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Post-election analysis: Is the only direction upward for California conservatives?

Wednesday, June 8, 2022, 2:18 pm | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

It’s the day after, and the dust is settling in California’s just-concluded “jungle primary” election.

And while the numbers will change each day until the primary election results are “certified” on July 15, I’m seeing evidence that Californians against government tyranny are more motivated than liberal voters. And I believe there’s the potential for some statewide offices to be captured by constitutional Republicans (or in the state schools chief contest, an in-reality reformer).

Are Californians voting more Republican?

Is California experiencing a conservative resurgence? With all the pain of the last two years, there’s evidence of Californians’ growing support for Republican candidates (especially Republicans who will fight for them) over Democrat candidates:

First, as I watched vote changes late into the night, in most statewide contests, the leading Republican’s lead kept increasing, while the leading Democrat’s numbers (usually the incumbent) kept decreasing.

Second, the initial election-night report of voter turnout showed reliably Republican counties with the highest voter turnout. If we consider recall-energized San Francisco the Democrats’ “high watermark” at 25% turnout, and exclude very-low-population Alpine County, the highest voter turnout was in the Republican strongholds of Mariposa County (42%), Amador County (41%), Sierra County (40%), Plumas County (37%), Modoc County (32%), Calaveras County (30%), El Dorado County (26%), and Del Norte County (26%).

Third, a Northern California congressional shows voters preferring a Republican fighter over his more-establishment Republican opponent. As I write this, Assemblyman Kevin Kiley has more than twice the votes of Sacramento Sheriff Scott Jones.

Because of the harmful manifestations of anti-people policies by the New Communist Democrats in California and Washington, D.C., I’m not surprised if votes for Republican candidates are indeed higher. And, ideally, imagine the surge in the upcoming general election if biblical pastors promoted voting as a clear, practical application of Jesus Christ’s command to “love your neighbor as yourself.” How transformative that would be!

5 statewide seats that could flip

California has eight state constitutional offices that are held by one person. Seven are partisan (Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Controller, Treasurer, Attorney General, and Insurance Commissioner) and one is non-partisan (Superintendent of Public Instruction).

And while there’s just over a month to count the remaining votes, I see five statewide seats that could be taken from the ruling Democrats:

1. Controller: This is an open seat (incumbent Democrat Betty Yee is termed-out), and the first-place lead of 37% for taxpayer advocate Lanhee Chen. Veteran fiscal watchdog and current U.S. Representative Tom McClintock observed, “The controller’s office is the ideal office from which to wage a crusade in which to eliminate government waste.”

2. Insurance Commissioner: The incumbent Democrat, radical homosexual activist Ricardo Lara, only garnered 37%, which makes him politically vulnerable. I mean, has anyone’s insurance premiums gone down lately? “Reagan Republican” Robert Howell has a chance take this seat if California has a “conservative wave” in the November election.

3. State Superintendent of Public Instruction: The incumbent Democrat, Tony Thurmond of Oakland, received only 45.7% of the vote. With government unions running government schools, which made even liberal parents angry when schools were closed last year, this might be a perfect storm for pro-parent reformer George Yang.

4. Attorney General: The appointed incumbent Democrat, Rob Bonta, along with Governor Gavin Newsom, is incurring statewide blame for the current crime wave. Receiving 54.5% of the vote, Bonta might be deposed by hard-hitting, tough-on-crime messaging by Republican challenger Nathan Hochman.

5. U.S. Senator: Appointed incumbent Democrat Alex Padilla received only 53-54% of the vote for “partial term” and “full term.” Will he be negatively associated with Biden & Co. in November? In contrast, Republican Mark Meuser is a constitutional fighter.

You will have mostly real choices in the November election

Thank you if you voted! I appreciate you visiting our Pro-Family Election Center to equip you. And thank you big-time if you helped others to vote!

