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Good and bad Republicans

Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 3:27 pm | Randy Thomasson

I have long advocated against voting for “any Republican.” Because when you compare a liberal Democrat to a liberal Republican, ONLY the “Republican” can destroy the Republican Party from within.

And that’s what’s happening in California, as wrongly-motivated Republican officeholders and leaders partner with evil. Because when one’s motives are money, position, power, and false significance, it’s all too easy be self-centered and “sell out” to the highest bidder.

What is a good Republican?

SaveCalifornia.com reported to you last month about the Republican-majority city council of Huntington Beach no longer flying the “LGBTQIA+ pride” flag. Because their new ordinance only permits government and military flags on city property. This is highly commendable and a role-model for Republican city councils throughout California.

And nationally, it’s encouraging that, so far, 8 states have prohibited or restricted transsexual surgeries or procedures for minors. Florida just joined Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Mississippi, where state legislatures have a Republican majority. Republicans who voted yes are real Republicans!

What is a bad Republican?

Even when Republicans are the minority, they should speak up to sway key Democrat legislators and to educate the public. Yet, sadly, that’s not the M.O. of “Republicans” in Sacramento:

1. Silent Republican assemblymembers: Last year, several high-profile anti-family bills narrowly passed the Assembly floor when zero Republicans spoke to expose them. This was despite their offices receiving expert talking points about these truly awful bills.

2. Freshman Republicans selling out in Sacramento: And here in 2023, of the 8 freshmen Republican assemblymembers, several have already voted against family values. Voting yes on child mutilation and eliminating a parent’s right to know (AB 223) were Republicans Diane Dixon and Bill Essayli, while Republican Kate Sanchez voted no. Voting yes to accuse sincerely-religious law enforcement candidates of “biased conduct” (AB 443), when their social media follows a “hate group” (which Leftists call pro-family organizations in favor of Creator God’s design for marriage, sex, and family) were Republicans Juan Alanis and Tom Lackey. Coauthoring ACA 5 to put “marriage equality” on the ballot was Republican Greg Wallis. So far, half of the new Republicans – the RINOs — are selling out!

3. Anti-family, then “pro-family,” then anti-family: On Sunday, March 12, at the California Republican Party convention, 70% of the delegates voted to fully embrace (permanently charter) the “LGBTQIA+”- agenda “Log Cabin Republicans” (founded in 1977 to advocate for homosexual teachers). Eyewitnesses saw Assemblyman Bill Essayli of Riverside County stand and speak in support of honoring and embracing this anti-family group.

The following day, Monday, March 13, Essayli held a district news conference to publicize his amended bill, AB 1314, to require public schools to inform parents in writing if a child “identifies” as “transgender.” Yet the very next day, Tuesday, March 14, Essayli voted yes in committee for the Democrats’ AB 223 to push aside parents by requiring secrecy for minors seeking a legal change of “gender identity.” So he’s against secret “transitions” at school, but OK with them in court?

By advocating for the “LGBTQIA+” agenda at the GOP convention and in committee, Essayli has shown his true colors. His legislation to notify parents of their child’s “transgender” identity won’t survive a Democrat-run committee, but his vote for secret “transitions” in court will likely pass the Democrat-controlled Legislature. “Republican games” like this are sickening, aren’t they?

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”
Jesus Christ, Savior of the world and God in the flesh, in Matthew 6:24

MAM’MON, noun Riches; wealth; or the god of riches.
Noah Webster, American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828

No more ‘mandatory’ Covid shots for kids? Q&A

Friday, February 3, 2023, 6:25 pm | Randy Thomasson

Are you glad Covid lies keep being exposed? Do you want your medical freedom back? Do you want kids protected from the “Covid vaccine” that’s injuring and killing so many?

As intrigue swirls in Washington, D.C. and Sacramento, here are top questions and answers for California parents concerned about mandatory “Covid vaccines” for kids:

Q: Is the threat of a “Covid vaccine” mandate for California schoolchildren OVER?

A: Probably yes. Democrat politicians, steeped in pride, hate admitting they’re wrong. So sometimes, instead of announcing a policy change, they will “speak” through a third-party.

This seems to have occurred this week in a Feb. 1 EdVoice story, “California ends plans for kids’ Covid vaccine mandate.” The article quotes unnamed “officials” of the state Department of Public Health as saying the scheduled end of California’s Covid-19 “state of emergency” on Feb. 28 “effectively ends” Gavin Newsom’s plan to add Covid vaccinations to the list of numerous vaccinations children are required to have to attend school in person.

What’s more, on Feb. 3, two days after the EdVoice article, CDHP apparently emailed a statement to Associated Press, saying: “CDPH is not currently exploring emergency rulemaking to add COVID-19 to the list of required school vaccinations, but we continue to strongly recommend COVID-19 immunization for students and staff to keep everyone safer in the classroom … Any changes to required K-12 immunizations are properly addressed through the legislative process.”

Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom “ordered” these “Covid vaccines” in the fall of 2021, then “paused” his order until July 2023. Yet in the face of hard evidence that these “Covid vaccines” harm and do not help, growing public awareness of the vaccine’s ineffectiveness and dangers, and the fact that Newsom doesn’t want to look stupid in his unofficial presidential campaign, he’s apparently letting his bad idea die a quiet death.

