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Video: On CNN defending children and families

Tuesday, August 13, 2013, 10:57 pm | Randy Thomasson


My CNN appearance Tuesday was part of SaveCalifornia.com’s loving message of Truth, and one of the reasons people support our frontline work for children and families.

This live, nationwide interview was about the newly-signed transsexual agenda law of California’s Democrat politicians permitting biological boys in girls’ public school restrooms, showers, clubs, and sports teams, and biological girls in boys’ public school restrooms, showers, clubs, and sports teams.

On CNN, I shared why cross-dressing and “sex changes” are unnatural, are not a civil right, how AB 1266 destroys sexual boundaries, and why morally-sensitive parents are leaving the government schools behind.

At the beginning of the interview, the liberal host calls the woman, who is a transsexual activist, “sir,” and refers both to her and me as “gentlemen.” But at the end of the interview, I say “good to talk to you ladies,” because both the host and my bearded opponent are indeed biological females. (Of course, the bearded Masen Davis didn’t like this fact at all and she’s complaining to CNN about me — how tyrannical and anti-free-speech!)

SaveCalifornia.com loves all people, yet confused or malicious folks who don’t care about facts or truth call our love “hate.” But it’s a fact that if you’ve inherited a Y chromosome from your father, you’re male; if not, you’re female. No one can alter God’s unchanging laws of Nature. But the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual activists and their supporters can’t be bothered with facts, can they? Instead, they engage in ad hominem arguments and personal attacks.

Meanwhile, Jerry Brown, the Democrat state legislators, and the intolerant “LGBT” groups and their media allies are leading millions of children to support, vote for, and embrace unnatural and unhealthy lifestyles by promoting role models and behaviors that are detrimental, not beneficial.

Please stand with SaveCalifornia.com in our campaign for Truth, and please rescue your children and grandchildren if you haven’t done so already.

See my 5-minute CNN appearance with a bearded lady

See SaveCalifornia.com’s “Not Born This Way” facts + help

Parents, rescue your children from immoral public schools

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Enforcing Prop. 8: 1st lawsuit filed, 2nd needed

Friday, July 12, 2013, 9:43 pm | Randy Thomasson


Good news! The first lawsuit to enforce Prop. 8 was filed Friday morning, asking the California Supreme Court for injunctive relief to halt illegal, unconstitutional homosexual “marriages” in at least 56 of 58 California counties. Read these excellent arguments

As SaveCalifornia.com has been explaining to anyone who will listen, the boss of every California public official is the written state constitution, not what a judge or an elected official opines.

Every public servant swears to “support and defend” the plainly written words in California’s supreme law. Yet in the Prop. 8 legal battle, the California Constitution has been ignored by domestic enemies of our Republic.

While today’s filing with the California Supreme Court is great news, what’s also needed now to enforce Prop. 8 is a 2nd lawsuit by one or more county clerks. Why? Because this first lawsuit might not be successful, and we absolutely need to ensure success for real, man-woman marriage by doing our utmost.

ACTION: Please email, fax or call our SaveCalifornia.com’s 4 talking points to clerks in these 18 strongly pro-marriage areas. Urge them to sue the State to uphold Prop. 8 on man-woman marriage.

Why a 2nd case with a clerk suing the State of California is needed:

1. Our pro-marriage legal effort is stronger with two cases

2. The Prop. 8 legal battle is stronger with more attorneys on our side speaking in court (there will be multiple attorneys in court advocating against Prop. 8)

3. A county clerk has better chance of being recognized by the court (achieving “standing”)

4. A county clerk has better chance of winning on the merits

5. A clerk has a real conflict that the court must necessarily solve, while the petition filed today is asking the court to do a favor that may seem optional to judges; indeed, some call it a “long shot” bid

6. A clerk case would strengthen the Protect Marriage case by demonstrating to the court that the clerk quandary is real, not hypothetical

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”
Jesus Christ in Matthew 19:4-6 NKJV

Dad, you’re the foundation of family

Sunday, June 16, 2013, 9:03 am | admin


Dad, you have POWER — for you possess the greatest influence on your children. From you comes God’s select genders for your boys and girls, your deeper voice to guide and comfort them, and your inspiring strength to teach them, provide for them, and protect them. Happy Father’s Day — may you eat and drink of God’s vision for you as a man, and enjoy real purpose and success in His sight.