As I write this, if the “top two” vote-getters don’t change, nearly all California statewide offices will be a contest in November between a liberal Democrat and Republican, ranging from mostly conservative to constitutionalist.

Below is a snapshot of this morning’s statewide primary election results and the websites of the current “top two” in each contest. Please note that Republicans with percentages in the “teens” expect their Republican rivals’ supporters to vote for them in November. So assume them as practically having, post-primary-election, somewhere between 25% and 40% of the voters’ support.

For example, in the just-concluded primary election for governor, voting for 13 Republican candidates were 35.5% of the voters. These candidates attracted 1,208,643 voters, which is .6315861256658043% of Newsom’s 1,193,663 votes (Newsom “won” 56.3% of the electorate). Do the math: Newsom’s 56.3% x 0.6315861256658043 = 35.55829887498478% or 35.5% of the electorate for Republican candidates in the governor’s race. You can therefore expect Brian Dahle to attract at least this percentage in the general election.

Democrat incumbent Gavin Newsom 56.3%
Republican Brian Dahle 16.8%

Lieutenant Governor:
Democrat incumbent Eleni Kounalakis 52.1%
Republican Angela Underwood Jacobs 19.9%

Secretary of State:
Appointed Democrat incumbent Shirley Weber 58.8%
Republican Rob Bernosky 19.5%

Controller (open seat):
Republican Lanhee Chen 37%
Democrat Malia Cohen 21.3%

Democrat incumbent Fiona Ma 57.6%
Republican Jack Guerrero 21.3%

Attorney General:
Appointed Democrat incumbent Rob Bonta 54.5%
Republican Nathan Hochman 18.5%

Insurance Commissioner:
Democrat incumbent Ricardo Lara 37%
Republican Robert Howell 17.8%

Superintendent of Public Instruction (officially non-partisan):
(Democrat) Tony Thurmond 45.7%
(DemocratAinye Long 11.7% (or will pro-parent reformer George Yang qualify for the run-off? At 11.6%, he’s only 1,818 votes behind Long)

U.S. Senate Full Term:
Appointed Democrat incumbent Alex Padilla
53.5%Republican Mark Meuser 14.3%

U.S. Senate Partial Term:
Appointed Democrat incumbent Alex Padilla 54.3%
Republican Mark Meuser 21.1%

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.
1 Corinthians 9:24

URGENT ALERT: Call Sacramento to oppose medical tyranny and infanticide

Friday, May 20, 2022, 7:50 am | Randy Thomasson

UPDATE: Wednesday, May 25 @ 7pm: AB 2098 has been skipped over for 4 Assembly floor sessions in a row. But AB 2098, AB 1797’s statewide vaccine database and AB 2223 functionally legalizing infanticide can all come up for Assembly floor votes on Thursday, May 26. So please leave anonymous messages TONIGHT (between 8pm and 7am) for the 28 deciding votes (scroll down to see list of who to call and what to say).

Updated Wednesday, May 25 @ 7pm:
This means this horrible bill revoking the licenses of honest, caring doctors — along with AB 1797’s statewide vaccine database and AB 2223 functionally permitting infanticide — will be on the Assembly floor May 26 and 27 (Friday, May 27 is the final week to pass bills in their house of origin).

Why is SaveCalifornia.com focusing on the State Assembly, not the State Senate? The 80-member California State Assembly has two-year terms, most incumbents are running for re-election, they’re younger, closer to their communities, and less “crusty” and less “owned” by wealthy special interests — and there’s also two vacant Democrat seats.

This is why, last August, our side successfully lobbied to defeat two awful bills on the Assembly floor — one requiring jabs and one requiring passports. We need more victories this month, then again in August for the worst Senate bills — all on the Assembly floor.

With this in mind, please take renewed action!

STEP #1:

Wednesday, May 25 and Thursday, May 26, please call again to your own state assemblymember’s State Capitol office. Find yours here.

