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51 Democrats + 4 Republicans attack ‘men,’ ‘women,’ ‘boys’ and ‘girls’

Monday, May 9, 2016, 6:26 pm | Randy Thomasson


(This post was updated on May 12 when the final vote changes had been tallied and reported on the Legislature’s bill tracking site.)

I have very bad news to report. The California Assembly has voted to tear down “men,” “women,” “boys,” and “girls” signs at all single-user restrooms statewide. The State Senate votes next.

In the 80-member Assembly, the May 9 passage of AB 1732 was 55 to 19. But the inside story is Democrat bullies and scaredy-cat Republicans. Get this — only 1 Republican, James Gallagher of Yuba City, cared enough to speak on the floor against this tyrannical, anti-family bill.

hearitstopitListen to the all-too-quick
Assembly floor “debate”on AB 1732

What’s the real goal of AB 1732? A decade of “all gender” single-user restrooms will be enough to desensitize young people to support “all gender” multi-person restrooms!

And the dozen or more Democrats who had refused to support AB 1732 for four straight floor sessions? They were bullied into submission. And of course, there were the four Republicans who voted against family values and religious freedom when they voted yes on AB 1732. Why do they call themselves “conservative”?

Thank you to EVERYONE who calls and sent emails in the weeks leading up to the Assembly vote. You did well, and you have my appreciation and admiration! But where were the churches, church schools and pro-family California businesses? SaveCalifornia.com’s intense lobbying effectively delayed a vote for two weeks, and helped change 2 Republicans from yes to no or abstain. And now, I ask you to act on your anger and concern on behalf of all that is good and right:

PLEASE RESPOND RIGHT NOW: Call to thank Assemblyman James Gallagher at 916-319-2003 for his gallant effort to stop AB 1732 by speaking against it on th floor. And call the 4 Republicans who voted yes and tell them they have voted anti-family: Catherine Baker, Ling Ling Chang, Young Kim, and Brian Maienschein. Every other assemblymember who claims to be pro-family, tell them how disappointed you are that they didn’t speak up and fight (and don’t accept any excuses). And yes, you can leave recorded messages after hours. Assembly Republicans | Assembly Democrats

If needed, use our talking points against AB 1732: 1 | 23 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Here’s the news release SaveCalifornia.com issued after the Assembly voted


What I committed to God tonight

Tuesday, May 3, 2016, 9:48 pm | Randy Thomasson

This evening I didn’t watch any painful political news. Instead, I went to Costco and bought some organic, God-made food that we needed.

As I waited in the check-out line, I looked at the marquee above the food court. All processed, even fake “food.”

Then I looked at three young children sitting in three different shopping carts facing their parents. The two oldest, who had to be around 4 years old, had android phones in their hands. One girl was even tapping at it. The third girl was younger and had no electronic device but was gazing around with big eyes.

And I committed three things to God:

1. I pledged myself to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to love and serve Him and live for Him despite the world following the flesh and power and the pleasure of sin instead of following Creator God and His holy word and enjoying His favor.

2. I pledged myself to seek godly things — including godly food — not the destructive, processed and fake “food” of the world that hurts the body.

3. And I pledged myself to think and pray how I could do more for children like the ones sitting in the shopping carts. Whether you consider them a blank slate or depraved from birth, they’ve been born into a culture that is more dark, pagan, and dangerous than ever in this nation. They need to be rescued!

If you want to encourage me and our Campaign for Children and Families team to keep going — and growing — to shine the light of God’s truth in courageous and practical, tangible ways in our culture, I would appreciate your vote of confidence at this time.

keep_the_faith_wooden_crossOn this night and in these sobering times, will you also recommit yourself to serve God and love people?

Send me a message
Donate to show your support and write a little message too

Thank you for thinking about how to grow in faith and love!

When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?”
The Revelation of Jesus Christ 6:9-10


Why transsexuality is harmful

Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 4:06 pm | Randy Thomasson


Because of your family values, you need to know why the transsexual restroom bill is bad and why transsexuality is unnatural and unhealthy.

Please realize these 5 vitally-important facts:

Transsexuals have the worst HIV/AIDS transmission rate: “Transgender communities in the United States are among the groups at highest risk for HIV infection” CDC source | “Among the 3.3 million HIV testing events reported to CDC in 2013, the highest percentages of newly identified HIV-positive persons were among transgender persons.” CDC Source

Cutting off healthy body parts is harmful, unhealthy, and indicates a mental disorder: “Desire for amputation of a healthy limb has usually been regarded as a paraphilia (apotemnophilia), but some researchers propose that it may be a disorder of identity, similar to Gender Identity Disorder (GID) or transsexualism. Similarities between the desire for limb amputation and nonhomosexual male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism include profound dissatisfaction with embodiment, related paraphilias from which the conditions plausibly derive (apotemnophilia and autogynephilia), sexual arousal from simulation of the sought-after status (pretending to be an amputee and transvestism), attraction to persons with the same body type one wants to acquire, and an elevated prevalence of other paraphilic interests.” Anne A. Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D

When you cut off healthy body parts, you can’t get them back: Surgically removing a women’s healthy breasts or a man’s healthy reproductive organs is never necessary and is likely irreversible. There is a growing number of people who regret their “sex change.”

Transgenderism is not biologically-based: Irrefutable science establishes that if you’ve inherited a Y chromosome from your father, you’re male; if not, you’re female. “The Y chromosome is a constant determinant of maleness.” Source “Y chromosome differs from other human chromosomes. It is found in cells of the male persons only.” Source “The present data do not support the notion that brains of MtF-TR are feminized.” Source

Deep hurt deserves deep counseling: Transsexuality is a false identity and a serious disorder that deserves deep counseling to discover and heal the source of the gender confusion, which is often rape or molestation of a child by a perpetrator. This is a real problem, given the conservative estimate that 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys is a victim of child sexual abuse.

So please take action right now. Call to stop the promotion of transsexual role models for children. Call to oppose AB 1732