Thank you to everyone who responded to our SaveCalifornia.com alert and others’ alerts to barrage Newsom & Co. with opposition phone calls to his Covid jab mandate for kids. We seem to have won for parental rights and medical freedom!

Q: Are there any other vaccine threats to children enrolled in California government or private schools?

A. Yes, 10 different vaccines are required for California children in K-12 government schools and private schools, including church schools. And sadly, the Democrat-controlled State Legislature has eliminated parental exemptions.

The required vaccines (some in multiple doses) occur from kindergarten through 12th grade. Like drugs, vaccines are not natural, so there are side effects.

As the pro-parent National Vaccine Information Center explains:

There is a wide spectrum of vaccine complications, which have been identified and acknowledged in the medical literature and by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), National Academy of Sciences, including:

  • Brain Inflammation/Acute Encephalopathy
  • Chronic Nervous System Dysfunction
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Febrile Seizures
  • Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)
  • Brachial Neuritis
  • Acute and Chronic Arthritis
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Smallpox, polio, measles and varicella zoster vaccine strain infection
  • Death (smallpox, polio and measles vaccine)
  • Shock and “unusual shock-like state”
  • Protracted, inconsolable crying
  • Syncope
  • Deltoid Bursitis

Because vaccine injuries and deaths are real, by 2022 the federal government had paid victims and victims’ families nearly $5 Billion (although many more victims were not paid).

What’s more, consider how the U.S. is #1 in the number of vaccines (26) injected into babies prior to age 1, and how the U.S. is also #1 in infant mortality (death) rates. How do you know whether your baby or grandbaby is susceptible?

These real-world risks have led some to avoid vaccines altogether, and to instead pursue immunity-strengthening nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Yet under California law, the only legal way to have a vaccine-free child is if you homeschool.

Q: How do I exempt my children from all vaccine requirements?

A: You must homeschool, move to a state that permits exemptions, or go “underground.”

In California, “homeschooling” is not in state law, but are simply small “private schools.” And homeschoolers are exempt from all vaccination requirements.

The homeschooling exemption is in SB 277 (2015): (f) This section does not apply to a pupil in a home-based private school or a pupil who is enrolled in an independent study program pursuant to Article 5.5 (commencing with Section 51745) of Chapter 5 of Part 28 of the Education Code and does not receive classroom-based instruction.

1. Homeschool: To learn how to protect your children from risky shots, as well as a raft of other public-school ills, visit SaveCalifornia.com’s special site, RescueYourChild.com.

2. Other states: As for the rest of the country, 44 out of 50 states currently offer parents philosophical or religious exemptions to vaccines (requires filing out a simple form). In addition to California, the only states opposing parental rights on vaccines are New York, Connecticut, Maine, West Virginia, and Mississippi. And where states offer only medical exemptions, those can be difficult to obtain or, in California, virtually impossible.

3. Non-compliance: Going “underground” is homeschooling without filing a private school affidavit or any other “school” correspondence with the state or the county. Similarly, a pro-medical-freedom micro-school or small church school might lovingly and creatively “verify” all students as “fully vaccinated.” Because enforcement of inhuman laws varies by county.

When the Democrat politicians are in control, life gets harder. So it’s going to take work to rescue your children. But with sincere faith in Creator God and sacrificial love for your precious boys and girls, you can do it!

Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
The Bible, Proverbs 22:6

Newsom & Co. sending 95% of Delta rainwater into ocean

Saturday, January 14, 2023, 9:34 am | Randy Thomasson
California farmers rally in Sacramento for water for people’s needs in 2018.

All the rain California has been receiving is good, right? Filling up water storage, replenishing ground water tables, deepening the snow pack? Yet the ruling Democrats are failing to adequately capture and store rainwater, causing devastating flooding.

A new example is Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom made sure 95% of the recent rainfall in the Greater Sacramento region — which, instead of being captured by new dams — flowed into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, where it was then pumped into the Pacific Ocean.

What’s more, in the last 30 years, Democrat politicians, at the behest of environmental groups, have demolished over 100 small dams in California, with major dams on the North Coast and in Ventura County scheduled for destruction. This is anti-people to the core!

A hopeful sign, however, is some non-political Democrats are seeing the light. Liberals at both NPR and U.C. Santa Cruz are proposing more water storage for California. The last major dam built was Oroville Dam in Butte County, in 1970. Since then, the state’s population has doubled.

Are people and farms that grow our food more important than the fish environmental groups and their Democrat politicians claim to protect? SaveCalifornia.com says yes. Because people are made in the image of God, Who gave us animals to use and eat, among other things.

Want to stop the insanity of robbing water from people? Peacefully work against Democrats and RINOs, who push the environmental-group, anti-water-storage agenda.

…Gavin Newsom announced final approval of a plan to remove four dams on the Klamath River in Northern California, along with Oregon Governor Kate Brown, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, Congressman Jared Huffman and leaders of the Yurok and Karuk tribes. Newsom refers to the dam removal project as “transformative” and says “it will revitalize nearly 400 miles of the Klamath River and tributaries.”
“Lawsuit Filed to Halt Removal of Northern CA Klamath River Hydroelectric Dams,” California Globe, 12/14/22