And please share this alert with your family members and friends so they can make calls too. Also, please ask doctors you know who support medical freedom to call their own assemblymember and even the deciding votes to oppose how AB 2098 would trample medical independence and threaten licenses of careful, evidence-based physicians and surgeons. Their authoritative voices will be remembered and carry weight against the Big-Pharma-owned California Medical Association, which is sponsoring AB 2098.

Use these talking points to urge your own state assemblymember to oppose AB 2098, AB 1797, and AB 2223:

AB 2098 (Low): “Support medical independence. Oppose AB 2098, which would result in the revocation of licenses of good doctors who think outside the box. AB 2098 is unfair and wrong — oppose it.”

AB 1797 (Weber): “Support an individual’s choice of medical treatment. Oppose AB 1797, which would set up a vaccine database that would discriminate against and segregate conscientious Californians who don’t want a particular injection. Do not track me or my family, whether we want a particular shot or not. Vote no on AB 1797.”

AB 2223 (Wicks) as amended May 19, 2022: “Protect the lives of babies, whether they’re an hour, day, week, or year old. Oppose AB 2223, which would make law enforcement look the other way when an infant dies and it’s claimed the death was from ’causes that occurred in utero.’ By prohibiting law enforcement investigations of ‘perinatal death’ due to a subjective and overly-broad phrase, AB 2223 would permit killings of newborns up to year after birth. Vote no on this infanticide bill.”

(See more on these and other bad bills at the SaveCalifornia.com Legislation Center)

STEP #2:

If you’re a modern-day patriot, this 30-minute task is for you: It is especially effective for you to call the Assembly floor votes to oppose all 3 bills. We highly recommend you only leave anonymous after-hours voicemails, during the evening, night, and weekend.

Again, use our talking points above to describe why all 3 bills are wrong.
SaveCalifornia.com believes since medical “mandates” are controversial, since fear of the China virus has significantly diminished, and since this is an election year where most California assemblymembers are running, both AB 2098 and AB 1797 — and AB 2223, the infanticide bill — can be stopped if you help flood Sacramento with opposition calls.

We’ve identified 28 deciding votes on these 3 bills on the floor of the 80-seat California State Assembly, which currently has 78 members and two vacancies. If none of the 19 Republicans nor at least 19 of the 28 deciding votes do not support these inhuman bills, they’ll be defeated for lack of 41 minimum votes to pass bills by the May 27 deadline.

Important to know: Unless you see your own assemblymember on this list below, please remain anonymous, so your calls will have impact and not be “trashed” (the Democrat legislators’ modus operandi is to disregard every message not from their own constituents). By leaving anonymous voicemails only, legislators’ staff cannot reliably “trash” your calls, and you’ll “mix” in and be part of the flood of opposition calls.

28 Assembly floor targets (27 Democrats and 1 independent)

Please leave anonymous voicemails May 19-23 8pm to 8am and all weekend
Call their State Capitol offices or legislative district offices or both:

