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Don’t miss Jesus’ values this Christmas

Wednesday, December 23, 2009, 6:36 pm |

The natural family is the foundation of civilization. But Jesus is the foundation of Christmas. Without Jesus Christ as the main focus of December 25, it is no longer CHRISTmas!

Think about it. Do you enjoy the 1965 TV special, “A Charlie Brown Christmas” ? I sure do, because it’s deep and touches the soul. Charlie Brown, feeling like a failure as a Christmas pageant director, cries out, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is about?” And Linus says, “Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about.”

Although he was earlier worried over memorizing his part of the pageant, Linus goes to center stage, asks for stage lights and recites the Christmas story verbatim from Luke 2:8-14 in the King James Bible. He concludes and turns to a visibly moved Charlie Brown, saying, “That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.”
On this sacred holiday, I want to remind you that understanding the real meaning of Christmas can provide you joy and peace no matter your family or economic or health situation. True joy is found in the Reason for the Season — Jesus Christ, who was born, lived, died and rose again for you.


The literal definition of “Christmas” is Christ’s Mass, a feast commemorating the Virgin Birth of God miraculously coming in the human form of Jesus to offer Himself as a sacrifice for our sins and to offer us eternal life now and after physical death. Truly, He is the best gift of all, satisfying the restless human soul. With the Spirit of Jesus in your heart, you can be joyful despite anything else.


What are your traditions that help you worship God? Here are five ideas on making your Christmas more meaningful to yourself and others:

1. Reignite the joy of the Lord by going to a Christmas Eve or Christmas Day church service. You can also view Christmas Eve church services, such as at harvest.org.

2. Before opening any presents, read aloud and talk about the Christmas story  in Luke chapter 1 or Matthew chapters 1 and 2.
3. Before your Christmas Day meal, pray to God specifically to thank Him for the gift of Himself, coming as Jesus Christ, to offer to save us from our sins by taking our punishment on Himself on the cross. In this special Christmas prayer, let Him know you regard His gift as incomparable to any other!

4. Reach out to the lonely or needy. Invite them into your home or visit a convalescent home and take your children or grandchildren. The elderly or disabled in convalescent homes love talking with visitors and seeing young children.

5. If someone can play a musical instrument, join together to sing sacred Christmas carols, remembering the sweet love of God expressed in Jesus’ miraculous birth.


As 2009 comes to a close, please remember SaveCalifornia.com in your year-end giving. This is a crucial time for us and we need your help. Click here to donate online or by mail.

Celebrate with us 10 years of SaveCalifornia.com serving you on the front lines — working, leading and fighting for pro-family, moral values in government, media and the culture.

Catch the vision for 2010! I invite you to see SaveCalifornia.com in action and hear from my heart.
Watch my 3-minute video report on our 2009 accomplishments and 2010 goals.

Thank you. Again, JOYous CHRISTmas to you and your family!

Randy Thomasson
Founder and President
SaveCalifornia.com | SaveAmerica.com

Join me for pro-family hope in 2010

Monday, December 14, 2009, 1:33 pm |

“Thank you for your vigilance, your diligence and your persistence in opposing all the wrong that is being perpetrated by those determined to turn California into a liberal cesspool. WE ARE WITH YOU!”
Mike in Yuba City, CA

“Thank you for championing the values God’s Word instructs us to uphold. May God bless you.”
Laura in Aliso Viejo, CA

They say time flies as we age.

Now that I’m in my mid-40’s, I have to say, yes, time seems to whiz by much faster!

So it’s almost hit me by surprise that this is the 10-year anniversary of SaveCalifornia.com. That’s right, in 1999, SaveCalifornia.com was born. Our statewide pro-family organization launched with a vision and passion to strongly and innovatively fight for God’s moral and family values in the government, media and culture.

And oh, how my faith was stretched. We started with $0 in the bank. But we had a solid purpose and a pure, raw belief that people who cared would come alongside and support us. And thank God that they did!

Now, 10 years later, SaveCalifornia.com is recognized as a principled leader for family values. We diligently work, lead and fight for you and millions of others who believe in marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, back-to-basics education and good government. 

Through all our frontline battles — day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year — it is only by God’s blessing and people like you who tangibly support SaveCalifornia.com that we can publicly shine the light of truth that people urgently need to see and hear.

Armed with a servant’s heart and unshakable values, SaveCalifornia.com rose to the next level in 2009. With God’s help and yours, we delivered moral truth to millions through TV, radio and print media; harnessed new technology for greater impact; led the battle to rescue children from immoral school indoctrination; and expanded nationally through SaveAmerica.com. I’m grateful for your participation…and I invite you to
stand with us in 2010.

Will you empower SaveCalifornia.com as we enter the New Year? Right now, we truly need your help to continue our work for God, family and country. And strategically, we need your personal support to vigorously take our message to the next level. For we live in a culture that desperately needs to hear, see and respect moral standards that benefit everyone.

Please take a moment right now to say “Yes, I will do my part to help. I’m standing with SaveCalifornia.com.” Your gift of $20, $50, $100, $200, $1,000 or more will help us finish 2009 well. And strategically, your generous donation will help us enter 2010 as an even stronger voice, leader and teacher in California and beyond.

Donate online now | Donate by mail

While some are tempted to “drop out” when bad bills pass and anti-family forces seem to overshadow, that is not the attitude or response that God desires.  As a Christian, I know I am called to be faithful, to persevere, to reach people with the truth, and to not give up. All morally-sensitive persons and students of history will understand that courageously respresenting truth and rescuing minds one person at a time is always a

Help us win more people’s hearts by supporting SaveCalifornia.com’s essential goals for 2010:

1. Rescue as many children as possible from immoral, anti-family, anti-God indoctrination in in K-12 government schools.

2. Teach people of faith to align themselves with Biblical standards of morality.

3. Challenge the mainstream culture to accept the truth and change their thinking on moral and family issues.

As a pro-family citizen who wants to rescue California and the nation from liberal takeover, your tax-deductible gift today will help SaveCalifornia.com work to achieve much-needed goals to redeem the culture and to be your voice on the frontlines. Thank you for standing with us and for helping as you can.

Donate online now | Donate by mail

From my heart to yours, I deeply appreciate your friendship and support. For without you, there’s no us. I wish you a JOYous CHRISTmas and a COURAGEOUS New Year!

Founder and President
Campaign for Children and Families
SaveCalifornia.com | SaveAmerica.com

Marriage and Family
Parental Rights
Sanctity of Human Life
Religious Freedom
Financial Freedom
Back-to-Basics Education

Innovative Leadership
Pro-Family Media Voice
Citizen Empowerment
Legislative Watchdog
Voter Activation
State and National Focus

How to have a thankful Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 4:33 pm |

When you boil down all the problems in America, it gets down to people’s refusal to submit to and obey God. If we loved God by following His rules, families would be much more intact, crime significantly diminished, jobs would flourish, diseases would lessen, moral values would be respected, and government would know its place.

Just as we need instruction manuals for cooking, assemble-yourself-furniture, good marriage, good parenting, the complex gadgets we buy, and new tasks on the job, we also need the B-I-B-L-E (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) to understand what Thanksgiving is all about.

The Bible tells us that people who regularly thank God are very different from people who are unthankful, who are associated with foolish and wicked people (see Romans 1).

What do you thank God for? To enjoy a real Thanksgiving in your heart, I offer you this short, encouraging read: “How to have a thankful Thanksgiving.”