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Archives for the ‘California Governor’ Category

Yes, Democrat politicians harm people

Sunday, October 10, 2021, 10:28 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Do you know why Nevada and Arizona have gone, or are going, Democrat? Because many California Democrats, concerned about sky-high housing costs, scary crime, and bad “public schools,” have left here for there, without considering the cause of the effect.

Yet the cause of their problems was and is the Democrat “rulers” of California. And while former Californians who are still Democrats didn’t stop to think that deeply, you can help concerned Democrats and independents in California to wake up and connect the dots.

What is causing the unprecedented “mandates” and “division” and “shortages” you’re seeing — including high gas prices, “coin shortages,” and hospital nurses being fired?

Because these societal ills didn’t “just happen.” No, each has been caused by political entities, i.e. “the government.” But just who is “the government”?

Ask yourself — where are you seeing the anti-people policies of firing folks who don’t get the so-called “Covid vaccine, punishing health-conscious people for opposing masks and jabs, and paying people not to work? Nearly everywhere Democrat politicians are in control — in California, in other Democrat-run states, in Democrat-controlled companies and colleges, and in policies emanating from Democrat-controlled Washington, D.C.

And if there are any Republicans participating in this institutional evil, they have become “prostitutes” of their Democrat “pimps,” being richly rewarded for their slavish loyalty.

Now think of all of California’s chronic problems: bad public schools, rising crime, destructive wildfires, water mismanagement, unaffordable housing, the homelessness epidemic, high taxes and fees, higher prices on most everything, record-high STDs, providing every magnet for illegal immigrants, sexual anarchy, the legalizing “recreational” drugs, attacking free speech and religious freedom, decreeing hyper-controlling “mandates,” and unscientifically masking children.

Who can you “thank” or blame for all these problems? The Democrat politicians. Remember, Democrats control the California State Legislature — since 1957 in the State Senate and 1959 in the State Assembly.* Everything’s been on their watch for decades.

This is why every “monster fire” on state lands is a Democrat fire, why violent crime is Democrat crime, why too-high housing prices are Democrat prices, and why people losing their jobs and their small businesses last year and this year are the Democrats’ doings.

TAKE ACTION: Share this information with everyone you can. Show them what they get with the Democrat politicians are anti-people policies resulting in widespread misery.

*The exceptions to Democrat control of the California Legislature since the late 1950s was in 1969 to 1970 when Republicans controlled both houses for over a year, and in 1996 when Republicans controlled the Assembly for just one year (in 1995, two “Republicans” became speaker after agreeing to give Democrats control of all the committees).

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.

Proverbs 29:2

Will you ‘hire’ or ‘fire’ Gavin Newsom?

Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 7:05 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Do you have any regrets in life? Of course you do. And if you could go back in time and choose differently, would you?

Apply this to life in California under Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom, where:

One-third of California restaurants were permanently closed in 2020-2021
— Thousands of Californians lost their jobs just because they didn’t want the “jab”
— He sided with anti-family teachers’ unions, not science, to keep schools closed
— Millions of children are being unnecessarily masked for several hours each day
— Children in government schools are being sexually indoctrinated all the more
— Preborn babies are even more in danger of losing their God-given right to life
Tens of thousands of convicts — including violent criminals — have been released
— Convicted murderers — who forced victims to lose their lives — won’t lose their own
— Water has been released, wasted, and prohibited without building new dams
$150 million has been siphoned away from the state’s fire protection budget
— California wilderness has 163 million dead trees, providing explosive wildfire fuel
— Homelessness and transient crimes have skyrocketed, endangering families
$30 BILLION In fraudulent payments have been made by the Governor’s EDD
— California has abnormally high gas taxes and regulations driving up prices
— We no longer are a “government of the people, by the people, for the people”

So today, the question for you and your friends is would you “hire” Gavin Newsom again by voting “no,” or will you “fire” him by voting “yes,” in the September 14 Recall Election?

Please seize this opportunity to use social media and email to tell others how you’re voting, why it matters so much, and urge them to vote today. Act now before it’s too late!

See and share the SaveCalifornia.com Recall Election Center (candidate report cards)

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
Proverbs 29:2

Will Gavin Newsom be replaced by another Democrat?

Saturday, September 4, 2021, 10:16 am | Randy Thomasson
Trafalgar Group poll of 1,088 likely California voters, August 26-29

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Look at this August 26-29 Trafalgar Group poll of more than a thousand likely California voters. For Question 2 in the Gavin Newsom Recall Election, it shows a potentially close race between Republican front-runner Larry Elder and Democrat upstart Kevin Paffrath.

This is from one of the most accurate U.S. pollsters. And while the poll mistakenly left out Kevin Kiley, that still doesn’t change the big math problem for conservatives.

Because with the way California conservatives are splitting their votes between several Republican candidates, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Democrat voters surge and cast more votes for the leading Democrat than conservatives’ votes for the leading Republican.

This is why I’m urging conservatives to do three things right now, as the September 14 voting deadline looms:

  1. Note which candidates can actually win
  2. See the public policy positions of the front-runner candidates at SaveCalifornia.com
  3. Vote and get others to vote like you (use email, social media, flyers on cars, etc.)

SaveCalifornia.com’s research has found none of the candidates showing up in the several recall polls to be consistent, constitutional conservatives. However, there are definitely “mostly conservative” and “liberal Republican” candidates running. See them

So, without telling you who to vote for, it’s logical that if you want conservative values to win, you’ll want to support the mostly-conservative front-runner. Or else conservative votes will be split, and a Democrat could replace a Democrat (if most voters vote “yes” to recall Newsom).

“If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes
thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.”
Albert Einstein, renowned theoretical physicist (1879-1955)