Joaquin Arambula of Fresno County 916-319-2031 and 559-445-5532
Tasha Boerner-Horvath of north San Diego County 916-319-2076 and 760-434-7605
Ken Cooley of Sacramento County 916-319-2008 and 916-464-1910
Jim Cooper is running for sheriff of Sacramento County 916-319-2009 and 916-670-7888
Tom Daly of central Orange County 916-319-2069 and 714-939-8469
Mike Fong of Monterey Park to Arcadia in L.A. County 916-319-2049 and 323-264-4949
Eduardo Garcia of Imperial and Riverside counties 916-319-2056 and 760-347-2360
Mike Gipson of South-Central Los Angeles 916-319-2064 and 310-324-6408
Adam Gray is running for the new Central Valley congressional seat that includes West Modesto, Ceres, Patterson and Newman among other central and eastern Stanislaus County communities 916-319-2021 and 209-726-5465
Timothy Grayson of northeast Contra Costa County 916-319-2014 and 925-521-1511
Jacqui Irwin of southwest Ventura County 916-319-2044 and 805-482-1904
Brian Maienschein of north San Diego 916-319-2077 and 858-675-0077
Chad Mayes (independent) of Palm Springs/Yucca Valley/Yucaipa 916-319-2042 and 760-346-6342
Al Muratsuchi of the Los Angeles South Bay 916-319-2066 and 310-375-0691
Adrin Nazarian of Van Nuys 916-319-2046 and 818-376-4246
Patrick O’Donnell of Long Beach 916-319-2070 and 562-429-0470
Cottie Petrie-Norris of coastal Orange County 916-319-2074 and 949-251-0074
Sharon Quirk-Silva of Fullerton/Buena Park/Anaheim 916-319-2065 and 714-525-6515
James Ramos of Redlands/Loma Linda/Highland/north San Bernardino and Rancho Cucamonga 916-319-2040 and 909-476-5023
Eloise Reyes of San Bernardino/Rialto/Fontana 916-319-2047 and 909-381-3238
Luz Rivas of northeast San Fernando Valley 916-319-2039 and 818-504-3911
Robert Rivas of Monterey, San Benito, and San Cruz counties and Gilroy 916-319-2030 and 831-759-8676
Freddie Rodriguez of Ontario/Chino/Pomona 916-319-2052 and 909-902-9606
Blanca Rubio of Azusa/Glendora/Covina and other east L.A. County communities 916-319-2048 and 626-960-4457
Miguel Santiago of downtown Los Angeles 916-319-2053 and 213-620-4646
Rudy Salas is running for a new congressional seat covering parts of Fresno, Kern, Kings, and Tulare counties 916-319-2032 and 661-335-0302
Carlos Villapudua of Stockton and Tracy 916-319-2013 and 209-948-7479
Lori Wilson of Fairfield/Vacaville/Rio Vista/Antioch/Brentwood 916-319-2011

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Ephesians 6:10-13

RED ALERT: Try to stop SB 866 and other anti-parent bills

Sunday, May 8, 2022, 5:37 pm | Randy Thomasson

Please scroll down to see our State Senate floor alert for SB 866 and 3 other anti-parent bills

I understand people feeling hopeless and depressed after calling against the awful SB 866, which eliminates parental consent for any vaccine injection for their children ages 12 through 17, only to see the Democrat majority pass it in committee on May 5. 


This temporary defeat actually provides great hope of eventual victory! Here’s why:

1. A hurried, Frankensteinian hearing: The Democrat Senate president pro tempore, homosexual activist Toni Atkins of San Diego, only gave permission for a hearing on SB 866 as a favor to fellow homosexual activist and SB 866 author Scott Wiener of San Francisco. The bill was already in trouble due to public opposition in an election year. But Wiener had to be satisfied, so he got his hearing. And it was an emergency, since the deadline for bills to pass their policy committees is fast approaching. And SB 866 was the only bill the Judiciary Committee scheduled that day. Bottom line, this was a hearing for a “dog of a bill” that should have never gotten a hearing.

2. Musical chairs and worried Democrats: With so many opposition phone calls, and so many of these calls from parents of vaccine-injured children (who said so), two Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee completely avoided the meeting (Anna Caballero and Bob Hertzberg). Hertzberg was strangely replaced for the day by Democrat Mike McGuire, since both websites of Hertzberg and the Senate Judiciary Committee report he’s still on the committee. Even Democrat Henry Stern left after the first half of the hearing, and then abstained from the vote. Add to this two Democrats who seem awakened to the concept of vaccine injuries. Bob Wieckowski and John Laird appeared sincerely concerned when they asked probing questions of Wiener at the hearing. If properly motivated, these two could easily abstain on SB 866 on the floor, justifying they only voted to “get it out of committee,” as some Democrat senators have done in the past.

