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ObamaCare ruling: Don’t be depressed, direct your anger instead

Thursday, June 28, 2012, 1:28 pm | Randy Thomasson

If your emotions are riled up by unjust judges who have upheld ObamaCare, let the Righteous Judge help you direct your anger and frustration toward a good cause. For the Word of God teaches “be angry, but do not sin” (Ephesians 4:26).

Even though five judges on the U.S. Supreme Court have wrongly opined that ObamaCare is constitutionally permissible, a future Congress and President could repeal all of this socialist-medicine monstrosity.

ObamaCare includes:

At least 20 new taxes on families and small businesses

The ruination of America’s health care system

The biggest pro-abortion federal program ever

Insurance blockades to nutritional medicine

Because this is an election year, I urge you to replace your unrealistic depression for healthy anger. Dr. Neil Anderson is a Christian mental health pioneer and an expert on spiritual warfare. In his excellent book, Victory Over The Darkness, Anderson explains the difference between depression and anger:

Depression Signals an Impossible Goal
When you base your future success on something that can never happen, you have an impossible, hopeless goal. Your depression is a signal that your goal, no matter how spiritual or noble, may never be reached.

Anger Signals a Blocked Goal
When your activity in a relationship or a project results in feelings of anger, it’s usually because someone or something has blocked your goal in that endeavor. Any goal which can be blocked by forces you can’t control (other than God) is not a healthy goal, because your success in that arena is out of your hands.

See it? If you’re frustrated about ObamaCare’s socialized medicine being upheld, you’re justifiably angry that elected representatives and Supreme Court judges are blocking your goal of (and your healthy desires for) personal liberty, a reliable healthcare system, and good government. And your anger is good if you direct it toward good.

Christian psychologist Dr. Neil Clark Warren, founder of the eHarmony.com matchmaking service, wrote a groundbreaking book called Make Anger Your Ally.  From the book’s description:

Do you ever struggle with anger? You can suppress it, deny it, let it control you, or you can Make Anger Your Ally… master anger and transform its energy into a dynamic force for positive living.

Got it? Instead of being depressed about ObamaCare, be righteously angry and direct your anger in healthy ways this November. Vote how you want, but know that a future Congress and President could repeal ObamaCare if you vote like you demand it. Permission to be angry!

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Where will conservatives go now?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 10:21 pm |

SaveCalifornia.com, and our national arm SaveAmerica.com, provides this solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

In my 18 years of public leadership for moral standards and family values, I have tried to be faithful to God’s non-negotiable values and His Truth. For throughout His Word, God only blesses obedient people.

Now that the contest for the Republican presidential nomination is a three-man race, I want to keep standing for God’s truth, despite any temptation to do otherwise.

Nine years ago, California went through a historic gubernatorial recall election. Yet because conservatives went with image over good public policies, they chose liberal Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger over conservative Republican Tom McClintock. As a result, bad policies were not reversed and bad bills were signed into law. Do you want to see history repeat?

If you have strong moral values and a sense of history, I invite you to stand for Truth with us at SaveCalifornia.com and our national arm, SaveAmerica.com. We have no horse in this race, but are working hard to get the truth about the public-policy records of the Republican presidential candidates to as many people as possible. The facts are found in our Report Card on the Natural Family, which documents the candidates’ records on 10 public-policy issues affecting families.

Truly, a candidate’s actual votes and public actions, along with his repeated, consistent, specific spoken positions, demonstrate where he really stands on public-policy issues regarding the natural family. Don’t disagree with the evidence before seeing the Report Card on the Natural Family documentation and source links here, in alphabetical order:

See the evidence for NEWT GINGRICH »
See the evidence for RON PAUL »
See the evidence for MITT ROMNEY »

Thank you for standing with us for God’s non-negotiable Truth. For the sake of our land, please forward the evidence of our Report Card on the Natural Family to all your friends.

Are you a true conservative?

Monday, March 26, 2012, 6:33 pm |

SaveCalifornia.com and our national arm, SaveAmerica.com, provides the following
solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

I was concerned earlier this year when Mitt Romney beat Newt Gingrich in Florida. No, it wasn’t because Romney got first place and Gingrich came in second. It was because so-called conservatives were hypocrites about their “conservative” values.

In the January 31 Florida exit poll of 2,835 Republicans who had just voted, 33% of the respondents identified themselves as “very conservative” and an additional 36% identified as “somewhat conservative.” Yet only 14% said the most important candidate quality is that he is a “true conservative.” Do the math — only 1 of 5 self-proclaimed conservatives prioritized voting conservative!

And I’m concerned about another thing. Some self-proclaimed moral conservatives don’t like our evidence-based Report Card on the Natural Family because they are either already loyal to a candidate or don’t apparently have moral standards for public policies when they vote.

Let me challenge the naysayers with the words of Jesus Christ, who, in Mark 7, described a list of sins, including “pride/arrogance” and “foolishness”:

And He was saying, “That which proceeds out of the man, that is what defiles the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, deeds of coveting and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride and foolishness. All these evil things proceed from within and defile the man.” (Mark 7:20-23 NASB)

Note how Jesus listed pride (or arrogance) and foolishness as sins, not mistakes. How are these sinful behaviors expressed in our lives?

Arrogance is claiming you know something you don’t, or saying someone doesn’t know what they do.

Foolishness is just the opposite, claiming you don’t know something when you should know better.

I have been arrogant at times and foolish more times. And for that, I need to confess, repent, and ask forgiveness from God in Jesus’ name. How about you?

But please, don’t be prideful or arrogant – or foolish — in this year’s presidential race.

Don’t think you know how the candidate stands on moral and family values without first seeing our unbiased and documented Report Card on the Natural Family.

And don’t be foolish by claiming you didn’t know or didn’t have the time to know. Voting in the dark is like swinging a sword in a dark room full of people. Someone’s going to get hurt.  That’s why a principled Christian and former California assemblyman is glad we’re turning on the light:

“Randy Thomasson and his organizations SaveCalifornia.com and SaveAmerica.com are doing everyone in the nation a Godly service by providing the unadulterated and clear and documented evidence of the actual public policy positions of the Republican candidates on family values,” said Steve Baldwin, former California state assemblyman (1994-2000) and former executive director of the Council on National Policy (2001-2009).

“While not all candidates tell the truth, the Report Card on the Natural Family certainly does. Randy and his team are helping many people discern between truth and lies, between facts and hearsay on where the candidates really stand on these important issues for the future of our culture.”

TAKE ACTION: Please make humility and wisdom a priority for America’s sake. See and share our presidential Report Card on the Natural Family.

“Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”
Jesus Christ in John 7:24 (NKJV)