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A snapshot of SaveCalifornia.com’s work for you

Sunday, February 20, 2011, 4:27 pm |

If you’ve been tracking with us recently, you know that SaveCalifornia.com is empowering, alerting, teaching, explaining, launching new media, and pioneering much-needed cultural renewal for the good of children and families in California and beyond.

If you appreciate our work and our voice for your values, please let us know by giving a gift to continue our mission. Thank you so much. Donate online | Donate by mail

Here in 2011, SaveCalifornia has been hard at work:

Empowering Californians to send “no more taxes” emails to keep Republican legislators from selling out to the Democrats (a winnable battle in which we can have victory, and that we’re winning so far).

Alerting citizens on the worst school sexual indoctrination bill ever. Right now, we’re empowering Californians to email and call Jerry Brown and state legislators to oppose SB 48 by homosexual activist state senator Mark Leno. On Feb. 12, our call to action was the top story on WorldNetDaily.com. This bill is a long shot to defeat, but we’re exposing it so that parents realize SB 48 would be the 7th school sexual indoctrination law on the books. Parents and grandparents need to wake up and rescue their children and grandchildren!

Teaching Californians on live secular radio that homosexuality has no biological basis and is the cause of the overwhelming majority of HIV/AIDS cases. On Feb. 15, I was on the Andy Caldwell Show in San Luis Obispo, explaining how homosexual researcher Simon LeVay admitted there’s no biological evidence for homosexuality and also telling folks the sad fact that homosexual and bisexual behavior is the overwhelming cause of HIV transmission.

Launching a new 1-minute message to air on radio stations, reaching even more people with the truth. Listen to my first SaveCalifornia.com Minute.

Helping explain to judges and to the public why Proposition 8 reserving marriage licenses for “a man and a woman” must be upheld. Listen to my Dec. 7 bulletin. See our SaveCalifornia.com/Campaign for Children and Families amicus brief in the Prop. 8 case.

Pioneering a much-needed project for 2011 to reach young people with the truth about the consequences of their sexual choices and behavior. Our dream of holding up a recognizable moral standard for the younger generation is only in the planning stages. But like me, I hope you’re excited about this priority direction to attract, inspire, and instruct the under-30 crowd. See my short YouTube video and catch the vision.

You can keep our good work going. If you appreciate SaveCalifornia.com, please show it today. Your gift of any amount — $20, $35, $50, $100, $200, $500 or $1,000 — is needed to continue and further our work and mission and vision. Thank you in advance, very much.

Donate online | Donate by mail

Lastly, enjoy our voice featured three times last month in OneNewsNow (American Family Association):

ACLU ‘kissing cousins’ with Communist Party? (Jan. 25, 2011)
Celebrating a lie, ignoring the truth (Jan. 19, 2011)
New judge may be more liberal (Jan. 13, 2011)

Teach your children about the San Diego cross battle

Saturday, January 8, 2011, 9:42 am |

Why is the “take down the cross” ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals so wrong?

Because federal judges must follow the WRITTEN Constitution, which says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” Thus, the Constitution prohibits the United States government creating an official denomination (such as the Church of England, which had the king at its head). However, the framers wrote that the federal government must never trample the “free exercise” of any religious denomination (religion) — that is, religious speech, expression, action, or activity that is non-violent.

Despite the very bad ruling on January 4, the Mt. Soledad Cross in La Jolla is staying up pending appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. Yet now is your opportunity to teach children and share with young adults the religious freedom and public expressions of faith guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Because if you don’t tell them the truth, liberal teachers in schools, colleges, the media, and culture will certainly teach them lies and myths.

Print, read and talk about these helpful articles:

Robert Knight: Expression is not coercion

From David Barton and Wallbuilders:
Separation of church and state 
Separation of church and state, part 2 
The founders and public religious expressions
Importance of morality and religion in government

Library of Congress: Religion and the founding of the American Republic

Charles Krauthammer: Constitutionalism

So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.
Jesus Christ in Matthew 10:32-33 ESV

5 things to remember at Christmas

Friday, December 24, 2010, 2:49 pm |

As I prepare for Christmas, here are five important things I’m trying to remember. I thought they would help you too:

1. It’s about celebrating Jesus: Imagine your friends threw you a birthday party but then kept you out, or ignored you if you somehow got in. That’s how most Americans do Christmas. Yet the Child born in Bethlehem, who loves us all intensely, is also the Judge of all mankind. Honor Him by reading aloud the Biblical account of his birth in Matthew or Luke. Praise Him for coming to offer salvation from hell to the humble, who submit themselves to Him. This is a sacred truth that even Linus, of the Peanuts gang, knew.

2. It’s not about how you feel:
As long as our happiness is based on ourselves, other people, and the situations that surround us, we will never truly be happy. The search for circumstantial or environmental happiness is why many people get depressed around Christmas. But when you meditate on Jesus’ love, and receive His love of salvation through confession, repentance, and asking for His forgiveness, it’s easy to love Him back. This is called joy. “You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy.” 1 Peter 1:8 NLT

3. It’s not a day, but a state of mind: This week, a bank teller asked my wife if she was “ready for Christmas.” My wife replied, “Jesus is in my heart, so I’m ready.” Christmas isn’t a day, but a state of mind. Because my mind’s no good without the LORD, I want to have Thanksgiving every morning and Christmas every evening. That is, I want to sincerely thank God first thing upon waking and then worship Him throughout the day. God wants his children to celebrate Him daily. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV

4. It’s not simply a “holiday,” but a remembrance of Jesus Messiah (Yeshua Mashiach):
Christmas literally means “Christ’s Mass,” or “feast of Christ.” It is a celebration dedicated to Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who was miraculously born, then supernaturally taught, healed, forgave, died, resurrected, and ascended to heaven — unlike any other figure in history. This is why I don’t say “Happy Holidays.” A local shop owner was told by a customer that he should wish people “Happy Holidays,” not “Merry Christmas.” She said he might offend people. He replied, “If there wasn’t a Christmas, there wouldn’t be a holiday, so Merry Christmas.” I love that! At Christmastime, I wish people “JOYous CHRISTmas, because He’s the Reason for the Season.” People nod in agreement and say “That’s right.” Listen to this upbeat song called “Christmas with a Capital C” by the GoFishGuys. It powerfully explains why “Christmas” is not a mere “holiday.”

5. This is also a great time of year to remember SaveCalifornia.com
: As you give gifts to loved ones, please consider giving a helpful gift to SaveCalifornia.com.

In 2010, SaveCalifornia.com reached over 5 million Californians through our educational campaign exposing the harms of marijuana legalization; we alerted thousands of parents about the very real threat of government-school sexual indoctrination; we educated millions of Americans through the media on why man-woman marriage matters; and we taught application of God’s moral virtues for family, culture, and government all year long, utilizing media and technology.

In 2011, our priority focus is to reach and impact the hearts and minds of young people under 30. They are our future and our future leaders too. Together, we can teach them the benefits of God’s truth and the negative consequences of merely following their feelings. We simply must.

With your help, SaveCalifornia.com will harness technology and new media to launch targeted messages, community action, on-the-street activism, and more. It’s all very exciting and so needful. Can you see it?

Here at the end of the year, you can enjoy touching hearts and redeeming our culture through SaveCalifornia.com. Please participate. Your gift of $10, $20, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or more will help us enter 2011 with strength. You can donate online or donate by mail. Thank you in advance for whatever you can give.  

JOYous CHRISTmas to you and yours!