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Black pastors vs. Prop. 19 (marijuana legalization)

Friday, July 9, 2010, 2:27 pm |

As I walked to the west steps of the State Capitol July 7 to watch the black pastors’ news conference against marijuana legalization, it was like hearing a powerful worship meeting in process. “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!” sang a man at the podium, backed up by 20+ ministers. The un-colorblind media in attendance would never call them the religious right.

Watch the TV news report

What’s going on here? A long time ago, fatherlessness infected the black community, along with the irresponsible mindset furnished by government welfare. All that pain and sin was powerful fuel for marijuana addiction, now an epidemic among black teens and young adults.

Led by Dr. Ron Allen, head of the International Faith-Based Coalition, these pastors blasted Prop. 19, which would legalize marijuana up and down California. They also called for the resignation of Alice Huffman, the pro-pot head of the California chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Huffman is a liberal’s liberal. Notorious in California politics, Huffman was a former legislative aide to ultraliberal Democrat Maxine Waters (now in Congress) and doubled as president of the Black American Political Association of California, an organization founded by Willie Brown, the infamous “Ayatollah of the Assembly.” In 1984, Huffman became political director of the biggest, baddest government union in the state, the California Teachers Association.

In 2005, Huffman put the California NAACP on record in favor of homosexual  “marriage” legislation. That same year, she was the grand marshall of San Diego’s “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender pride parade.” So it’s no surprise that Huffman has put the NAACP down for Prop. 19, which would legalize pot “possession and  cultivation” statewide.


1. According to the American Lung Association, there is 50-70% more cancer-causing material in marijuana smoke than in cigarette smoke. In fact, marijuana smoke contains more than 400 chemicals. Marijuana is more harmful to the lungs than cigarettes.
2. Sixty percent of teens in drug treatment centers report marijuana as their #1 addiction.
3. Teens and young adults who regularly smoke pot are at risk of developing brain abnormalities.
4. Legalizing marijuana means teen pot usage will match, even exceed, teen alcohol usage.
5. Adolescents who smoke pot are 85 times more likely to use cocaine than their non–pot smoking peers. And 60 percent of youngsters who use marijuana before they turn 15 later go on to use cocaine.
6. Legalizing pot means it will be sold in your local grocery store, purchased by 21-year-olds who will then give it or sell it to teenagers.
7. Legalizing marijuana will dramatically increase “drugged driving” and fatal car accidents.
8. Legalizing pot will allow drug cartels to grow marijuana in large-scale operations on thousands of acres of California farmland.
9. More violent crime will result as drug cartels invest heavily in marijuana fields and dramatically increase their power.
10. Legalizing marijuana will make it impossible for employers to enforce drug-free workplace rules.

Not yet convinced that legalizing marijuana is a terrible idea? Watch Lei Green, 32, a single mother of seven, talk about how marijuana led her on a road to destruction.

Don’t fill yourself up with wine.
Getting drunk will lead to wild living.
Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 5:18 NIRV

Why did Californians vote that way?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010, 6:34 pm |

SaveCalifornia.com provides the following solely for educational purposes. SaveCalifornia.com does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Why did Republican voters in California choose an advocate for taxpayer-funded abortions and homosexual adoptions as their nominee for Governor?

Why did Republicans also choose a tax-hiker and “Harvey Milk Gay Day” supporter as their nominee for Lt. Governor?

Why did solid conservatives who were electable, such as Chuck DeVore for U.S. Senate and John Eastman for Attorney General, lose on Tuesday?

And why did Prop. 14, which eliminated the party primary system and will result in more liberal Republicans being elected in conservative districts, win handily?

Here’s why. These days, more California voters — even those who are registered Republicans – seem to trust more in their emotions than evidence, and are uneducated on good morals and the requirements of good government. When faced with viable candidates, they vote on personality and image more than policies and principles.


Do more people not know or not care about government and societal problems that need fixing? I used to be divided in my answer, saying some people “didn’t know” and others “didn’t care.” But today in our internet age, people can find information if they want it. Voters could have found where viable (electable) candidates stood on moral, family and social issues at SaveCalifornia.com or by doing web searches. But apparently, not enough cared to look. That’s why mega-millions spent on campaigning are more influential than the candidates’ verifiable policy positions, like Chuck DeVore kept talking about.


It’s hard to fool a wise person. But it’s easy to fool a fool. So if lies are told by candidates, they bounce away from a wise person because he knows the difference and tests the information before buying it. But a foolish person eats whatever he’s given, as long as it smells good, looks good and feels initially good.


Elections used to be about what kind of government we would get. Now I think elections are more about what kind of people we are.

Hear me on this. Most voters went to government schools where knowledge of the written United States and California Constitutions are NOT taught. Nor are the historical Christian convictions of our founding fathers and the Judeo-Christian foundation of the U.S. Constitution. Instead, most government school graduates are taught that God should be kept in the closet, that evolution is fact, and that feelings are as important, as or even more important, than hard facts (which is why some school districts don’t even give A-F grades anymore). Ignorance makes people easy prey.


Add to this the self-centered entertainment culture, which has been trying to teach everyone in America to go with their feelings and with their “right” to do anything. This hedonistic mindset is why California voters are not as virtuous or morally principled as they used to be. Foolish feelings reign now, and the only wisdom will come from either spiritual repentance or painful lessons. We’ve slid a long way since 1969 when Frank Sinatra popularized the notion of doing everything “my way.”

And with most pro-family Californians either unwilling or untrained to volunteer or donate to political candidates, it’s the big-money candidates who have personal funds or are bankrolled by the obscenely wealthy government unions that most often win. By making the multi-million-dollar ad buys, these big-moneyed candidates can “connect” with voters and infuse them with certain thoughts and feelings. It’s a winning combination that promotes a certain type of idolatry as voters “bond” with candidates and remain loyal to them. Again, feelings rule!


