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Why I refuse to say ‘Happy 4th of July’

Saturday, July 3, 2021, 8:25 pm | Randy Thomasson
For 50 years, conservative commentator Paul Harvey was heard noon weekdays on the ABC Radio Network. He presented his historical lesson, “Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor,” in 1975.

In the fight for meaning, proving we are neither animals nor merely advanced blobs of evolutionary ‘goo,’ I’m remembering “Independence Day” for what it’s really all about.

More than a day of food, fun, friends, and fireworks, I want Independence Day to remind me of what it actually stands for: freedom from sinful, unbiblical tyranny, for which our United States founding fathers fought. They wanted King Jesus, not King George the Third!

So, I don’t say “Happy 4th of July,” because I believe it diminishes the value of the day. Further watering down Independence Day’s significance is “Happy 4th” or “Happy 4th of July weekend.” It makes no sense to me.

I mean, would you say “Merry December 25th”? How about instead of “Happy Birthday,” we said “Happy (month, day)”? No, we know that purpose, meaning, and the intrinsic value of persons blow away calendar days, three-day weekends, and the carnality of the flesh.

To help you grasp Independence Day and the challenge for us to have the same moral, active, sacrificially-loving worldview as our founding fathers, who voted for the Declaration of Independence on July 2, 1776, enjoy watching the late, great conservative radio commentator Paul Harvey, who, in 1975, presented “Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor”, saying:

“Our founders had everything to lose and nothing to gain — except one thing … They learned that liberty is so much more important than security that they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, and they fulfilled their pledge. They paid the price, and freedom was born.”

I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States.—Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will tryumph in that Days Transaction, even altho We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not.
U.S. founding father and 2nd U.S. president John Adams’ letter on July 3, 1776

Cal/OSHA reverses, and Newsom lied to you

Thursday, June 10, 2021, 5:07 pm | Randy Thomasson
California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom behind California’s Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly

Success! Calls and emails of concerned California achieved an important victory when Cal/OSHA reversed its onerous new “restrictions” upon all indoor businesses. But first, stark evidence of Gavin Newsom’s continuing abuse of Californians.

On May 12, Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom publicly promised you after June 15 in California there’ll be “No [mask] mandates and no restrictions on businesses large and small.”

Reporter: “Are we looking at masks after June 15?”
Newsom: “No, only in those settings that are indoor — only in those massively large settings, where people from around the world, not just around the country, are convening, and when people are mixing in real dense spaces. Otherwise, we’ll make guidance recommendations, but no mandates. And no mandates and no restrictions on businesses large and small.” See the video

But Newsom lied to you — again. The latest from his Department of Public Health — which serves at Newsom’s pleasure — is they want to muzzle your face in all jobs dealing with health care, public transit, K-12 government schools, and more!

As the Sacramento Bee reported this morning, “Earlier Wednesday [during a] press call, Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly outlined a few places Californians will have to wear a mask after the reopening:

• Public transit (Airplanes, buses, taxis, subways, as well as hubs such as airports and bus terminals)
• Indoors in K-12 schools and childcare settings (For now. The state is monitoring the federal guidance, Ghaly said)
• Health care
• Correctional facilities and detention centers
• Homeless shelters, including cooling centers”

What’s more, the Newsom Administration has now added “child care” to this mask mandate list. Does this sound like “no mandates and no restrictions” to you? So Gavin Newsom lied to you about June 15. Why? He prostituted himself to the “health officer” establishment, caring more about them and himself than about you and your family.

So, at this point, there are a few realities that you and I must grasp:

1. It was a victory Wednesday evening as Cal/OSHA reversed its June 3 vote that had tyrannically mandated upon virtually all indoor workers masks and distancing, also coercing tests and jabs — all the way into next year. Halting this Cal/OSHA agenda gets us closer to our goal of normalcy. The Cal/OSHA board will meet June 17 to realign its rules to more closely match the Newsom administration’s “guidelines” and schedule.
Thank you to everyone who called and emailed Gavin Newsom the last several days. You were successful in motivating him to get Cal/OSHA to reverse itself, which will help California reopen faster. In the meantime, small business owners should ignore any rules from Cal/OSHA, which is in complete disarray on enforcing Covid “restrictions.”

