s congressional seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Because so much is at stake, I’m challenging every moral conservative to choose to make a difference for God’s values here on earth. The results are in your hands, because whoever fights harder for something usually wins it.

How to make a simple and strong difference in your community in the 2014 elections:

1. Distribute a candidate information flyer: Report and compare the popular moral/social/fiscal positions of area candidates on a flyer. Make it look good, and document as much information as you can. Put these flyers on the windshields of vehicles in shopping centers, church lots, neighborhoods – and of course, online. Maximize your social engineering, a special website, and any other creative ideas you have. And recruit home schooling and church schooling teenagers to distribute flyers on a given Saturday or Sunday.

2. Find a candidate with great values and volunteer to hold a fundraising “coffee”: When a candidate is morally principled and has a chance to win, you can really help by inviting your friends to meet the candidate in your home, which is his or her opportunity to ask for funding for mailers and other essential campaign activities. Invite your value-voter friends over and have them bring their checkbook!

3. Consider starting a community group to do even more: One person can powerfully influence others. See how at SaveCalifornia.com’s Training Center (download “10 Ways To Build A Pro-Family Army”).

Here are the declared or likely candidates for Governor (in alphabetical order):

Jerry Brown

Tim Donnelly

Neel Kashmir

Abel Maldonado

Now are you motivated? For the love of God and people, turn on your faucet.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
Proverbs 29:2 NKJV

Your values were championed on Russian TV

Tuesday, November 26, 2013, 6:00 pm | Randy Thomasson

RussianTVaYou’ll be pleased that God’s values for children and families were seen and heard on a leading Russian TV news program.

In November, SaveCalifornia.com and the Sacramento mom we brought to talk to a Russian reporter and cameraman helped educate millions of Russian-speaking people in Eastern Europe, as well as in the United States.

Right now, Russia and other Slavic nations are being intensely targeted by homosexual-bisexual-transsexual activists, who are demanding official approval.

But my evidence-based moral arguments and the reporter’s eye-opening details from San Francisco and Sacramento are convincing Slavic families of the unnatural, unhealthy, unbiblical, tyrannical “LGBT” threat to children, parental rights, and religious freedom. We’re motivating them to stand and fight, and not back down.

Watch the 13-minute RTR report and read the partial English-to-Russian-to-English transcript below:

Reporter: These brightly colored children’s books are the ABC’s of gay love and non-traditional lifestyles introduced into American schools in the state of California starting from kindergarten age 5.

This illustrated book titled “Daddy’s RussianTVbRoommate” is meant for readers as young as 4-years-old. The story is simple: dad divorces mom and marries a brunette man in a bright Hawaiian shirt. They live together and the book indicates that this is normal. They sleep together, shave together, and here we see the mom who is clearly supporting their relationship.

The children are also taught in their schools about their friends, the transsexuals. How to dress like a man or woman is described here in this book. [reading from book] Ruby was born male, she identifies as female. Ruby sometimes wears her favorite dress and puts on lipstick and eyeshadow.

Randy Thomasson: “They’re trying to normalize what’s not normal. For example, if a boy says that I want to dress like a girl, then governmental American schools will reply that, ‘Oh! This is a good feeling, so we will help you change your clothing.’ But this child is in need of psychological help. More than often, the reason for this psychological disorder is the child was subjected to sexual abuse in his family.”

Nadia Otterstad: “This small minority group is changing all of our laws and this is putting pressure on us — normal traditional families — because we are increasingly losing our rights as parents. We honestly don’t have rights, I would say. Our children will not go to public school. My husband and I want to educate our children at home because that is where we as parents will have control of our children.”

RussianTVcRandy Thomasson: “The LGBTQ activists all say that they are the victims but are in fact victimizing everyone else. For example, here in California, if you own a Christian bookstore, selling religious church books, and a man that is dressed like a woman — a transsexual — applies for a job — if you don’t hire him, you may be subjected to a fine of $150,000. The same also goes for all other businesses.”

Randy Thomasson: “Sexual practices are not civil rights, but a behavior. That is why many African Americans are offended with this — they know what true civil rights are and aren’t. Race is obviously identity, but LBGTQ groups stole this idea of civil rights, they hijacked it.”

TAKE ACTION: Educate others with the truth. Please forward or share this information with your friends today.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Visit Not Born This Way at SaveCalifornia.com to understand the negative consequences of homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality to individuals, families, and our society. And realize the sexual indoctrination happening in K-12 government schools by visiting SaveCalifornia.com’s RescueYourChild.com.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9 NKJV