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Courageous California doctors expose ‘Covid vaccine’ dangers

Saturday, June 5, 2021, 10:39 am | Randy Thomasson
Dr. Mark McDonald, M.D. a child psychiatrist and Dr. Jeffrey Barke, M.D., a family medicine physician, in Orange County, California on June 4, 2021

Here’s a vitally-important video you’ve just got to see. Two Southern California M.D.’s who love truth and love people on June 4 presented the facts and evidence that Big Media ignores about the dangers of the experimental biological agents that are misnamed “Covid vaccines.” These principled doctors have really studied up and fought hard for all of our sakes since this scamdemic began.

Here’s most of the video (scroll to the start to watch) and here’s the 5-minute conclusion (to view these, you must be logged into an Instagram account)

As you know, one of the top controversies of the dangerous “Covid vaccines” (which have caused thousands of deaths and millions of injuries) is whether children should get “the jab.” In California, the Liberal Left (county “public health officers” plus anti-family teacher unions) are actively coercing schoolchildren as young as 12 years old to “consent” to “the jab” without their parents’ permission. This is why loving fathers and mothers must rescue their children now by exiting the awful government-controlled school system.

At Orange County’s “Covid 19 Information Night,” Dr. Jeffrey Barke said, “It doesn’t make sense, from scientific standpoint, to vaccinate a child against a disease that they have very little risk against. The risk of the vaccine for a child is greater than any benefit that could come against this virus — so there’s just simply no reason.”

Please share this blog with your friends so they can protect themselves and their children!

“I started to see people hitting a point where they they weren’t just afraid — they actually believed some of the lies that they were being told. They believed that, for example, it’s impossible, it’s just unheard of, it’s incredibly dangerous, to have children at school; that all people are equally at risk of dying of coronavirus — no matter what their age, no matter what their health status; that you have to stay indoors in order to be safe; that you can’t go to work. All of these proclamations that were being spoken of — people started to believe in as being factually true — evidence-based — which none of them are.”
Dr. Mark McDonald on “Dose of Dr. Drew,” January 6, 2021 (at 11:52)

No reasonable person will take the ‘jab’ after watching this

Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 10:10 am | Randy Thomasson

Here’s a video you’ve got to see! It’s both factual and entertaining, and every evil entity in this world doesn’t want you to see it. Because if you watch it, you won’t want to be injected with the experimental biological agents called the “Covid vaccines.”

WATCH IT NOW: COVID Vaccine Secrets
Summary | Transcript | Documentation

An important fact from the video is that, according to CDC data on January 27, the survival rates for those infected with Covid are:

Age 0-14: 99.9998%
Age 15-44: 99.9931%
Age 45-64: 99.9294%
Age 65-85: 99.6297%
Over age 85: 98.2499%

This means your chance of dying from Covid is the same or lower than your chance of being hit by a lightning bolt. So let’s flush away the irrational fear resulting in mask-wearing, social distancing, and “Covid vaccine” injections.

Please watch this eye-opening 16-minute video, see the documentation proving the video’s facts, and share this with as many people as you can!

10,570 DEAD 1,050,829 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines,” Health Impact News, May 23, 2021

And see this May 26 article documenting tens of thousands dead and more than a million people injured from the misnamed “Covid vaccine”

4 big lies the CDC has told you

Friday, April 30, 2021, 1:08 pm | Randy Thomasson

For more than a year now, you’ve been told to obey your “public health authorities,” as though the written federal and state constitutions don’t exist, and your elected representatives don’t either.

Yet now evidence has been collected, conclusively demonstrating how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the ultimate “health authority” in the United States, has lied to you. To help you resist the CDC’s bondage, SaveCalifornia.com has researched the CDC’s four biggest whoppers:

1. “The never-before-done lockdown was needed and merited.” (Nope, not true: Full lockdowns do NOT reduce coronavirus mortality rate: StudyEven a military-enforced quarantine can’t stop the virus, study revealsMichigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer acknowledges her tyrannical lockdowns haven’t stopped COVID from ‘raging back’)

2. “Masks for the general public protect against Covid transmission.” (Nope, not true: Masking: A careful review of the evidenceAnother bungled CDC study on restaurants and masksFacemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis)

3. “The various ‘Covid vaccines’ (experimental biological agents not fully approved by the FDA) are safe.” (Nope, not true: French drug assessment center demands removal of all four widely used COVID vaccinesCDC: 3,848 dead 118,902 injured following experimental COVID injections; 8,430 dead 354,177 injuries: European database of adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 “vaccines”; U.K.: 1,047 deaths 725,079 COVID-19 vaccine injuries; Dr Simone Gold – The truth about the CV19 vaccine

4. “Hydroxychloroquine is unsafe and ineffective.” (Nope, not true: Massive international study shows countries with early HCQ use had 79% lower mortality rateLancet formally retracts fake hydroxychloroquine study used by media to attack TrumpWhy is the media suppressing information about hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness against COVID?Look what’s curing COVID-19California doctor successfully cures 1,700 patients using hydroxychloroquine)

Please use these facts to empower yourself and others to live free again. Help your family, friends, and those in your circle of influence to reject the unscientific “Covid” tyranny.

And Californians, realize that even by the Democrat politicians’ own metrics — focusing on infections, not deaths — Covid isn’t spreading much. “Cases” and “test positivity” are as low (or lower) as a year ago.

Public trust in the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) fell during the first half of the coronavirus pandemic.
Dwindling Trust in CDC Threatens Public Health Messaging Campaign