3. Previous Democrat opposition: On the floor of the California State Senate, there are already two Democrat senators — Connie Leyva and Richard Roth — who, in 2015, voted no on SB 277, a Richard Pan bill eliminating personal belief objections to childhood vaccines. And now, because SB 866 so blatantly attacks parental rights on vaccines, it’s very likely to be opposed by this duo. Also, in 2015, Democrat senator Ben Hueso, who’s still there, abstained on SB 277 seven years ago.

In the 40-member California Senate, there are 31 Democrats and 9 Republicans. If 11 Democrats don’t support SB 866, the bill will fail. Let’s count the votes to see the potential.

Scroll down page for names/contact info of swing votes.
YOUR ACTION STEPS (now through Thursday):

Now that you know it’s plausible SB 866 can be stopped on the State Senate floor, it’s time to call your own state senator. See below how to make calls and send emails. (Also below are other anti-parent bills you can oppose.)

And if you live in any of the swing-vote districts listed below, please double your efforts to tell others you know!

Call deadline: You have until the morning of Thursday, May 12 before SB 866 could come up for a floor vote. This our chance to either defeat it on the Senate floor, or to give it such a bad reputation there that it’s easier to kill on the Assembly floor. Please seize this opportunity and share this alert with everyone you know who has basic family values!


STEP #1: Find your own California state senator by entering your voting address.

STEP #2: On the screen that appears next, click the link of your state senator, which will go to his or her home page.

STEP #3: Find your state senator’s district office number or numbers by either clicking the Contact page or by scrolling to the bottom of the home page.

STEP #4: Make a phone call or send a message via their web form, identifying yourself, and telling them to strongly oppose SB 866. You could say something like, “Oppose SB 866. This unnecessary, poorly-drafted bill shatters the parent-child bond by eliminating both parental consent and informed consent for vaccinations of teens and pre-teens. Protect the increasing number of vaccine-injured children from greater harm of the coercion this bill would permit. Vote NO on SB 866.”


Also consider, in the same phone call, urging your state senator to oppose these 3 other anti-parent bills. In addition to SB 866 on the Senate floor, there are 3 other anti-parent bills in the Senate:

SB 1184 permitting health insurers to disclose children’s personal information to schools, without parental consent

SB 1419 preventing parents from seeing all of their children’s medical records

SB 1479 requiring every K-12 government school, childcare center, preschool, and after school program to develop a “Covid test” plan, targeting every boy and girl for invasive testing, tracking, and quarantining.

To multiply your lobbying impact against all 4 bills — and perhaps see all four bills either stopped or wounded (passing but losing Democrat votes) — you can leave messages for your own state senator against these additional bills, saying something like: “Oppose the anti-parent bills, SB 866, SB 1184, SB 1419, and SB 1479.”

Q: When should I call and email my OWN state senator?

A: Please call anytime between now and the morning of Thursday, May 12, when the State Senate convenes at 9 a.m. and SB 866 and SB 1184 will be on third reading and eligible for a floor vote. Please do your part now, especially if your state senator is a Democrat, and especially if he or she is one of the “swing votes” identified below.


You may also call the list of swing votes listed below, yet we recommend you only call them anonymously on the weekend, or weekdays from 8pm to 8am. Because it’s the modus operandi of Democrat legislators to “trash” any messages from non-constituents. So, recording a voicemail without saying your name or other identifying information can definitely help, and will “mix in” in the flood of phone calls these swing-vote Democrats are receiving.

Remember, your anonymous, after-hours voicemail message should be, “Oppose the anti-parent bills, SB 866, SB 1184, SB 1419, and SB 1479.”

After you’ve made your call or calls, please share this alert with others to say we’ve got a chance and ask them to participate.

Here are Democrat state senators who will not or might not support SB 866 on the Senate floor (in descending order from 31 total Democrat senators, with 21 votes required to pass bills):

31. Anna Caballero on May 5 avoided the SB 866 hearing and did not vote on it. Caballero represents a formerly Republican district covering the Salinas Valley, San Benito County, Merced County and parts of Stanislaus, Madera and Fresno counties (see map) Her district offices are 831-769-8084 and 209-726-5495, and here’s her web form.

