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Archives for the ‘Good Government’ Category

Act now to protect the Church from the State

Sunday, June 26, 2016, 9:57 am | Randy Thomasson


You’re invited to stand with others in support of God-given and constitutional religious freedom on Wednesday, June 29 in Long Beach, California.

Join others with your moral values to publicly oppose the tyrannical SB 1146, which would permit homosexual and transsexual “students” at religious colleges, universities, bible colleges, and seminaries to file harmful and destructive lawsuits against these religious institutions for “unfair discrimination” — simply for upholding Biblical values and principles on sexual behavior.

If SB 1146 becomes law, say good-bye to man-woman married housing on campus and hello to man-man and woman-woman “married” housing.

If SB 1146 becomes law, say good-bye to female-only dormitories and female-only restrooms, since biological males calling themselves “female” can move in and walk in.

If SB 1146 becomes law, it will be illegal for a Christian college to counsel a student struggling with homosexuality.

If SB 1146 becomes law, Christian colleges cannot get rid of a professor who becomes a homosexual or transsexual activist, indoctrinating students to sin. And the list goes on.

BixbyKnolls3939AtlanticAveThe public protest against SB 1146 is Wednesday, June 29 at 3:45 p.m. at 3939 Atlantic Avenue. This is outside the Long Beach office of SB 1146 author and state Senator Ricardo Lara. Change your schedule and do all you can to be there!

The Greater Los Angeles media will be invited, so please bring yourself, your children and grandchildren, and as many friends as you can to stand up for what’s right in God’s sight this Wednesday, June 29 at 3:45 p.m. in Long Beach.

Bring large signs with easy-to-read message, such as:

  • Hands off our property — NO to SB 1146
  • Keep your hands to yourself, hands off our Christian colleges
  • SB 1146 violates ‘Separation between Church and State’
  • Religious freedom is in the 1st Amendment — Oppose SB 1146
  • SB 1146 unfairly discriminates against Christian colleges
  • SB 1146 is intolerant of Christianity
  • SB 1146 punishes Christianity
  • Oppose intolerance, oppose tyranny, oppose SB 1146
  • SB 1146 discriminates against religious diversity
  • Stealing is wrong — SB 1146 steals from Christian colleges
  • SB 1146 turns Christian colleges into “LGBT” agenda centers
  • Jesus Christ taught against sexual sin in Mark 7:20-23
  • The New Testament teaches against “LGBT”
  • The Bible teaches marriage is only for a man and a woman

“Private universities should not be able to use faith as an excuse to discriminate.”
Democrat state Senator Ricardo Lara, homosexual activist and SB 1146 author

And He said, “What comes out of a man, that defiles a man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man.”
Jesus Christ in Mark 7:20-23

Democrats turned out big to vote, Republicans and the Church didn’t

Wednesday, June 8, 2016, 10:05 pm | Randy Thomasson


SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

The 2 statewide races — for president and for U.S. Senate — were dominated by Democrats, and they energized and brought out more Democrats to vote than Republicans.

Official election results | Steve Frank: “Republican Party in California in ICU”

I always hunger for Church renewal, which would not just “balance” the evil forces with the forces of good but would overcome sin. Of course, without repentance, this won’t happen personally or politically.

So, on June 7, there were more wins for anti-family Democrats and notable losses for good Republicans who would have actually fought for children and families.

  • There won’t be any Republican — liberal or conservative — in the U.S. Senate runoff in November. Instead the “choice” will be between two staunch liberals, Democrats Kamala Harris (40%) and Loretta Sanchez (18.5%). Among the Republican candidates, mostly conservative Tom Del Beccarro gained only 4.2%, while liberal, moneyed Republican Duf Sundheim gained 8%. Stalwart conservative Phil Wyman did surprising strong at 4.9%. Add up all the votes for the 12 Republican candidates in this race, and it totals 29.4%. Can you say divide and conquer?
  • I’m personally sad that pro-family champions Andy Pugno of Folsom and Mike Spence of West Covina have fallen short in their Assembly races, that Samuel Anderson lost his Stockton-area state Senate campaign, and that Tim Donnelly of San Bernardino County came short in his congressional bid. These losses for these pro-family fighters are losses for California families.
  • A strong, pro-family conservative named Justin Fareed has gotten more votes than wimpy Republican Katcho Achadjian in the congressional district covering Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties. This could be a conservative pick-up in November, as could another congressional seat in San Bernardino County, where a strong pro-family fighter, Republican Paul Chabot, could replace incumbent Democrat Pete Aguilar.
  • Looking ahead, there’s a chance for greater conservative turnout in November if full-blown marijuana legalization joins the grocery store plastic bag ban on the statewide ballot. But that won’t be enough for victory, unless many more individuals and pastors work to define what’s constitutional and pro-family and challenge California voters to open their eyes and ears to the existence and evidence of absolute good and evil.

