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Archives for the ‘Children’ Category

The fantasyland of teen transsexuality

Tuesday, February 18, 2014, 2:37 pm | Randy Thomasson


What are little boys made of? Forget the rhyme because every boy has inherited a Y chromosome from his father. What are little girls made of? Their father didn’t give them a Y but an X  chromosome.

Fast forward from Creation to today. In Azusa, California a boy, who dresses like a girl, has forced his way (with the help of his immoral attorneys) onto the Azusa High School girls‘ softball team. Look at the picture. This boy is obviously male, because our chromosomes absolutely determine whether one is male or female. Thus, transsexuality is a fantasy, not reality, because no one can change their gender. Listen why

To be sure, this is neither a matter of equality nor a correction of unfair discrimination, nor a constitutional right. Males and females are naturally different — physically, sexually, and emotionally. God-given, morally-correct distinctions are good, but this…well, it’s tyrannical, immoral, unnatural, unhealthy, anti-child, anti-parent, anti-education, anti-physical modesty, and the list goes on.

See how I spoke out publicly on this and see how to protetect your children and grandchildren

Walt Heyer says that no one can really change their gender. He should know, too, because he’s tried. When he was only about five years old, Heyer’s grandmother began to dress him as if he were a girl and even made a dress just for him. The result was a very confused little boy. “I look at it today as being pretty abusive. While it seemed very benign at the time, and maybe even playful, I can see today…that it was really abusive to my psyche.”
Transsexual Returns to Original Gender, Christian Post, Jan. 11, 2012

Stand up for preborn babies now

Tuesday, January 14, 2014, 6:35 am | Randy Thomasson


Click here for talking points for writing letters-to-the-editor,
posting to news sites, and calling talk radio shows

Abortion stops a beating heart and tortuously kills an innocent, growing baby.

If you believe this is wrong in God’s sight, and support the legal right to life for innocent human beings, please “go public” with your values by participating in a pro-life event near you this month, which marks 41 years of the notorious Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy, for any reason.

Because abortions are done in secret, we all need to provoke ourselves to care more and do more to be a voice for the voiceless. See these amazing pro-life videos on SaveCalifornia.com’s YouTube page.

Attend a California pro-life event

Below is a partial list of California pro-life events this month. SaveCalifornia.com will list additional bona fide events as people call our office at 916-265-5650. Looking for events outside California? Click here

January 17: Ventura, Prayer Walk for Life, County Government Center (800 Victoria Ave), 3:00 p.m. Prayerfully walk to Planned Parenthood abortion clinic

January 18: Los Angeles, 555 West Temple Street. Youth Rally for Life

January 19: Victorville, East Park Ave., noon – 2:00 p.m. High Deserts 2nd Annual March For Life

January 19: Santa Maria, City Hall courtyard, Cook St. at S. Broadway, 2:30 p.m. Central Coast Right to Life Prayer Walk (walk to nearby Planned Parenthood abortion business)

January 21: El Cajon, 2766 Navajo Road, 7:00 p.m.: Catholic community pro-life mass

January 21-22: Visalia/Tulare/Dinuba/Exeter/Hanford, Tulare-Kings Right to Life is holding a 5-City “Simul-prayer” Roe v Wade Memorial (5 locations)

January 22: Orange, 700 S. Tustin Street at 22 Freeway, 6:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Standing In The Gap At Planned Parenthood Abortion Business. “Come and pray where the babies are killed. Come anytime — signs and prayer booklets will be available .”

January 22: Sacramento, State Capitol Rotunda, 1315 10th Street, 9:00 am. ProLife Advocacy Day

January 22: Sacramento, 1017 11th Street, 7:00 p.m. Catholic Diocese “Choose Life Events”

January 22: Salinas, 320 E. Laurel Drive, 7:00 p.m. Catholic Diocese Roe v. Wade memorial mass

January 22: Murrieta, 39407 Murrieta Hot Springs Rd, 7:30 a.m. Respect Life Prayer Breakfast

January 24: Oakland, Oakland City Hall at One Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 12 noon. Standing Up 4Life Rally|Walk

January 24: Oakland, Saint Margaret Mary Church, 1219 Excelsior Ave., 5:30 p.m.: 7th Annual Conversations4Life Benefit Dinner. Speakers include Walter Hoye, Frank Pavone, Star Parker, Clenard Childress, Abby Johnson, Janet Morana, Jeff White, Cecelia Chavez)

January 24: Santa Clara, 2800 Mission College Blvd, 4:30 – 9:30 p.m. Youth & Young Adult Rally for Life

January 24: San Francisco, St. Mary’s Cathedral Conference Center, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Law of Life Summit “West Coast”

January 25: Visalia, 5049 W. Caldwell Ave, 6:30 a.m. Bus ride to West Coast Walk for Life