30. Connie Leyva in 2015 voted no on SB 277, the infamous bill eliminating parents’ personal belief exemptions for vaccinations of their children. Leyva is currently running to be a San Bernardino County Supervisor, representing the communities of Chino, Chino Hills, Ontario, Montclair, and Upland (see map). Her state senate district offices are 909-469-1110 and 909-888-5360, and here’s her web form.

29Richard Roth in 2015 voted no on SB 277, which eliminated parents’ personal belief exemptions for vaccinations of their children. Roth represents the Riverside County communities of Corona, Norco, Jurupa Valley, Riverside, Moreno Valley, and Perris (see map). His district office is 951-680-6750, and here’s his web form.

28. Ben Hueso in 2015 abstained on SB 277, which eliminated parents’ personal belief exemptions for vaccinations of their children. Hueso represents the San Diego County communities of Chula Vista, National City, Imperial Beach, Coronado, and part of San Diego, all of Imperial County, and the southern part of Riverside County (see map). His district offices are 619-409-7690 and 760-335-3442, and here’s his web form.

27. Henry Stern on May 5 was present for the first third of the SB 866 hearing, but left, and did not vote on bill. Stern represents western Los Angeles County (Agoura Hills, Calabasas, Hidden Hills, Malibu, Moorpark, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, and part of Santa Clarita) and southeast Ventura County (Canoga Park, Chatsworth, Encino, Porter Ranch, Reseda, Lake Balboa, Tarzana, West Hills, Winnetka, and Woodland Hills) (see map). His district office is 818-876-3352, and here’s his email address.

26. Bob Hertzberg on May 5 avoided the SB 866 hearing and was replaced on the committee by Democrat Mike McGuire, who voted yes. Hertzberg represents the western San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles County, stretching from Sylmar to Sherman Oaks, and Northridge to Burbank (see map). His district office is 818-901-5588, and here’s his web form.

25. Melissa Hurtado represents the San Joaquin Valley from Bakersfield to Fresno, a strongly family-oriented area, in a formerly Republican district (see map). Her offices are 661-395-2620, 559-585-7161 and 559-264-3070, and here’s her web form.

24. Dave Min represents a formerly Republican district in Orange County, which includes the communities of Anaheim Hills, Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Laguna Beach, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, Newport Beach, Orange, Tustin, and Villa Park (see map). His office is 949-223-5472, and here’s his web form.

23. Josh Newman is from a formerly Republican district, and was successfully recalled from office in same district in 2018, which covers parts of Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino Counties: Anaheim, Brea, Buena Park, Chino Hills, City of Industry, Cypress, Diamond Bar, Fullerton, La Habra, La Palma, Placentia, Rowland Heights, Stanton, Walnut, West Covina and Yorba Linda (see map). His district office is 714-525-2342, and here’s his web form.

22. Bob Wieckowski at the May 5 hearing on SB 866 expressed multiple concerns — whether a child is able to give informed consent, constitutionality, and liability when vaccine injuries occur — and the bill author, Scott Wiener, did not give satisfactory answers. And although voting yes to pass the bill in committee, he might abstain on the floor because he knows SB 866 is a dangerous bill and he only voted to “get it out of committee.” Wieckowski’s district is in southern Alameda County, stretching into Santa Clara County (see map). His district office is 510-794-3900, and here’s his web form.

21. John Laird at the May 5 hearing on SB 866 expressed concern about vaccine injuries and parental notification. And although voting yes to pass the bill in committee, he might abstain on the floor because he knows SB 866 is questionable and he only voted to “get it out of committee.” Laird’s district covers Santa Cruz and San Luis Obispo counties, and parts of Monterey and Santa Clara counties (see map). His district offices are 805-549-3784, 831-657-6315, 831-425-0401 and 408-847-6101, and here’s his web form.

