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Were there any moral victories in California?

Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 7:05 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

UPDATE Dec. 2, 2024: Pro-family Christian Republicans Leticia Castillo and Jeff Gonzalez were sworn in today after flipping Democrat Party seats. Pray that they speak in committee and on the Assembly floor for what’s right in God’s sight! Mostly-conservative Republican Steven Choi also flipped an Orange County state senate seat and was sworn in today.

Yes, there are victories to celebrate!

Of the eight bad propositions, there were four defeated: The foolish and harmful Prop. 5, Prop. 6, Prop. 32, and Prop. 33. These were stopped because majority of voters understood them (and weren’t led astray by establishment lies, as they were with Prop. 3 marriage anarchy).

The defeated bad propositions on the California ballot:

Prop. 5 would have permitted higher property taxes (attacking Prop. 13 from 1978) by lowering the “vote threshold from 66.67% to 55% for local special taxes and bond measures to fund housing projects and public infrastructure.” Targeted all property owners.More about Prop. 5

Prop. 6 would have called it “slavery” to make prisoners do work they don’t wish to do. This soft-on-crime proposition would have prohibited the Department of Corrections from disciplining (removing privileges from) convicts who refuse their work assignments. More about Prop. 6

Prop. 32 would have increased the “minimum wage” to $18/hr. for all California employees (killing even more jobs and businesses). More about Prop. 32

Prop. 33 would have permitted cities and counties to impose deceptive “rent control,” resulting in fewer rentals and higher rents, as frustrated landlords sell their rental houses and duplexes to become non-rental primary residences, and as developers lack investors to build new rentals. More about Prop. 33

And of course, Prop. 36’s decisive passage to empower county district attorneys to make retail theft a crime again was a great victory over Newsom & the Democrat-Party-run Legislature’s pro-criminal agenda.

What’s more, in Southern California and the San Francisco Bay Area, pro-criminal district attorneys were fired. George-Soros-funded, pro-criminal district attorneys George Gascón of Los Angeles County and Pamela Price of Alameda County were booted from office.

Pro-family pick-ups: In the California State Legislature, there STILL might be two moral, pro-family Republican pick-ups in the Assembly and one Republican pick-up in the State Senate:

Jeff Gonzalez is the Republican candidate for State Assembly District 36 in San Bernardino and Imperial counties. Gonzalez is a Bible-based Christian pastor, who’s likely to speak and fight for your moral-social-fiscal-conservative-constitutional values.

Leticia Castillo is a professing, Bible-believing Christian Republican candidate for State Assembly District 58 in western Riverside County, plus Grand Terrace in San Bernardino County. If elected, she is also likely to speak up for moral and family values.

Steven Choi, the Republican candidate for State Senate District 37 in Orange County (while in the State Assembly, Choi voted conservative most of the time, but was not known as much of a speaker or fighter).

Bad laws passed by the Democrat-Party-controlled California Legislature and signed by Democrat-Party governors mean the longest “counting” of ballots nationwide. It’s terrible that California’s counties don’t have to report their final counts until Dec. 6 and the California Secretary of State won’t certify the election until Dec. 13.

Let this long “counting” be a reminder to us all: If you want election integrity and investigations to expose it, always vote against Democrats and RINOs, who obstruct the “one person, one vote” American foundation of representative government.

What’s more, the next Attorney General of the United States needs to conduct a tough audit of the vote-counting practices of California and other Democrat-Party-controlled states.

Because the days of blanket trust are gone, and the burden is on vote counters to provide evidence of accuracy.

You have to ask why the Democrat Party politicians and their slavish bureaucrats (big-county registrars of voters) are so opposed to voter ID with photo, so giddy about littering the state with vote-by-mail ballots, so addicted to computer-based voting, and permitting a WHOLE MONTH of “counting,” “processing,” “curing,” and more?

As SaveCalifornia.com posted on our social media on Nov. 18:

Track California returns for U.S. congressional seats

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
The Bible, Isaiah 5:20

Terrible — Prop. 3 marriage anarchy passes in California

Thursday, November 7, 2024, 7:31 am | Randy Thomasson
Sadly, the sexual anarchy dressed up as “marriage equality” has passed in California, where too many voters are dumbed down and loathe to do critical thinking or their own research.

California’s corrupt, immoral Democrat Party officials made Prop. 3 easy to pass.