What can be done to reverse this harmful trend? What can be done to save our culture by making truth more popular than lies?

Here are five courageous and effective projects for pro-family citizens to shine much more light in our culture, which the darkness currently dominates:

1. REPENT FROM IDOLATRY: Stop emotionally worshipping candidates. I heard from a pro-family conservative woman who glowed about meeting “Meg” and disbelieved SaveCalifornia.com’s factual report that Meg Whitman, like Jerry Brown, supports state taxpayer-funded abortions without limit. Finally she believed when she saw Whitman’s own statements on our website. She thanked us for “clearing up some matters,” for making her go “just a bit deeper,” and ended by saying she would work to “beat this woman.” But there were millions of pro-family voters who swooned like they did for Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2003. Resolve to never vote for personality or image or race or sex, but for policy and principles that are right and can win.

2. RESCUE AND TEACH YOUR CHILDREN: In order for there to be hope for the future, parents and grandparents must teach their children and grandchildren good morals and good citizenship. Today, the main influence upon the minds and hearts of children is government schools, with dumbed-down academics, political correctness, anti-God and anti-morality sentiments, negative peer pressure and now even hints of socialistic teaching. Public schools these days don’t teach the Christian foundation of our government, which is why many voters today support immorality and socialism. The best thing parents and grandparents can do for their children and grandchildren is to permanently remove them from the government school system so they can develop good character, critical thinking and learn to stand for truth. Learn how at RescueYourChild.com.

3. PERSUADE THE PUBLIC: Get educated on good, moral government and the arguments for it, and then start educating others by calling talk radio and writing on web sites run by newspapers and TV stations. Read “10 Ways to Impact Your Local Media.”

4. START A “LOCAL ARMY”: Who is going to win elections in your city, county and state? For your values to win, you need to build a pro-family “local army” to battle the money and volunteers on the other side. You need a working group to educate and motivate an even larger group (the voters in your community) to vote for your values.  Read “10 Ways to Build a Pro-Family Army.”

5. EDUCATE YOUR CHURCH: If you have a church, give your pastor books and videos about good government, voters’ duties, and what voters should fight for. Use resources here and here.

“No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”
Samuel Adams, United States founding father, in 1775

Will Prop. 8 be overturned by California voters?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 5:21 pm |

There’s a new, large poll out on homosexual “marriages” from the Public Policy Institute of California.

It’s got some things that pro-family citizens won’t like. But keep reading, because it’s a shot in the arm that should get you talking to others about the natural and beautiful institution of marriage between a man and a woman, the very foundation of family.

The March 9-16 PPIC poll found that support for homosexual “marriage” legalization is edging up in California. Among all adults, more say they favor (50%) same-sex “marriage” than oppose it (45%). This is a five percent increase from similar polls between 2004 and 2009, when support for the notion of homosexual “marriages” hovered around 45%.

Sadly, majorities of Democrats (64%) and independents (55%) support destroying the natural definition of marriage. However, most Republicans (67%) oppose redefining marriage. Most whites (55%) express support for homosexual “marriages,” while Latinos are more opposed (51%) than in favor (43%) of altering the foundation of familia.

How accurate is the poll? Telephone polls are less accurate than they used to be, because a lot of conservatives won’t talk to pollsters who ring their home or cell phone.

Ultimately, the only poll that matters is on Election Day. The PPIC poll claims that likely voters supported homosexual “marriage” legalization 49% to 45%. But that’s not very reliable since the poll identified “likely voters” based on what people said about themselves, not on their actual voter records.


I had the privilege of telling the truth about this issue to millions of Latinos that read La Opinion, California’s largest Spanish-language newspaper.

From the March 30 newspaper article, entitled “Gays seek Latino support”:

Randy Thomasson of the organization SaveCalifornia.com said the PPIC survey had spoken with people who are not necessarily voters.

“This poll is a wake-up call to start talking about the importance of nature, morality, marital oneness, and children. Caring about the most important things in life means supporting marriage for only a man and a woman.”

The Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman does not support gay marriage but civil unions and same-sex couples to adopt children.

Steve Poizner, Republican candidate for governor is also in favor of civil unions but not gay marriage. As the only Democratic candidate for governor Jerry Brown is sympathetic to the marriage of same-sex couples, calling it a fundamental right.


Don’t be complacent. Let this horse-race poll be your wake-up call that marriage licenses are up for grabs. If you don’t know it yet, hear it now: Homosexual activists want to qualify a constitutional amendment to override Prop. 8 in 2012 or 2014. This would be a war for marriage licenses all over again.

So take action today. Talk to children and young adults and, as appropriate, sensitize them to the importance of protecting the natural institution of man-woman marriage. Tell them the facts:

• CHILDREN: An extensive body of research proves that children do best with a married father and mother. Yet children raised in homosexual environments experiment homosexually themselves and develop gender identity problems.

• LONGEVITY: Marriage between a man and a woman lasts, on average, 10 times longer than homosexual relationships.

• HEALTH: Monogamous sex between a faithfully married husband and wife is the only true “safe sex” around, while homosexual “sex” is inherently unhealthy.

• BIOLOGY: It’s a lie to promote same-sex “marriages” because men and women are biologically created for each other, not men for men or women for women.

• SPIRITUAL TRUTH: In the Bible, God consistently says that marriage is only for a man and a woman. To disagree with this exclusive, sacred definition is to go against God Himself.

“No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”
U.S. Founding Father Samuel Adams, 1775