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On the record: Liberals deny truth of homosexuality

Wednesday, July 20, 2011, 10:18 pm |

The biggest and most immoral government union in California is the 340,000-member California  Teachers Association (CTA). Extorting and giving millions of dollars to promote homosexual “marriages,” homosexual-bisexual-transsexual “curriculum,” and to oppose parental notification for abortion on the ballot, the CTA is also a big supporter of SB 48, “LGBT” role models, which Jerry Brown signed into law on July 14.

So you can imagine my gladness that this Monday on liberal KPBS Radio in San Diego, I had the privilege of going head-to-head with CTA President Dean Vogel. But get this: On the air, Vogel said he didn’t want to discuss the origins of homosexuality or the high HIV and STD rates of homosexuals. Also piling on me was the host, Maureen Cavanaugh, who said many in her audience were offended when I reported there is no “gay gene,” but there are thousands of former homosexuals. Hear it now | Resign from the teachers’ union | See our SB 48 veto letter showing no need for more “LGBT” “anti-bullying” laws

Earlier in the debate, Vogel, who’s a big promoter of the “LGBT” agenda, admitted that the purpose of SB 48 is to make every child in California public schools communicate to homosexuals, bisexuals, and transsexuals that “they’re not abnormal.”

Yet, after I stated the scientific and logical truth — that homosexuality is neither natural nor healthy and is not inherited, thus it was not appropriate to include among races and ethnicities in curriculum — CTA’s Vogel had the arrogance to conclude that I was not discussing the subject “thoughtfully,” but was being “ideological.”

What a contrast between fact and fiction. I was being scientific and logical, while the CTA president was blindly and ideologically refusing to care or think about homosexuality’s non-biological origins, homosexuality’s health risk, the obvious risks to children from “LGBT” indoctrination, and the existence of God-given parental rights (he ignored a direct question about that from the host).

Listen now to this revealing 10-minute radio “discussion”

On the recording, you’ll also hear from the San Diego County Office of Education representative, who, at the end of her segment, discloses that, while “LGBT”-affirming textbooks will take awhile to be approved and printed, supplemental materials implementing SB 48’s “LGBT” role models mandate will start being taught to children as soon as January. She agreed her office “has a big job to do” to change the curriculum, and will “work closely with our statewide network and history-based organizations…to provide access to supplemental resources in the interim.”

The kicker of it all was the host introducing the next segment. Although she was zero interested in the science confirming that homosexuality is not biologically based, and seemed to disrespect the HIV data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Maureen Cavanaugh introduced the next segment, saying, “Coming up, the first scientific results are in from the Scripps voyage to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.”

Learn this lesson

Have you noticed how on the topic of homosexuality, the liberal establishment often asks, “How does that harm you?” They want you to say God’s word is against it (which is true), so that they can dismiss you as being “ideological” or having a “religious bias.”

But when you get back to the main subject and bring out the two gods of liberalism — “Reason” and “Science” — they recoil in fear. They are covering their ears because they can’t stand the prospect of science or logic proving them wrong. Their tactic is to cease to be logical, fall into emotionalism, and engage in ad hominem personal attacks to try to change the subject.

Lesson: Change the debate and reach reasonable people with the truth by using the science which demonstrates homosexuality is neither natural nor healthy. Thus, the foundation of official “civil rights status” on the basis of homosexuality falls apart, and so do all the “sexual orientation” laws.

For, in the United States, all adult citizens have the same legal and constitutional rights, but not “civil rights” based on behavior. A “civil right” cannot be changeable and must be “immutable.” Yet since homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality are behaviors, they don’t qualify for special “civil rights status,” which legitimately belongs to immutable race, for example. Get empowered by the facts at SaveCalifornia.com’s “Not Born This Way” page

Action: Rescue your children from SB 48 and all the other government-school sexual indoctrination laws. Visit RescueYourChild.com now, and tell your friends.

Donate to help: SaveCalifornia.com is the #1 voice in California right now telling people the truth about homosexuality. Please help us with a generous gift today.

Deliver those who are being taken away to death,
And those who are staggering to slaughter, Oh hold them back.
If you say, “See, we did not know this,”
Does He not consider it who weighs the hearts?
And does He not know it who keeps your soul?
And will He not render to man according to his work?
Proverbs 24:11-12 NASB

Deadline looms for SB 48, fax Jerry Brown

Tuesday, July 12, 2011, 4:52 pm |

I predict that Jerry Brown will either sign or veto SB 48 as soon as this Friday. His deadline is the end of Monday, July 18. But since this is a very controversial bill and people on either side will be disappointed, I expect him to do the “political thing” and act on Friday or Saturday to try to hide it in the news.

Right now, SaveCalifornia.com is doing 3 new things to help you oppose SB 48, which mandates homosexual-bisexual-transsexual role models in textbooks for children in government schools:

1. Today, SaveCalifornia.com delivered our veto letter to Brown. It is very strong and makes arguments that even a reasonable liberal can understand. Read it here.