Instead of telling voters the facts — that Prop. 3 opens the door to legalize unrestricted child marriages, incestuous marriages, polygamy, bigamy, even “marriages” with animals and objects — the Democrat Party’s Attorney General, Secretary of State, and Legislative Analyst this summer conspired to write in the “Official Voter Information Guide” that Prop. 3 only “updates the Constitution to match what the federal courts have said about who can marry” and “there would be no change in who can marry.” Lies, lies, and more lies.

What’s next: Starting as soon as 2025, expect California state lawsuits using Prop. 3 to legalize marriages with whomever and whatever. Fear for the boys and girls who’ll be roped into unrestricted child marriages (parental permission no longer required), and feel for the young women deceived into polygamous marriages with multiple spouses. What’s more, perverse organizations in other Democrat-Party-controlled states will want to replicate marriage anarchy there too.

Thank you for standing with SaveCalifornia.com as we fought hard to inform reasonable Californians about how Prop. 3 collided with their values.

For the love of God and people, we informed as many Californians as we could about Prop. 3’s legal subjectivity, and urged them to send their friends to LearnAboutProp3.com.

If our side had $5 to $10 million to spend, the outcome could have been different. But evil has prevailed. Their scheme was set, the deception done, the lies led, fools fell for it, and human beings will indeed be harmed.

Other Facts:

In 2023, 88 Democrats + 10 RINOs placed ACA 5 on the ballot to become Prop. 3 (the 10 Republicans were Juan Alanis, Phillip Chen, Laurie Davies, Diane Dixon, Bill Essayli, Josh Hoover, Devon Mathis, Marie Waldron, Greg Wallis, and Scott Wilk)

Wealthy homosexual activists spent at least $1.43 million on lie-based ads to expand the reach of their Democrat Party official’s false ballot descriptions

California clergy did not organize and rise up against Prop. 3 like they did in 2008 to protect man-woman marriage licenses with Prop. 8

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
Jesus Christ, Savior of the world and God in the flesh, in Matthew 18:6

Facts about wildfires, soft-on-crime bills, and pro-‘trans’ judges

Saturday, September 14, 2024, 11:18 am | Randy Thomasson

On behalf of your values and telling the truth that the Big Media doesn’t report, SaveCalifornia.com has been posting on our social media WHY “monster” fires spread so rapidly, HOW the Democrat Party politicians’ “crime” bills are deceptive, and WHERE anti-parental-rights and pro-transsexuality judges come from:

P.S. Our post was about the rapid, even explosive, spread of wildfires, not the initial spark or flame. Because anybody can set a fire, but only the government can manage “public lands” to prevent little fires from becoming “monster” fires. Here’s a sample of the many evidences backing up our post:

California’s Record Wildfires Spurred by Millions of Hidden Dead Trees,” Newsweek, June 12, 2024: California’s record wildfires may have been spurred on by millions of hidden dead trees, according to a new studyStéphanie Horion from the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management who worked on the study, said, “An abundance of combustible materials” is necessary for “a wildfire to erupt” … “and dead trees burn well.”

Environmentalists Destroyed California’s Forests,” Edward Ring, California Policy Center, September 10, 2020: “And since 1990, when the environmentalist assault on California’s timber industry began in earnest, its timber industry has shrunk to half its former size. Reviving California’s timber industry, so the collective rate of harvest equals the collective rate of growth, would go a long way towards solving the problem of catastrophic fires. Instead, California’s environmentalists only redouble their nonsense arguments. Expect these fires to justify even more “climate change” legislation that does nothing to clear the forests of overgrown tinder, and everything to clear the forests, and the chaparral, of people and towns.”

P.S. The detail of the above post is the Democrat Party legislator’s bill that was signed, AB 1960, while being described as imposing “harsh penalties” against retail thieves, don’t impose any additional prison time except “If the loss or property value exceeds fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), the court shall impose an additional term of one year,” followed by higher tiers.

In contrast, Prop. 36 on the California ballot would make theft, regardless of the value, a felony offense if the offender has two or more past theft convictions, and would increase penalties for offenders who steal, damage or destroy property with two or more offenders (stealing or destroying $50,000 of property is not necessary to be sentenced to more prison time).

P.S. The above post is a reminder that, in addition to unconstitutional Democrat Party judges, RINO governors are a mixed bag, appointing a slew of bad judges who believe neither in constitutional rights, nor natural/God-given/pre-constitutional rights.

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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence…”
John Adams, U.S. Founding Father and 2nd U.S President, in 1770