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Archives for the ‘Good Government’ Category

Volunteer for your favorite candidate and change Sacramento

Tuesday, July 10, 2012, 5:10 pm | Randy Thomasson

Democrats control the California State Legislature, which they’ve had virtually since the late 1950’s.

Earlier this year, Democrat legislative leaders openly hoped to pick up two seats in the state Senate and two more in the state Assembly in November. This achievement would give them the immense power of a two-thirds’ majority, enabling Democrat legislators to pass super-majority measures, such as tax increases, without “needing” any Republican legislators.

However, the lackluster support for the Democrats in close contests in the June primary election has me thinking Republicans may actually gain seats, not lose them, in November.

Of course, this is all predicated on voter turnout, and on those who volunteer for and donate to candidates. SaveCalifornia.com does not support or oppose candidates for public office, but encourages individual citizens to be politically active for the sake of good government. Therefore, I urge you to find the competitive contests in your area, research where the candidates stand on the issues, and then volunteer for the candidate that best matches your values.

Here are lists of close legislative contests in California. A “close contest” is defined as a Democrat-held seat where the Democrat candidates, combined, received less than 50% of the June primary vote, or a Republican-held seat where Republican candidates, combined, received less than 50% of the vote in June.


AD8 East Sacramento County: June primary results: Democrats 42.8%, Republicans 52.7%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Ken Cooley, Republican Peter Tateishi District information, candidate links

AD48 West Covina-Glendora: June primary results: Democrats 43.4%, Republicans 45.6%, No Party Preference 11.0%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Roger Hernandez (incumbent), Republican Joe Gardner District information, candidate links

AD49 Monterey Park-Arcadia: June primary results: Democrats 47.8%, Republicans 52.2%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Ed Chau, Republican Matthew Lin District information, candidate links

AD61 Riverside-Moreno Valley-Perris: June primary results: Democrats 44.6%, Republicans 51%, No Party Preference 4.5%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Jose Medina, Republican Bill Batey District information, candidate links

AD66 L.A. South Bay: June primary results: Democrats 40.5%, Republicans 59.5%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Al Muratsuchi, Republican Craig Huey District information, candidate links


These are districts where Democrat candidates, combined, received 50% or more of the June primary vote, but if Republicans fight hard they might take the seat (unless the Democrats fight harder).

AD9 South Sacramento-Elk Grove-Galt-Lodi: June primary results: Democrats 50.8%, Republicans 46.1%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Richard Pan (incumbent), Republican Tony Amador District information, candidate links

AD21 Merced County-parts of Stanislaus County: June primary results: Democrats 54.5%, Republicans 45.4%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Adam Gray, Republican Jack Mobley District information, candidate links

AD37 Santa Barbara County-Ventura-Santa Paula-Fillmore: June primary results: Democrats 56%, Republicans 44%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Das Williams (incumbent), Republican Rob Walter District information, candidate links

AD41 Pasadena-Sierra Madre-San Dimas-Claremont-Upland: June primary results: Democrats 58.6%, Republicans 41.4%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Chris Holden, Republican Donna Lowe District information, candidate links

AD43 Burbank-Glendale-La Crescenta: June primary results: Democrats 55.7%, Republicans 44.3%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Mike Gatto (incumbent), Republican Greg Krikorian District information, candidate links

AD57 Whittier-La Mirada-Hacienda Heights-La Puente: June primary results: Democrats 56.2%, Republicans 43.8%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Ian Calderon, Republican Noel Jaimes District information, candidate links | Local news coverage


AD32 Kings County-parts of Kern County: June primary results: Democrats 41.4%, Republicans 58.6%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Rudy Salas, Republican Pedro Rios District information, candidate links


AD4 Napa and Yolo Counties, with parts of Colusa, Lake, Sonoma, Solano counties: June primary results | District information, candidate links

AD7 Sacramento-West Sacramento: June primary results | District information, candidate links


These are districts that you can call “question marks” or experimental or unpredictable due to the presence of a “No Party Preference” (NPP) candidate, which, for the first time, are allowed this year through Proposition 14, passed by California voters in 2010.

For example, if a “No Party Preference” is running against a Democrat, the “NPP” candidate could win by attracting — on the issues — Republican voters,  independent voters, and disenfranchised Democrat voters.

