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Carrie Prejean: 4 of 12 Miss USA Pageant judges were homosexuals

Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 2:40 pm |

Former Miss California Carrie Prejean is backing up her claim that she lost the Miss USA Pageant because of intolerant homosexual judges.

Monday night, Carrie was on Fox News with Greta van Susteren.  In addition to saying she had talked with Donald Trump, Carrie dropped a bombshell by saying that 4 of the 12 telecast judges were openly homosexual:

VAN SUSTEREN: So you think that the reason why you did not win the overall was because of this particular question?

PREJEAN: I that Perez Hilton admitted it. He said that she was front-runner, and he underscored me the lowest. And three of the other judges were gay, also, which I don’t think a lot of people know that.  But I think that definitely was a huge reason why I did not win.

Remember, on April 21 on NBC’s Today Show, Miss USA Pageant judge Claudia Jordan admitted that “a few of the judges were very against her, they were bothered by her answer.” On the same program, Miss USA Pageant owner Donald Trump said that Carrie’s answer “probably did cost her the crown.”

It’s now obvious that homosexuals discriminated against a contestant for her free speech and religious faith. Who’s unfair now? And who’s victimizing whom?

In our 21st-century culture, I have found that homosexual judges and homosexual politicians are inherently unfair to anyone who disagrees with their homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda.

So if you’re ever asked, “Would you vote for ___________, who also happens to be gay?”, you can respond with “I can’t.  Homosexual  elected officials unfairly discriminate against people who believe in traditional marriage, the natural family, natural sex, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. That’s anti-American.”

New poll says most Americans call themselves conservative

Monday, June 15, 2009, 9:53 pm |

There’s a new Gallup poll that has excited some of my friends. Self-described conservatives are now the nation’s largest voter bloc.

Yet I wonder if most “conservatives” are “fiscal conservatives” who like their money, rather than “moral conservatives” who believe in God, family and country.

I say this because another Gallup poll found most conservatives now support open homosexuality in the military.

In the last five years, there’s been a 12-point leap in favor of homosexualizing the military among “conservatives.” To me, this displays the success of carnal Hollywood and public school indoctrination and the failure of the Church to teach young people applicable standards for society, voting, and government policies. Pastors need to repent!

The truth is, allowing open homosexuality in the barracks and showers of enlisted men and women will harm our military by ruining esprit d’corps. Learn why from the Center for Military Readiness.

Yet on simpler, more understandable issues, such as  “what is marriage” and “do babies in the womb have a right to life,” most Americans still know and stand on the truth:

1. Americans oppose homosexual “marriage” legalization 57-40%, which is higher support for natural marriage than two years ago.

2. For the first time in a generation, most Americans call themselves pro-life on abortion.

Is there a battle for family values and moral standards in America, where victory is up for grabs? You betcha.

Former Miss California more bold and articulate than ever

Sunday, June 14, 2009, 3:51 pm |

After avoiding media the first 24 hours after she was “fired” as Miss California, Carrie Prejean did several big TV interviews Thursday and Friday.

I’m proud of what she’s saying. More bold and articulate than ever, Carrie is expressing her disgust with the Miss California / Miss USA pageant’s intolerance of freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, and freedom to support natural marriage between a man and a woman.

Right now, Carrie is the #1 voice in America educating people that there is a war against free speech and against marriage. She’s doing such a good job, the anti-God liberals hate her all the more. Pray for her, won’t you?

Showing his vindictiveness, homosexual activist Keith Lewis, director of the Miss California USA Pageant, has replaced Carrie at the Special Olympics, which Carrie has been involved in for years. Learn more about Keith Lewis from my previous blog.

Carrie has issued a statement and is doing updates on her blog.

Some of Carrie’s major interviews Thursday and Friday:

Sean Hannity, Fox News Channel
Geraldo at Large, Fox News Channel
Larry King, CNN
The Today Show, NBC