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Archives for the ‘California Legislature’ Category

Ruling Democrats squash parental rights, again

Sunday, January 19, 2020, 9:17 pm | Randy Thomasson

Parental rights. Most parents assume they have them. 

And they do … for thousands of years … because Marriage and Family were created by God, not by government. This is why pre-constitutional parental rights have been recognized as sacrosanct since time was recorded.

Yet bad government ignores, tramples, and eliminates your God-given parental rights. So I’m saddened, but not surprised, that a Democrat-controlled California Senate committee has killed a parental rights bill on party lines, Republicans for, Democrats against.

The good bill of pro-family State Senator Mike Morrell of Rancho Cucamonga, SB 673, which was defeated January 15 in Sacramento, would have prohibited sex education from being imposed on a child, whether under “health” or “HIV prevention education,” in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade, unless a parent voluntarily provides his or her written permission.

The bill would have also required school districts to make available for inspection, and translated into different languages, anything videos and handouts related to AB 329, California’s latest and most blatant sexual indoctrination law.

But the ruling Democrats, who long ago sold out to pro-abortion and pro-homosexual-transsexual agenda forces, aren’t open to reason or even local pressure. They see themselves as servants of abortionists and “LGBTQIA” groups. So they don’t mind trampling parental rights, religious freedom, or children’s innocence. Their minds are that darkened and their hearts are that hardened.

Because of the ruling Democrat’s entrenched submission to the agendas of abortion and perversity, every pro-religious freedom and pro-parental-right bill will be stopped in its tracks by the Democrat prostitutes of their evil pimps. They are bought and sold!

So what can you do? In light of AB 329 and 10 other state school sexual indoctrination laws, there are few choices for California parents with moral values:

1. You can permanently exit the government-run system, and instead, home school or church-school your children.

2. You can tell yourself that AB 329 is the sole problem (in light of 10 other sexual indoctrination laws, it isn’t), and you can try to opt-out your children from its reach.

3. A pro-family multimillionaire out there (perhaps a friend of Senator Morrell?) can fund a rock-solid parental rights state constitutional amendment to require a parental opt-in for all “sex,” “health,” and “HIV prevention” education in California state schools.

But the stark reality is this — if you want to rescue your children from sexual indoctrination of every kind, you must permanently exit the government schools. This is why SaveCalifornia.com has created our School Indoctrination Center, to inform parents and grandparents so they’ll rescue their children and grandchildren. Please act now!

 “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin,
it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck,
and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, in Matthew 18:6

California’s rulers are killing innocent people

Friday, December 6, 2019, 11:47 pm | Randy Thomasson

The Liberal Left’s Democrat-controlled state government is killing innocent Californians.

Perhaps the last remaining independent state official, State Auditor Elaine Howle, reports that three county governments and the Governor’s office (Democrat Jerry Brown, followed by Democrat Gavin Newsom) were LAX (similar to “lackadaisical”) by NOT preparing for “monster” fires and NOT effectively evacuating people (some who burned inside their cars on clogged roads).

Amazingly, Howle uses the word “failed” in describing the State’s preparation for and response to wildfires, and even reports the consequences of not requiring all Californians to learn English (so non-English speakers didn’t understand evacuation instructions). What an indictment of your Democrat rulers.

Of course, the story behind the story, and the facts that the Liberal Left and Big Media are hiding from you, is that there are nearly 150 million dead trees and countless millions of acres of dead underbrush that the Democrat rulers of California refuse to remove. So the Democrat politicians who bow down to environmental wackos threaten and kill Californians instead. Truly, Democrat politicians’ policies regard trees and weeds as more valuable than people created in the image of God, which is hateful and wrong and a terrible sin.

Also, based on the evidence and the cause and effect of this whole matter, here’s a good question:

Should non-thinking Democrat voters be called “Dumbocrats”?

The Los Angeles Times reported on the failure of California’s Democrat voters to critically think:

“Pummeled by fires, drought and floods, California’s Democratic primary voters put fighting climate change at the top of their list of issues for the next president to tackle. Nearly half of likely Democratic primary voters call the issue the No. 1 priority for the next president, according to a new statewide poll conducted by UC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies for the Los Angeles Times.”

But get this — most Democrats never question what they’re told, and thus never study how the main influence of little climate changes on Planet Earth are from fluctuations in the Sun (Sol), which we revolve around by design: https://tinyurl.com/w855fab

And most Democrats never think of the logic of how pouring gasoline on a fire is dangerous, foolish, and wrong. But that’s figuratively what the Democrat rulers of California are doing. By not thinning live trees and bushes and not clearing out dead trees and underbrush, they are providing very combustible fodder to sparks that fly.

As I reported earlier, a child can understand how a lighted match can start a small fire. Why can’t the ruling Democrats in Sacramento? Oh, they understand. They just aren’t willing to go against their environmental group pimps, who value trees and weeds over people’s lives and property.

“Corruption is worse than prostitution.
The latter might endanger the morals of an individual,
the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country.”
Karl Kraus, Austrian journalist and satirist (1874-1936)

Don’t let the Liberal Left hide the truth from California families

Monday, December 2, 2019, 5:15 pm | Randy Thomasson

Can you imagine if your free speech and religious freedom were outlawed?

It may sound far-fetched, but that seems to be the dream of Liberal Left politicians and their unconstitutional allies in California.

And while the ruling Democrats and their accomplices in the Big Media don’t want you to hear, see, or speak the truth about the damage they’re doing, WE DO. Which is a big reason that SaveCalifornia.com is here for you.

I want you to know that tomorrow’s an important day around the world. It’s called “Giving Tuesday.” And I can tell you that California’s left-wing groups are already working hard to raise millions of dollars for their immoral agenda that opposes (and even seeks to eliminate) your voice, your values, and your constitutional rights.

But here’s the good news. SaveCalifornia.com is also here, working hard to tell families the Truth that Big Government and Big Media don’t want you to know. Because our mission is to champion and defend all that you hold dear. Yes, this is war!

Here’s where you come in. On December 3’s Giving Tuesday, SaveCalifornia.com needs your tangible help to speak up, speak out, and stand strong for you and your family. We also need your help to resist, expose, and oppose left-wing tyranny.

Will you join me in saying NO to the harmful liberal agenda against you and your family? And will you partner with me to say YES to God’s design of marriage and family, and your constitutional rights as an American?

On Giving Tuesday, or even today, will you give a special gift to help SaveCalifornia.com report the TRUTH that the Liberal Left and Big Media are hiding from you?

Because it’s you and other moral Californians who empower our work. Which is why, with your participation, SaveCalifornia.com will boldly represent and equip you and countless other individuals and families.

Can you help? You can make an immediate impact at our special Giving Tuesday page: https://securedonors.com/savecalifornia+givingtuesday2019

Thank you in advance for participating in SaveCalifornia.com’s Giving Tuesday campaign. Because you + us = greater good!

Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?

Psalm 94:16