Assembly District 28 in the Silicon Valley in Santa Clara County has both a Democrat and a “No Party Preference” candidate in the November runoff. June primary results | District information, candidate links

Assembly District 11 covering Fairfield, Vacaville, and the sprawling Sacramento Delta region) has a Democrat and a Republican facing off in November, but the “No Political Party” candidate came in a strong third and that candidate’s supporters could affect the outcome in November: June primary results | District information, candidate links


SD5 Stanislaus County-San Joaquin County-Galt: June primary results: Democrats 40.7%, Republicans 59.2%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Cathleen Galgiani, Republican Bill Berryhill District information, candidate links

SD27 Thousand Oaks-Malibu-Simi Valley-Santa Clarita: June primary results: Democrats 48.9%, Republicans 51.1%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Fran Pavley (incumbent), Republican Mike Zink District information, candidate links

SD31 Corona-Riverside-Moreno Valley-Perris: June primary results: Democrats 48.9%, Republicans 51.1%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Richard Roth, Republican Jeff Miller District information, candidate links


SD19 Santa Barbara County and part of Ventura County: June primary results Democrats 54.9%, Republicans 45.1%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Hannah-Beth Jackson, Republican Mike Stoker District information, candidate links


SD39 San Diego-Coronado-Del Mar-La Jolla-Solana Beach-south of Escondido: June primary results: Democrats 56.3%, Republicans 43.7%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Marty Block, Republican George Plescia District information, candidate links

Again, you choose the candidate or candidates that best represent your values. But I urge you to volunteer, because volunteering with your interests or talents or skills is how you can make the most difference in an election year. Either volunteer directly for a candidate or develop and distribute your own material supporting a candidate or a slate of candidates (i.e. a voter scorecard).

Both Democrats and Republicans quote Edmund Burke, who, in 1795, wrote, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” This modern proverb is true and applicable to elections. But you should know that Burke was a British moral-values Christian, and would not want evildoers to use his words to rally their troops more than workers of righteousness in their communities.

ObamaCare ruling: Don’t be depressed, direct your anger instead

Thursday, June 28, 2012, 1:28 pm | Randy Thomasson

If your emotions are riled up by unjust judges who have upheld ObamaCare, let the Righteous Judge help you direct your anger and frustration toward a good cause. For the Word of God teaches “be angry, but do not sin” (Ephesians 4:26).

Even though five judges on the U.S. Supreme Court have wrongly opined that ObamaCare is constitutionally permissible, a future Congress and President could repeal all of this socialist-medicine monstrosity.

ObamaCare includes:

At least 20 new taxes on families and small businesses

The ruination of America’s health care system

The biggest pro-abortion federal program ever

Insurance blockades to nutritional medicine

Because this is an election year, I urge you to replace your unrealistic depression for healthy anger. Dr. Neil Anderson is a Christian mental health pioneer and an expert on spiritual warfare. In his excellent book, Victory Over The Darkness, Anderson explains the difference between depression and anger:

Depression Signals an Impossible Goal
When you base your future success on something that can never happen, you have an impossible, hopeless goal. Your depression is a signal that your goal, no matter how spiritual or noble, may never be reached.

Anger Signals a Blocked Goal
When your activity in a relationship or a project results in feelings of anger, it’s usually because someone or something has blocked your goal in that endeavor. Any goal which can be blocked by forces you can’t control (other than God) is not a healthy goal, because your success in that arena is out of your hands.

See it? If you’re frustrated about ObamaCare’s socialized medicine being upheld, you’re justifiably angry that elected representatives and Supreme Court judges are blocking your goal of (and your healthy desires for) personal liberty, a reliable healthcare system, and good government. And your anger is good if you direct it toward good.

Christian psychologist Dr. Neil Clark Warren, founder of the eHarmony.com matchmaking service, wrote a groundbreaking book called Make Anger Your Ally.  From the book’s description:

Do you ever struggle with anger? You can suppress it, deny it, let it control you, or you can Make Anger Your Ally… master anger and transform its energy into a dynamic force for positive living.

Got it? Instead of being depressed about ObamaCare, be righteously angry and direct your anger in healthy ways this November. Vote how you want, but know that a future Congress and President could repeal ObamaCare if you vote like you demand it. Permission to be angry!

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Sweet justice in San Diego?

Thursday, June 14, 2012, 6:23 pm |

SaveCalifornia.com provides the following solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Tired of liberal judicial activists imposing their anti-Christian views on everyone else? And what about those mushy judges who get swayed by everything other than the written Constitution that they’ve sworn to uphold?

I’m enthusiastically watching the election results in San Diego County. Because one of America’s leading Christian constitutional attorneys may be elected a local judge – and we’ll finally get constitutional rulings that are right before God.

Gary Kreep is executive director of the United States Justice Foundation. Over the years, he has defended many moral causes in court,  including representing me, on a pro bono basis. See his impressive bio.

Tonight, with only 7,000 absentee and provisional votes remaining to be counted, Gary is ahead by 824 votes over the establishment-supported candidate, Garland Peed. It seems a small lead but it’s larger than yesterday and the liberals are very nervous about losing one of their judge seats to a strict constructionist who will uphold the written Constitution. Gary received very few donations but has always fought for God and country and in this race he sacrificially donated his own funds.

Keep track of the San Diego County election results, posted weekdays at 5 p.m.