If the above Democrats vote no or abstain on SB 866, the bill will fail for lack of 21 votes (a majority vote in the 40-member State Senate). Below are “insurance votes”:

20. Steve Glazer is a former fiscal advisor to former governor Jerry Brown and is a current critic of lack of transparency in state government agencies. He represents most of Contra Costa County, along with the Alameda communities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, and Sunol (see map). His district offices are 925-258-1176 and 925-754-1461, and here’s his web form.

19. Bill Dodd is a former “fiscal issue” Republican who represents a large district with enough conservatives to make it noticeably different from San Francisco and Los Angeles. The district includes the cities of Martinez and Pleasant Hill in Contra Costa County; American Canyon, Calistoga, Napa, Yountville, and St. Helena in Napa County; Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville, and Vallejo, in Solano County; Cotati, Petaluma, Rohnert Park, and Sonoma in Sonoma County; Davis, Winters, and Woodland in Yolo County; and Isleton in Sacramento County (see map). His district offices are 707-454-3808, 707-224-1990, 707-576-2093 and 707-551-2389, and here’s his web form.

18. Josh Becker is a new state senator who says he wants “openness and transparency” in the law, and who sees himself as a free thinker. He represents most of San Mateo County and the northern part of Santa Clara County (see map). His district office is 650-212-3313, and here’s his web form.

17. Maria Durazo voted “yes” for SB 866 in committee despite publicly declaring parents “have a right to be fully informed.” So, despite her confusion about this bill eliminating parental consent for teen and pre-teen “shots,” she still might abstain on the Senate floor if enough of her constituents, who know she’s running for reelection, raise their voices. Her Los Angeles district include the areas north, west, and east of downtown Los Angeles, including Silver Lake/Echo Park, Glassell Park, Eagle Rock, Los Feliz, Chinatown, Koreatown, Highland Park, Boyle Heights, and East Los Angeles (see map). Her district office is 213-483-9300, and here’s her web form.

16. Sydney Kamlager is a new state senator representing mostly Latino voters (traditionally for parental rights) and a sizable black constituency (traditionally against forced vaccinations) in her Los Angeles downtown and west side district (see map). Her district office is 213-745-6656, and here’s her web form.

15. Susan Rubio is untested on this issue, was raised in a Mexican family that likely supported parental rights, and is running for reelection. She represents most of the San Gabriel Valley in Los Angeles County, including Arcadia, Temple City, Azusa, Baldwin Park, West Covina, La Puente, El Monte, Rosemead, Monterey Park, and Alhambra (see map). Her district office is 626-430-2499, and here’s her web form.

14. Anthony Portantino is old enough to remember parental rights, represents “bedroom communities” with many parents and children in them, and might be motivated to abstain on SB 866 if his constituents flood him with opposition calls. His district stretches along the Greater Los Angeles foothills, from Sunland-Tujunga to Upland, including Burbank, Glendale and Pasadena (see map). His district offices are 818-409-0400, 818-952-3432 and 909-599-7351, and here’s his web form.

13. Bob Archuleta doesn’t author anti-parent bills like Scott Wiener and Richard Pan do, and he’s running for reelection. If this establishment politician gets enough opposition calls, he might abstain on SB 866. And if he abstains, since his name is the second one called during the roll-call vote, his silence could influence other “swing Democrats.” Along the 605 and 5 freeways and the Los Angeles County/Orange County border, he represents Artesia, Bellflower, Cerritos, Downey, East Whittier, Hacienda Heights, Hawaiian Gardens, La Habra Heights, Lakewood, La Mirada, Montebello, Norwalk, Pico Rivera, Rose Hills, Santa Fe Springs, South Whittier, West Whittier-Los Nietos, Whittier and Buena Park (see map). His district office is 562-406-1001, and here’s his web form.

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
Jesus Christ, Savior of the world and God in the flesh, in Matthew 18:6