2. Got letterhead? You can have maximum impact by writing a simple SB 48 veto request letter on your business, church, organization, or school letterhead and faxing it to Jerry Brown. See our easy instructions and also see how to flood Brown with calls and emails. Please act Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning and as soon as possible.

3. Please call in tonight at 9:00 PT when I’m on the syndicated Alan Colmes radio show opposing and exposing the harm of homosexual-bisexual-transsexual role models for children in California government schools. Listen live here. It’s 2 against 1 (I’m going against SB 48’s author, homosexual State Senator Mark Leno of San Francisco), so please help me by calling in at 1-877-367-2526 (use our talking points here and here and here.)

If you’ve been thinking about donating to SaveCalifornia.com, please do! Right now, we need your help to warn millions of parents about the immoral attacks on their children. Donate here.

Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?
…Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law,
Have fellowship with You?
They gather together against the life of the righteous,
And condemn innocent blood.

Psalm 94:16, 20-21 NKJV

Grasp this good news for California families

Friday, July 1, 2011, 6:03 am |

Too many pro-family Californians have become cynical that anything good can happen in Sacramento. I don’t blame you. With anti-family, socialist Democrats in charge, and foolish voters who didn’t understand the benefits of partisan primaries or the protection that a 2/3rds vote on the budget offered, many California conservatives have lost hope. But when reality proclaims good news, you’ve got to take notice and be glad.

Because no Republican state legislator voted for tax or fee hikes, Jerry Brown and the Democrats failed to achieve a 2/3rds vote to get what they were pushing hard for — a multi-year “extension” of the 2009 tax increases: sales tax hike, income tax hike, car tax hike, and a major reduction in the child tax credit. All combined, the average California family would have lost nearly $1,000 per year. The good news is none of this materialized thanks to friends of SaveCalifornia.com and many others who encouraged the Republicans to hold firm and say no to more taxes.

Starting July 1, here is how your California state taxes and fees will have changed. As you can see, it’s mostly good news and mostly victories for taxpaying families and individuals:

1. Sales tax down 1 full percentage point
2. Car tax (vehicle license fee) nearly cut in half
3. The 2009 income tax hike expired Dec. 31, 2010
4. The 2009 slashing of the dependent tax credit from $309 to $99 expired Dec. 31, 2010
(Remember, the Democrats were trying hard to extend all these taxes, but they failed.)
5. Car tax is going up $12 (but that’s a likely lawsuit under Prop. 26 to strike it down)
6. $150 fee for residents in CalFire zones (another likely lawsuit under Prop. 26)
7. Sales tax enforced for Amazon.com and other businesses that have affiliates, workers, offices, property in California (as a result, Amazon.com, Christianbook.com and others have ended their California affiliate programs; so, California online businesses have been harmed, but you can still make tax-free online purchases from most online sellers that are outside California)
We’ve done further analysis of ABx1_28, the so-called “Amazon tax,” passed by the Democrat legislators and signed by Democrat Governor Jerry Brown. And we must correct our initial view that it will subject all online purchases to sales tax. Actually, hardly any new online sales tax will come from the new online sales tax law. Why? Because it only applies to online sellers that have workers, affiliates, offices, or property in California.

And already, online companies are taking steps to avoid the new tax, which enables their customers avoid the new tax. And in the 48 hours after the “Amazon tax” was signed, Amazon.com, Overstock.com, Christianbook.com and other out-of-state online sellers have sent notices to more than 25,000 California small businesses notifying them that they can no longer be affiliates.

Therefore, when Californians purchase from an out-of-state online seller, you are not likely to be charged sales tax because those sellers have severed ties with their California affiliates, and thus no longer have a “physical presence” in the state. They will have successfully skirted the new law and consumers will be “safe.”

So what’s the effect of the new online sales tax law? More than 25,000 small businesses in California will be harmed or eliminated, the economy will be further harmed, and the state government will end up losing revenue, not gaining it. This is the stupidity of Jerry Brown and the Democrat legislators. But consumers won’t likely pay any more tax online than they’ve already been paying.
Also, if you are a California affiliate of an online seller and your sales prices add up to no more than $10,000 a year in sales, you are exempt from the new sales tax law.
As the Los Angeles Times reports:
That’s because the new requirement applies only to online sellers based out of state that have some connection to California, such as workers, warehouses or offices here.
California’s new law was drafted to circumvent a 1992 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that sellers can’t be forced to collect sales taxes unless they have a physical presence in the state.
The new statute would establish that presence in two ways: when sellers pay commissions to other Internet sites in California, known as affiliates, that refer buyers; and when sellers have a related company operating in the state.
Understand more:
ABx1_28 | Analysis of Russ Fox, E.A. | Los Angeles Times | PCMag.com | CNET.com

Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established;
and by knowledge the rooms shall be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.
Proverbs 24:3-4 (NASB)