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Archives for the ‘California Bills’ Category

Call Sacramento even if you’re pro-vaccination

Monday, March 9, 2015, 10:19 am | Randy Thomasson


Listen why this matters in 60 seconds
Call these California state senators first (tell them to oppose SB 277 and SB 792)

What do you do when you’re pro-vaccination and pro-parental-rights?

Because that’s what most parents are – they’ve followed the government’s and medical establishment’s instructions to let their children be injected with parts of disease-causing microorganisms, called vaccines. And they also believe strongly in defending their God-given parental rights to raise and educate their own children.

Yet pro-vaccine parents need to realize something important: both the establishment and the natural medicine folks agree that a vaccinated person is a walking disease-spreader!

The FDA quietly reported in 2013 that “…individuals immunized with an acellular pertussis vaccine may be protected from disease, they may still become infected with the bacteria without always getting sick and are able to spread infection to others…” How long is the newly vaccinated person able to spread disease to others? For three weeks, says the FDA.

hdrowen-475x443Meanwhile, physicians who are honest researchers into the pros and cons of vaccines are trying to tell parents about vaccine risks. Dr. Robert Rowen of Santa Rosa, California, who’s an expert on building strong immune system and life-long immunity to infections, says:

I wrote long ago that we are setting up the younger generation for a potential calamity. See, vaccines give you plastic immunity. They build up only one line of your immune system, the antibody system, and put the main immune system (cellular immunity) to sleep. You need both for fully developed immunity.

Vaccine immunity has been shown to wane with time. And sadly, current measles outbreaks are being blamed on parents who refuse to give immune damaging vaccines to their children, when Chinese and American data shows otherwise.

You won’t hear the latter in the news though, but I will tell you! If I had a school age child now, I’d rush him over to the house with measles (or chicken pox, etc.) to play games there. When my child would get measles, I’d give plenty of vitamin A and also ozone therapy. I’d run the virus out in about half the time or less (by experience with other viruses).

Obviously, there’s two sides with legitimate beliefs and valid concerns. And there are parents who support vaccines and parents who don’t. And if you support parents’ rights, you must support the basic right of loving parents to make health decisions for their own children.

benjaminfranklinlibertyquote2So when the Democrat politicians announce they want to eliminate parental rights for vaccines and eliminate the vaccine conscience rights of both daycare and home care workers – you’ve got a choice to make, on the side of tyranny or the side of freedom.

And if you support parental rights and informed consent (this means the risks of vaccines are disclosed and understood before you agree to any shot), you’ve got to oppose the Democrats’ SB 277 and SB 792.

I’m excited that the California Chiropractic Association is opposing mandatory vaccination because of the risks of vaccines. They say this is about informed consent and parental rights – and they’re absolutely correct!

Please call Sacramento today to oppose the Democrats’ bills attacking your medical freedom. See our alert and take action today.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
U.S. founding father Benjamin Franklin, in 1755

Our radio ads are waking up dads and moms

Wednesday, October 23, 2013, 12:23 pm | Randy Thomasson


Politicians won’t tell them. Mainstream media won’t inform them. Public schools won’t warn them. But we are.

Right now, SaveCalifornia.com is fighting for children and families by running important radio ads about the latest transsexual school bathrooms law, plus 9 more harmful sexual indoctrination laws impacting kids in K-12 government schools.

Because there is no parental notification or consent required, most dads and moms won’t know unless we can reach them. And radio ads are a powerful way to touch people.


Our vital campaign for children and families is running strong in California’s capital city on KFIA 710 AM. We’re currently airing hundreds of ads, reaching tens of thousands of ears!

Will you please help us reach more parents for the sake of their children? SaveCalifornia.com needs need more ammunition to reach more dads and moms statewide? Don’t they deserve to know what’s going on?

With your support today, you can help parents and grandparents intervene for the sake of their precious children and grandchildren.

Make an impact for good with SaveCalifornia.com
Please donate online or by U.S. mail to help reach more families

Since September, SaveCalifornia.com has been airing three targeted radio ads, 8 times a day on the radio. Our unique messages inform, challenge, inspire, lead and direct families to connect with us and see for themselves the 10 sexual indoctrination laws harming children, posted at SaveCalifornia.com.

