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Fill your California gas tank before Nov. 1, vote yes on repeal in 2018

Saturday, October 28, 2017, 7:45 pm | Randy Thomasson


You and other Californians will soon experience some noticeable pain at the pump.

Starting November 1, you’ll pay 12 cents more in taxes for every gallon of gas.

Then, in mid-2019, your gas tax will rise around 7.5 cents, totaling nearly 20 cents in higher taxes for each gallon you pump.

If you’re not angry yet, realize that the Democrat politicians have also jacked up your DMV fees. You’ll feel that pain starting in January.

The Democrats’ gas tax and DMV fee hike was unnecessary.

You already pay high gas taxes and DMV fees for the purpose of maintaining roads. California’s ruling Democrats are lying by saying they don’t have money to repair freeways, highways, and streets. Yes, they do, and they’re grossly misspending your tax dollars.

Realize they have money for a state defense fund for illegal aliens, for tax-funded abortions, for the largest welfare caseload in the nation, for the state bureaucracy’s continually growing appetite, and so much more. Do you know there hasn’t been a tough, independent audit in memory of the BILLIONS OF TAX DOLLARS wasted each and every year in Sacramento?

As most state Senate Republicans accurately said, “We can fix our roads and bridges by simply ensuring that the billions of dollars that drivers are already paying in transportation fees and taxes are actually used for transportation purposes, rather than being swept into the state’s General Fund.”

What can you do about it?

1. Plan to vote YES in 2018 to repeal the unnecessary and corrupt gas tax hike and DMV fee hike. There’s a serious effort to qualify a ballot initiative and it need your support.

2. Be careful how you vote for candidates. This year, 80 Democrats (out of 81 possible) + 1 Republican (Anthony Cannella of the Modesto area) voted to jack up your gas taxes and DMV fees. Do you want this bad behavior to continue or stop?

Sources: California Legislative Analyst
“California gas tax increase is now law,” Sacramento Bee

“When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, “just men who will rule in the fear of God.” The preservation of our government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty; if the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded. If our government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the Divine Commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the Laws.” Noah Webster, author of the first American Dictionary, known as “The Schoolmaster of the Nation”


Did you cause California’s wildfires? Should your monthly bill go up?

Thursday, October 26, 2017, 6:04 pm | Randy Thomasson

In the aftermath of the 2017 wildfires, will California government add misery upon misery?

The “Big 3” public utilities in California are basically admitting substandard power lines and equipment caused at least some of this year’s destructive wildfires, including October’s large fires in California’s Wine Country, which destroyed an estimated 3,500 plus structures and killed at least 41 people.

Right now, attorneys and lobbyists for Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas & Electric are vigorously lobbying the California Public Utilities Commission to try to raise your gas and electric rates for THEIR problem.

The injustice of this (Creator God commands in Exodus 20 “Do not steal” and “Do not covet…anything that is your neighbor’s”) puts SaveCalifornia.com in strong agreement with a San Francisco-based consumer group.

In California, both “Left” and “Right” should grasp the reality that if the “Big 3” utilities (which constantly fight against competition and prefer a virtual “energy monopoly” over you and your family) have their way, your monthly utility bills will be jacked up and your service will ultimately go down:

But consumer groups say the push by PG&E and the state’s other two large utilities — Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric — is out of line. If the PUC allows utilities to pass along most of their uninsured wildfire costs to ratepayers in the form of higher monthly bills, critics say, they will have less incentive to properly maintain wires, trim back trees and take other sometimes costly measures needed to reduce wildfire risk.

“PG&E and the other utilities are very vigorously lobbying to see that the costs of disasters be covered by ratepayers, even when they are found negligent,” said Mark Toney, executive director of The Utility Reform Network, a San Francisco consumer group.

“The shareholders benefit when the company does well,” he said. “They have to pay when the company doesn’t do well.”

TAKE ACTION NOW. The five members of the Public Utilities Commission are all Democrats appointed by Governor Jerry Brown. Since they claim to be for the poor, CALL AND LEAVE A MESSAGE FOR THE COMMISSIONERS, such as:

“I’m calling to leave a message for the commissioners: Oppose any and all rate hikes. The wildfires aren’t my or my family’s fault. Don’t punish us with higher monthly bills, which we can’t afford!”

San Francisco PUC office 415.703.2782
Los Angeles PUC office 213.576.7000
PUC Utility Complaints 800.649.7570

“…encourage affordable energy supplies for the electric generation sector, in order to maintain long-term affordable energy prices for consumers and industry, maintain reliable production of energy at all times, encourage economic development and promote job growth.”
“Affordability and Reliability” Model Legislation for States, ALEC

Democrat politicians caused and won’t fix California’s housing problem

Wednesday, August 23, 2017, 4:33 pm | Randy Thomasson

Why has the median price of a house in California increased 64% in the past five years? In January 2012, the median price statewide was $306,000 and now it’s $503,000.

The answer is the most simple and important law of the free market — Supply and Demand. There aren’t enough houses and apartments for people to live in, so the Demand for housing has overtaken the Supply of housing. But liberal/progressive/Democrat politicians who don’t live in the real world “don’t get” this unchangeable law of money.

What’s been suppressing California’s supply of housing? Government thieves. First, the Democrat politicians in charge of California for decades now have burdened developers with an overwhelming amount of government fees, it’s more feasible to build houses in other states.

Add to this powerful friends of Democrat politicians, the environmental wackos. These groups devalue human beings and their God-given needs, and block housing development after development. For example, in Santa Clarita, California:

2011: “Environmentalists sue to block a new city in L.A. County”
2017: “L.A. County hit with lawsuit claiming Newhall Ranch project would be ‘menace’ to public”: Environmental groups are suing Los Angeles County and a development firm for moving ahead with plans to build 5,500 homes and apartments in the Santa Clarita Valley … For at least two decades, activists in the Santa Clarita Valley have tried to fight off the Newhall Ranch development.

Meanwhile, what’s been artificially increasing the demand for housing? Illegal immigration. Again, the Democrats in charge of California have been using all the magnets at their disposal to attract people to illegally cross over from Mexico. Invaders get virtually all the benefits of U.S. citizenship, including California driver’s licenses and government welfare, with zero legal need to learn English. Illegally crossing the border has been rewarded with money, so it’s no surprise that, in 2014, California had at least 2.35 million illegal immigrants.

So the Democrat politicians caused California’s severe housing problem. And now that it’s staring them in the face, will the Democrat politicians solve it? Nope. Of the raft of “housing” bills currently proposed by Democrats in Sacramento, all but one of their bills would grow government bigger and take even more money away from responsible, hard-working Californians.

This is what you get with the Democrats in charge. Higher prices, denial of reality, shrinking the supply of what people really need (think housing, water, jobs), and dumbing down the next generation with government schools that refuse to teach 7 of 10 children to read or compute proficiently.

“Those who corrupt the public mind are just as evil as those who steal from the public purse.”
Adlai Stevenson, Illinois Governor (1949-1953, Democrat nominee for U.S. President (1952, 1956)

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
Proverbs 29:2