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Archives for the ‘Ballot’ Category

Stop casinos from coming into your community

Thursday, November 21, 2013, 2:45 pm | Randy Thomasson

Once in a while, a morally-good, family-friendly measure gets on the California ballot that has a chance of success because it was funded ahead of time and isn’t likely to be reversed by the Democrat-controlled California State Legislature.

Gambling harms families and communities, and is against the will of God. This is why SaveCalifornia.com supports a newly-qualified ballot proposition that will stop a mammoth casino from being built right off the 99 freeway in the middle of California’s Central Valley. If this battle is lost, you can expect to see big casinos with highly-addictive slot machines popping up in urban areas throughout California, doing serious damage to individuals, families, and communities.

If you agree, then in November 2014, in order to reverse Jerry Brown and the Democrat politicians’ expansion of “Indian” gambling on non-Indian land, you need to vote NO on the “Referendum to Overturn Indian Gaming Compacts.” (That’s how referenda work in California: if you supported qualifying it for the ballot, you’ll want to vote “no” on the proposition that’s “referring” the bill to the People to ask their will on it.)

Cheryl Schmitt, the leading opponent of expanding gambling in California, explains: “When California voters approved Proposition 1A in 2000, they were specifically promised that casinos would be limited to originally restored Indian land and not permitted in neighborhoods and urban areas. Alarmingly, the Legislature recently approved this gaming agreement for the North Fork Tribe, which has land eligible for gaming in the Sierra Mountains, but was recruited by Las Vegas-based casino operator Station Casinos for a more lucrative casino location right off Highway 99 in the Central Valley. This referendum is about upholding the will of California voters and giving voters, not elected officials, the choice to make such a dramatic change in California’s Indian gaming policy.”

In California, there are three types of ballot measures. A constitutional amendment is above the Legislature and above the State Supreme Court. A statutory initiative is above the Legislature, but is not above state judges. And a referendum is the weakest because it can be amended or repealed by the Legislature in defiance of the voters’ will (see Article II, Section 10(c) of the California Constitution.)

But despite this gambling measure being a referendum, even some liberals oppose gambling. So it’s less likely than referenda against homosexuality or abortion to be reversed by the California Legislature, which has both of its houses controlled by radically pro-abortion and pro-homosexuality-bisexuality-transsexuality Democrats.

Nearly $3 million went into professionally, thus effectively, qualifying this particular referendum for the ballot. The organization “Stand Up For California!” and their gambling Indian allies (the ones that don’t want new competition and want to keep gambling on “tribal lands”) on Oct. 1 turned in 784,751 raw-count signatures. Using the random sample method, elections officials have announced a 72.43% validity rate. The official random count estimate was 559,174 valid signatures (At least 504,760 valid signatures are currently needed to qualify a referendum for the ballot).

More from Stand Up For California!: “The controversial gaming compact, AB 277, signed by California Governor Brown and narrowly approved by the Sacramento Legislature, would allow the North Fork Rancheria to partner with Las Vegas based Station Casino to build a 50-table, 2000-slot machine casino nearly 40 miles away from their tribal land and directly adjacent to a major highway. This compact would be in direct contrast to what voters overwhelmingly approved in 2000 with the passage of Prop 1A, which allows for Indian gaming to take place only on a tribe’s originally restored Indian lands. Furthermore, this gaming compact would allow exactly what the voters clearly said they did NOT want — allowing Indian gaming off of a tribe’s restored Indian lands and into major urban areas.

“Once signatures have been verified, the referendum would be placed on the November 2014 ballot; giving voters the right to decide if they agree with the Sacramento decision makers to allow an off reservation casino in the midst of their community or if they will reinforce their original decision to keep Indian gaming on a tribe’s restored Indian lands.”

But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
1 Timothy 6:9-10 NKJV

Fight the good fight this weekend

Saturday, November 3, 2012, 9:12 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides the following solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

When I was in San Diego talking to the folks at The Rock Church last weekend, I told them there are two things they could do to multiply votes for moral values this election:

Study how to vote in a way that pleases God, then send your personal voter guide to your lists (email, Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc.). Don’t be afraid of someone disagreeing with you. Instead, love people by explaining the truth to them. For help, visit our SaveCalifornia.com Election Center. You’ll be empowered to vote with confidence!

2. VOLUNTEER THIS WEEKEND FOR ONE OR MORE HOURS: On Saturday morning, call a moral-values candidate in your area, especially if you know they’re in a tight race. Tell them, “I want to volunteer, where’s your office?” These candidates would love to hear from you this final weekend when they need more volunteers — persons just like you — to “get out the vote” to achieve victory.

Yes, there is still time this weekend for you to make a difference. I believe professing Christians should put their Christianity into practice by loving God and loving their neighbors with good government. Right now, half of California’s voters are planning to vote Tuesday instead of already voting by mail. You can play a special part by bringing them the truth that protects children and families.

[T]he time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them. . . . Christians have been exceedingly guilty in this matter. But the time has come when they must act differently. . . . Christians seem to act as if they thought God did not see what they do in politics. But I tell you He does see it – and He will bless or curse this nation according to the course they [Christians] take [in politics].
The great American evangelist Charles Finney (1792-1875)

Where will conservatives go now?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 10:21 pm |

SaveCalifornia.com, and our national arm SaveAmerica.com, provides this solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

In my 18 years of public leadership for moral standards and family values, I have tried to be faithful to God’s non-negotiable values and His Truth. For throughout His Word, God only blesses obedient people.

Now that the contest for the Republican presidential nomination is a three-man race, I want to keep standing for God’s truth, despite any temptation to do otherwise.

Nine years ago, California went through a historic gubernatorial recall election. Yet because conservatives went with image over good public policies, they chose liberal Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger over conservative Republican Tom McClintock. As a result, bad policies were not reversed and bad bills were signed into law. Do you want to see history repeat?

If you have strong moral values and a sense of history, I invite you to stand for Truth with us at SaveCalifornia.com and our national arm, SaveAmerica.com. We have no horse in this race, but are working hard to get the truth about the public-policy records of the Republican presidential candidates to as many people as possible. The facts are found in our Report Card on the Natural Family, which documents the candidates’ records on 10 public-policy issues affecting families.

Truly, a candidate’s actual votes and public actions, along with his repeated, consistent, specific spoken positions, demonstrate where he really stands on public-policy issues regarding the natural family. Don’t disagree with the evidence before seeing the Report Card on the Natural Family documentation and source links here, in alphabetical order:

See the evidence for NEWT GINGRICH »
See the evidence for RON PAUL »
See the evidence for MITT ROMNEY »

Thank you for standing with us for God’s non-negotiable Truth. For the sake of our land, please forward the evidence of our Report Card on the Natural Family to all your friends.