RadioAd_3_Fall2013_200x160Our “Looking Out for You” radio ad introduces people to our pro-family work, mission and how we are here for them as an advocate and fighter for moral virtues. Listen

Our other two radio ads expose the reality of the public-school indoctrination laws. In our ad, “10 Sexual Indoctrination Laws,” I talk about the shock and disbelief I usually hear from parents when they learn about these awful laws. Listen

Bottom line, parents aren’t being told by government schools, the PTA, lawmakers or the media what’s going on … that K-12 state-run schools are not what they were even 20 years ago. Without SaveCalifornia.com’s radio ads, many parents aren’t finding out until it’s too late!

RadioAd_2_Fall2013_200x160Our latest ad, “Behind the Backs of Parents,” shocks parents with the reality of the new transsexual law AB 1266, which permits biological boys and biological girls to share bathrooms, showers, sports teams and more. It’s erasing gender distinctions altogether! Listen

AB 1266 is just the tip of the iceberg, but it’s the most in-your-face sexual indoctrination law yet. But informing parents to make responsible decisions is the only way their children can or will be protected.

As you can see, SaveCalifornia.com isn’t about saving a state. It’s about reaching, serving, representing, informing, activating and empowering individuals like you and me … people who believe in moral virtues and want what’s best for their families and their communities.

Please participate today
Donate to fuel our campaign to reach parents and redeem families

 So many people are cheering us on in our mission for children and families. And I deeply value their encouragement:

“Thank you for what you do for us in CA,” writes supporter Nancy from the Central Valley. “I so appreciate you and pray for you.”

And Todd and Connie in Southern California wrote in saying, “Randy, God bless you for all your efforts!!! We are grateful.”

As a friend who follows SaveCalifornia.com and believes in our front-line work for families, your tangible participation in the battle is crucial. Thank you for considering standing with us as we stand strong for moral virtues for the common good.

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!”
Romans 10:14-15 NKJV

On Jerry’s desk: What the Democrats have done

Tuesday, September 24, 2013, 4:35 pm | Randy Thomasson


 Factual description of a vacuum/suction/”aspiration” abortion

What do you get with the Democrats in control of the California Legislature? Bills on Democrat Governor Jerry Brown’s desk that would:

  •     Kill more babies and harm more mothers
  •     Replace religious freedom with perversity
  •     Weaken the meaning of citizenship
  •     Give criminals more firepower than you

For example, last week, the pro-abortion Planned Parenthood group delivered petitions at the State Capitol urging Brown to let nurses kill innocent babies in the womb (AB 154) and to kill these babies in walk-in clinics, including those embedded in drug stores, in every community (AB 980).

These evil agendas are why you should tell others what the Democrats are doing, and why you should urge Jerry Brown to veto these radical bills that collide with love and logic.

Contact Gov. Jerry Brown here — he has until Oct. 13 to sign or veto bills

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

More about these and other bad bills on Jerry’s desk

AB 154 allows nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and nurse midwives to do abortions by vacuuming apart young babies in the womb limb by limb. Vacuum abortions are also called “aspiration abortions” by the media. Abortion always kills the baby and often injures the mother both physically and emotionally. AB 154 would further lower “safety” standards of abortion, further endangering women. More about AB 154

AB 980 removes the current requirements that babies in the womb can only be killed by abortion in a medically surgical and antiseptic setting, and expands abortions to walk-in clinics, including those inside drug stores and pharmacies. Like AB 154, AB 980 means more abortions and lower “safety” standards, further endangering women. More about AB 980

AB 663 forces retirement and convalescent home caregivers to support and champion homosexual, bisexual, transsexual sex practices on their property (requires “sensitivity training” or an operator’s license will be revoked; no religious exemption for workers or owners).

AB 1024 would allow illegal aliens to practice law, same as citizens.

AB 60 would allow illegal aliens to have drivers’ licenses, same as citizens.

And there are around a dozen bills restricting guns and ammunition, giving criminals — home invaders and carjackers — more firepower than you and other law-abiding citizens.

Currently, the Democrats politicians have two-thirds control of the state Senate and nearly two-thirds control of the state Assembly — and don’t seem to have fear of losing their power. But people deserve to know what their government is doing, don’t they?

ACTION: Tell Brown to veto these bad bills

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
Proverbs 29:2 NKJV