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what
is evil. Cling to what is good. Romans 12:9

Do these California Republicans deserve to win or lose?

Sunday, June 5, 2016, 8:31 pm | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes

and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

When voting, do you have a minimum moral standard? For me, that minimum pro-family standard is the candidate must vote against murderous abortion, against the harmful “LGBT” agenda, for parental rights, and for religious freedom. I call these God’s non-negotiables.

But if your voting standard is “the lesser of two evils,” you can eventually vote for just about anything, right? Because “it’s all relative.”

My joke for professing Christians about the non-biblical “lesser of two evils” standard is to have them imagine a scenario where there are only two candidates: The Democrat candidate is the devil — and the Republican candidate is the Beast from the Book of Revelation. Professing Christians with a certain view of the end times, who have a lesser-of-two-evils voting standard, will justify voting for the Beast, saying, “He’ll give us three-and-a-half good years!” Listen to my SaveCalifornia.com Radio Minute on this

Now, all jokes aside, here’s something very important to think about this election:

If-ThenIf you support the sanctity of human life or oppose the unnatural, unhealthy, unbiblical, tyrannical homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda, ask yourself — will you support or oppose Republican candidates who oppose God’s non-negotiable values?

Joining nearly all the Democrats in the California State Legislature, 16 Republican legislators voted in 2015 to “celebrate” “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month”:

State Senator Anthony Cannella: Modesto-Merced-Fresno area stretching to Salinas and 101 strip on coast
State Senator Jeff Stone: Riverside County
Assemblyman Katcho Achadjian: All of San Luis Obispo County and north Santa Barbara County
Assemblywoman Catharine Baker: Walnut Creek-Danville-San Ramon-Dublin-Pleasanton-Livermore
Assemblywoman Ling Ling Chang: Chino Hills-Yorba Linda-Brea-La Habra-Walnut
Assemblyman Rocky Chávez: Northern coastal San Diego County
Assemblyman David Hadley: Los Angeles beach cities and south bay area
Assemblyman Matthew Harper: Coastal Orange County (Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Irvine, Laguna Beach, Laguna Woods)
Assemblywoman Young Kim: Anaheim-Buena Park-Cypress-Fullerton-La Palma-Stanton
Assemblyman Tom Lackey: Lancaster-Palmdale area
Assemblyman Eric Linder: Corona-Eastvale-Jurupa Valley-Riverside
Assemblyman Brian Maienschein: Clairemont-Kearny Mesa-TierraSanta-Poway-Rancho Santa Fe
Assemblyman Devon Mathis: Tulare and Inyo counties
Assemblyman Chad Mayes: Yucaipa-Banning-Hemet-Morongo Valley-Yucca Valley-Twentynine Palms-Palm Springs-La Quinta
Assemblyman Marc Steinorth: Rancho Cucamonga-Redlands-Loma Linda-Highland-San Bernardino
Assemblyman Scott Wilk: Santa Clarita Valley and Simi Valley

pro-suicideAlso last year, 3 Assembly Republicans — Catharine Baker of Contra Costa County, David Hadley of the Los Angeles beach cities area, and Brian Maienschein of north San Diego and San Diego County — voted YES to make California a Suicide State via “physician-assisted suicide.”
See the harm | See the vote

smallbabyneedlesAnd who could forget last year’s vote to strip away parental rights and religious objections to controversial childhood vaccines that are a historically-high number of shots? Voting YES were 2 Assembly Republicans — Catherine Baker of Contra Costa County and Young Kim of Orange County — and 2 Senate Republicans Jeff Stone of Riverside County and Andy Vidak of Fresno, Kern, Kings and Tulare counties. See the harm | See the vote

3pointedallgenderrestroomsignAnd then this year, 4 Assembly Republicans voted YES to tear down “men,” “women,” “boys” and “girls” signs and symbols from single-user restrooms statewide. They were Catherine Baker of Contra Costa County, Ling Ling Chang of Los Angeles County, Young Kim of Orange County, and Brian Maienschein of San Diego County. See the harm | See the vote

Please consider your own moral values. Will you vote for any California candidate — Democrat, Republican, or other — even if they attack your values? Something to think about as you prepare to vote June 7.

charlesfinney[T]he time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them. . . . Christians have been exceedingly guilty in this matter. But the time has come when they must act differently. . . . Christians seem to act as if they thought God did not see what they do in politics. But I tell you He does see it – and He will bless or curse this nation according to the course they [Christians] take [in politics]. The great American evangelist Charles Finney (1792-1875)