January 25: San Francisco, Civic Center Plaza, 10:00 a.m. Walk for Life West Coast (there are dozens of bus rides from Central and Northern California, reserve a seat)

January 25: San Francisco, 1111 Gough Street, 4:30 – 8:30 p.m. Sidewalk Counselor Training

January 26: San Francisco, 1111 Gough Street, 9:30 AM – 8:00 PM: Students For Life of America West Coast Conference

February 13: Poway, 15546 Pomerado Rd, 7:00 pm. Life Choices Poway banquet

February 25: Sacramento, The Grand, 1215 J Street, 6:00 p.m: California ProLife Council ProLife Legislative Banquet

For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Psalm 139:13-15 NKJV

What was gained by our Rose Parade protest

Monday, January 6, 2014, 12:46 pm | Randy Thomasson

First same sex couple to get married in the Rose Parade on the AIDS Healthcare Foundation float in Pasadena, California

Victory: ABC & NBC exclude “gay wedding” from Rose Parade coverage

The power of determination, social media, family-friendly media, mainstream media, and word of mouth by caring individuals, along with SaveCalifornia.com’s efforts and the media we helped generate, had a tremendous impact for good on the days leading up to January 1.

Thank you to everyone who joined us in protesting the pro-homosexuality Rose Parade featuring two male practitioners of homosexuality getting “married” as a role model for watching children. (See why this behavior is unnatural, unhealthy, unbiblical, and tyrannical.)

Even though the false, same-sex “wedding” took place on worldwide TV, with parade officials digging in their heels against moral values and the natural family, the protest against it was a still a significant victory. Here’s why:

1. Many children were protected from being forced to watch and see as good two men cozying up in a “gay wedding” atop an AIDS float. As word spread, parents were empowered to intervene. They made a decision to boycott watching the parade, and many complained to parade organizers and sponsors. These principled parents rescued their boys and girls from ‘LGBT’ anti-family activists invading a family event with their immoral agenda. And guess what, ABC and NBC seems to have gotten the message because they did not show the “live gay wedding” in their televised parade coverage!

2. More people now realize there is an in-your-face assault upon not just marriage, but upon children and families and wholesome, moral values. More Californians and Americans stepped out of silence to express their disgust by contacting the Rose Parade and pro-homosexuality sponsors such as Honda and Coca-Cola, and by sharing to thousands of people our boycott action steps through email, Facebook, Twitter, and more. At our urging, they chose not to watch the parade. And they stepped up to the plate with gusto! I now expect to see our pro-family movement do more activism in the wake of this good protest and in the face of blatant intolerance of moral values.

karengrube3. Once again, it’s been proven that one person can make a difference. Her name is Karen Grube, a vocal pro-family citizen from San Diego. She heard about the “live gay wedding” float — and, in faith, took quick action to launch a Facebook page, “Boycott the 2014 Rose Parade.” Over several days the page grew, media heard about it, and Karen did her first interview with the Pasadena Star-News and the story went coast to coast!

4. SaveCalifornia.com’s Campaign for Children and Families was successful adding our strength and voice to what Karen started. We interviewed with 3 radio stations in Los Angeles and on TV in Sacramento and in other pro-family and secular media. Our combined call to boycott to protect children from bad role models reached many people – the truth was heard!

5. Everyone who participated in the boycott grew in some way. Those who denied themselves their annual pleasure of the Rose Parade improved their moral character. I think about Jesus Christ saying, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” (Matthew 16:24 NKJV).  As hard as it is, denying a pleasure for a greater good is a victory not only for adults, but for children whose eyes were protected from these bad role models.

6. Real, man-woman marriage was honored. The media heard from pro-family citizens, Karen Grube, and SaveCalifornia.com and others that many people know marriage is still only for one man and one woman, despite what corrupt judges did to Prop. 8. And we and this true-to-God fact are not going away!

7. The Rose Parade boycott was so much bigger than one day of standing publicly and letting our voices for real marriage, morality, and the protection of children to be heard. No, it was the New Year’s kick-off to kindle up the fires of moral activism and keep them burning this election year. My recommendation? Get used to taking action, but now direct your energies toward getting good candidates elected in the 2014 elections. Simply research online which candidates represent your values and who also have a chance to win, and call them to ask how you can volunteer.

When you think deeply about life, you realize that Truth must never go silent. Creator God always wants the truth to be told, because Truth is Love, when spoken gently to the humble and tough to the prideful. If we are to have any practical hope for the future, children must be protected from harm and trained in righteous character. We must all do what’s right in God’s sight. The 2014 Rose Parade protest can be your down-payment that sparks you to be “zealous for good works” in this important election year. It’s your invitation to do significant things for the love of God and people He created.

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.
Titus 2:11-14 NKJV