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15 Californians die from mudslides caused by Democrat negligence

Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 4:04 pm | Randy Thomasson

By now you’ve probably heard about at least 15 Californians killed (latest is 19 people dead) by rocks and mud that slid down from the fire-ravaged, denuded Santa Ynez Mountains above Montecito, just south of Santa Barbara. True compassion will motivate us to protect other Californians by doing our utmost to prevent more death and destruction.

Of course, the mudslides wouldn’t have happened except for the huge “Thomas Fire” above Montecito, which was one of dozens of cataclysmic wildfires in California in December.

Stop and realize there were 9,133 separate wildfires in California in 2017. That official number is amazing and wholly unacceptable. Easily more than 10,000 structures wiped out. None of these fires were caused by lighting, were they? Nearly all were man-made.

Oh, you’ll see “cause unknown” in the official reports, and you’ll suspect that downed power lines caused the devastating “Tubbs Fires” in Santa Rosa in October. There’s also suspicion that the “Creek Fire” above Sylmar was sparked by “a snapped line on a high-voltage transmission tower.”

Yet the much-videoed “Skirball Fire” near Bel Air was determined by L.A. County’s arson unit to be neglectful cooking at a “homeless encampment.” So that’s man-made. If we subtract 2 fires caused by power lines and 1 fire caused by a neglectful transient, there are still 9,131 separate wildfires unaccounted for! All these wildfires in 2017 — who or what caused them?

I say it’s time to admire Smokey the Bear and remind people, “Remember, only you can prevent forest fires.” Indeed, it’s high time for both Left and Right in California to demand that the ruling Democrat prevent wildfires. Don’t tolerate Jerry Brown and Democrat legislators neglectfully blaming “climate change” instead of caring for California families!

Here are ideas for new laws that could help:

1. Impose new stiff penalties, including prison time, for people who cause wildfires either through neglect or pyromania. Since uncaring transients and evil boys are likely perpetrators of most of the California wildfires, every government “homeless” agency needs to hand pamphlets to every transient they see and every government school must drum into the heads of children why we need to “love our neighbor” and why setting fires is wrong. Church schools can and should add fear of God and that God is watching.

2. Purchase many more planes and helicopters that can fight wildfires better and faster. This can be done using existing funds, but liberals are loathe to cut government waste, aren’t they? Republican state legislators should introduce bills cutting waste, fraud, and abuse and spend the saved money on a new wildfire “air force” for California. Even if the ruling Democrats kill these Republican bills, the Republicans could publicly pressure the Democrats to come up with their own bill to buy more planes and copters and station them in high-risk areas of the state.

3. Pass a new law requiring a wide-enough barrier between hillside homes and wild brush to stop the spread of flames and sparks. Since wind-borne sparks can jump freeways, the barrier needs to be at least that wide. A wide-enough width must be studied, because people and their property matter more than weeds and wildbrush. Any Democrat politician who bows to opposition environmental groups on this is not a “public servant.”

Any other ideas? Bottom line, Californians of all political stripes need to demand that our elected officials PREVENT wildfires in the future, and stop irresponsibly excusing themselves because the official fire report reads “cause unknown.”

As many as 90 percent of wildland fires in the United States are caused by humans. Some human-caused fires result from campfires left unattended, the burning of debris, negligently discarded cigarettes and intentional acts of arson. The remaining 10 percent are started by lightning or lava.
Wildfire Causes, U.S Dept. of the Interior

A California governor who loves God and people?

Saturday, January 7, 2017, 9:38 pm | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Rosey Grier knows how to get good things done, and has experience resisting evil. What does it matter that he’s 84, which may be the new 74?

Former NFL linebacker with the Los Angeles Rams, author, actor, public speaker and active Christian minister Rosey Grier says he’s going to run for California governor to succeed the termed-out Jerry Brown.

Grier is a Republican who, like Ronald Reagan, left the Democrat Party when it left him on moral issues.

As the L.A. Times reports:

Earlier this year, Grier endorsed Trump for president, saying he was impressed by Trump’s business experience and support for Israel.

“I felt that we needed a businessman in the White House,” Grier said.”Our country is turning away from Israel. And you don’t turn away from Israel. Those are God’s chosen people.”

The former football star doesn’t seem to be worried an electorate in a state that overwhelmingly chose Hillary Clinton might be turned off by his support for Trump.

“If I’m not successful, it won’t be because I haven’t tried,” Grier said.

Impressive. And I’m not discounting Grier because he’s 84. When Jerry Brown leaves office in January 2019, he’ll be 80 going on 81. California’s U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein is 83. Donald Trump will assume the presidency at age 70.

Concerned about feebleness? Remember former California Secretary of State Debra Bowen. Leaving statewide office at age 58, Bowen admitted she was an alcoholic while in the State Assembly, a drug addict in the State Senate, and that she was clinically depressed and largely absent from her duties in her second term as Secretary of State.

So if Bowen, a middle-aged liberal Democrat, could vote and otherwise act against God and family values in her feeble condition, I would be more than fine with an sharp-minded 84-year-old Christian conservative whose body isn’t what it used to be. All Grier needs to do is veto a boatload of bad bills. He could even veto bills from bed, as his namesake, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was wheelchair-bound and often bed-bound, did.

Do the math for the June 2018 California primary election. If it were just one reliable conservative facing off with dyed-in-the-wool, anti-family liberals such as Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and state Treasurer John Chiang, the conservative, with only 30-35% could be one of the top two vote-getters who goes on to the general election.

The next governor’s race is a historic opportunity to put forth a clear difference between one who relies on government and one who relies on people to do what’s right.

Multiple conservative candidates kill each other’s chances, as California’s 2016 U.S. Senate primary election proved. Several Republicans in that race resulted in two liberal Democrats going into the general election. Why not let liberals split their votes this time?

And what kind of Republican you would accept? Do you want Rosey Grier’s moral values or would you take a homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda “Republican” like San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer or even Peter Thiel, an openly homosexual “Republican”? Who do you trust to veto bills punishing Californians who oppose sexual perversity?

Ultimately, your religious freedom is protected only by government. I, for one, would feel much safer with a governor who I could depend on to veto any and all tyrannical bills that punish our God-given rights.

Contact Rosey Grier or Kevin Faulconer to encourage/discourage them to run

This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.
Titus 3:8

SB 1146 violates the line between secular and sacred

Monday, June 27, 2016, 10:01 am | Randy Thomasson


Please pick up the phone right now to defend Christian colleges from homosexual and transsexual activists. For if you don’t act now and “hold the line” against SB 1146, the forces of darkness will come for you next.

The Democrats at the State Capitol don’t like Christian colleges. The Bible offends them. Jesus Christ’s words against adultery, fornication, and lewdness — and the Savior’s definition of marriage as only for one man and one woman – all this offends these politicians.

So the Democrats want to punish Christian colleges by permitting homosexual and transsexual students to go to court and sue these colleges into becoming non-Christian, pro-perversity campuses instead. It’s like turning light into dark, right into wrong, and life into death.


Please take immediate action to save religious freedom. Tell Sacramento, “Maintain separation of Church and State. SB 1146 violates the line between sacred and secular. Please vote no!”

1. Call both your state assemblymember and state senator. Find them here

2. Call Governor Jerry Brown 916-445-2841

Want to do more? (Note: This is updated information as of Monday, June 27 @ 3pm) If you’re within driving distance of Sacramento, come to the Thursday, June 30 hearing on SB 1146 as soon as 11am in Room 444. And if you live in Southern California, rally for religious freedom and against SB 1146 on Wednesday, June 29 at 3:45pm.


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984), prominent pastor imprisoned by German Nazis