As Cal/OSHA admitted in its memo calling for the June 9 emergency meeting, “confusion regarding the requirements of the workplace safety standards … make both enforcement and compliance unduly difficult.” So end your slavery! The virus has burned itself out, masks and other restrictions don’t work and only harm, and Cal/OSHA is currently so confused and impotent, enforcement of any Covid-related “restrictions” is unlikely.

2. Choose slavery or freedom. If you value your basic liberties, resist any state or county or city “restrictions” whatsoever. Again, Covid has burned itself out in California, there’s widespread immunity, hospitals were never overwhelmed, there’s no legal basis for a “state of emergency,” and we never killed small businesses and human rights over the seasonal flu (which unlike Covid, kills children and young adults). Stand up for your God-given liberties and constitutional rights — don’t comply any longer with Newsom or CDPH or Cal/OSHA or the corrupt CDC. Small business owners need to declare independence!

3. Don’t wear a mask anymore. All the reputable science shows masks don’t prevent transmission of influenza or Covid and are harmful to the wearer. What’s more, masks increase the potential to spread one’s “ick” to others. As stores and other places of commerce drop their employee mask mandates, it’s important for you to show your smiling face whenever you shop. Because not only will you breathe healthy air, you’ll remind others what it is to be human. What’s more, your promotion of normalcy will help ward off “vaccine verification,” the ultimate threat to your medical freedom. Do your part to silently proclaim masks aren’t normal, but showing your face is.

In conclusion, the virus has burnt out and there never was and still is no justification for lockdowns, masks, distancing, disinfecting, tests, or jabs. As many retail employees take off their masks, we must double our efforts to attain and maintain normalcy, which is the best evidence that the experimental biological agents misnamed “Covid vaccines” are a “solution” in search of a problem that no longer exists.

A scoffer seeks wisdom and does not find it,
But knowledge is easy to him who understands.
Go from the presence of a foolish man,
When you do not perceive in him the lips of knowledge.
The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way,
But the folly of fools is deceit.

Proverbs 14:6-8

2.1 million signatures filed

Saturday, March 20, 2021, 9:28 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

When the final signatures for the recall of Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom were turned in with California county registrars of voters on March 17, the Recall Gavin Newsom campaign reported 2,117,730 total signatures were filed. What a historic civic achievement.

Hypothetically, if there’s a 75% validity rate, this means 1,588,297 valid signatures, which would be 92,588 valid signatures above the minimum number needed, which is 1,495,709 valid signatures. So I’ll bet money this will be on the ballot this fall.

I want to remind you how important it is to vote your values. Remember the 2003 California recall election when many conservatives chose social-liberal Arnold Schwarzenegger over rock-solid conservative Tom McClintock? Don’t vote for personality or non-policy issues, but vote for someone who’ll consistently veto every bad bill (most all of them) passed by the Democrat-controlled State Legislature.

At this time, your main “Republican” choices are (there are other minor candidates), according to the public-policy records of “On the Issues” are: Ric Grenell, a homosexual “married to a man” (no legislative record); two half-conservatives: “Moderate” Kevin Faulconer, and Doug Ose, a “Moderate” who leans conservative; and “Hard-Core Conservative” John Cox. Will moral conservatives rally around one candidate to replace Newsom to represents their values? If so, the math says that candidate can win the necessary plurality on the second question on the recall ballot, even with 30-35% support.

“‘Choose wise, understanding, and knowledgeable men from among your tribes, and I will make them heads over you.’ … Then I commanded your judges at that time, saying, ‘Hear the cases between your brethren, and judge righteously between a man and his brother or the stranger who is with him. You shall not show partiality in judgment; you shall hear the small as well as the great; you shall not be afraid in any man’s presence, for the judgment is God’s.”
Deuteronomy 1:13,16-17