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Democrat politicians for infanticide

Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 3:24 pm | Randy Thomasson

Thank you to everyone who called to oppose AB 2223, the devilish Democrat bill that would legalize the killing of newborn babies with no law enforcement investigation allowed. You are on the side of truth and life and justice, while the Democrat politicians voting today to advance this infanticide bill are your polar opposites.

Despite the Democrat-controlled Assembly Judiciary Committee approving AB 2223 on April 5, at the hearing, this baby-killing bill was exposed by an expert opposition witness, attorney Susan Arnall of the California-based Right to Life League.

While more than a hundred individuals opposed AB 2223 in committee — in person or by phone — no individuals spoke in support of the bill — only pro-abortion groups, such as the misnamed Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, American Civil Liberties Union, Lawyers for Reproductive Justice, and National Advocates for Pregnant Women.

See the vote: All six of the committee’s ruling Democrats robotically voted for AB 2223. And while the minority Republicans did not support it, they were lackluster, with none speaking against this infanticide bill to expose it.

Eloise Reyes of San Bernardino
Robert Rivas of Salinas
Brian Maienschein of San Diego
Mark Stone of Santa Cruz
Chris Holden of Pasadena
Ash Kalra of San Jose

Jordan Cunningham of San Luis Obispo (wasn’t there — did not vote)
Laurie Davies of San Juan Capistrano
Devon Mathis of Visalia (replaced Kevin Kiley of Rocklin on the committee)

Thank you to everyone who called and showed up and gave this murderous bill a well-deserved black eye. Our best chance to defeat AB 2223 is on the Assembly floor, where even Democrat members are much more likely to “vote their conscience.” Next step is the Assembly Health Committee. Track with us at the SaveCalifornia.com Legislation Center.

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one’s youth.
Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them;
They shall not be ashamed,
But shall speak with their enemies in the gate.

Psalm 127:3-5

Wrong for Sean Hannity to promote Bruce Jenner

Friday, May 7, 2021, 5:21 pm | Randy Thomasson
1976 and 2015 photos of Bruce Jenner, with his unchangeable XY chromosomes

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

I was sad to see talk host Sean Hannity bow down to the unnatural transsexual agenda by interviewing a delusional man who thinks he’s a woman. This “exclusive interview” from California was a half hour long!

The last few years, you and I have seen otherwise-conservative talk hosts interview homosexual Tammy Bruce (who invariably announces she’s “a lesbian” in her interviews) and Ric Grenell, who’s “married” to another man. It’s the mainstreaming of perversity, where sin isn’t sin anymore and reality is up for grabs.

Hannity’s May 5 sit-down with Bruce Jenner, an XY man who fantasizes he’s an XX woman, demonstrates how some “conservatives” aren’t only afraid of being called “homophobic,” but are afraid of being called “transphobic.” Yet real concern is merited. In the Hannity interview, Jenner said, “As a transwoman, I think role models are very important for children … I want to be a role model.” Betraying his claim of being a “conservative,” Jenner said, “but socially, I’ve been more progressive all my life.”

In 1976, Jenner became a national hero by winning the Olympic decathlon. Today, with his male sex chromosomes and his original male voice, Jenner insists you call him “her” and “Caitlyn.” This embracing as “normal” what used to be called a mental illness is destroying God’s design of human beings. What’s next, you’re “polyphobic” for opposing 3 or 4 people all being “married” to each other? Or you’re “pedophobic” for opposing “sex” with children? Or you’re “bestiphobic” for opposing “sex” with animals?

Here are the facts about transsexuality (the delusion that you aren’t your natural sex):

  1. No one can change his or her sex chromosomes: “The present data do not support the notion that brains of MtF-TR are feminized.” Source
  2. Transgenderism is not biologically-based: Irrefutable science establishes if you’ve inherited a Y chromosome from your father, you’re male; if not, you’re female. “The sperm decides the genetic sex. The presence of the Y chromosome is the determinant of maleness.” Source “Y chromosome differs from other human chromosomes. It is found in cells of the male persons only.” Source
  3. Surgery not a “solution”: Transsexuals are 20 times more likely to commit suicide, even in “affirming” communities. Among people who have had “sex change” surgeries or hormone injections, 20% say they regret it. Among all “transgenders,” 41% are suicidal and 61-90% have recognized mental illnesses.
  4. A mental disorder: Cutting off healthy body parts indicates a mental disorder: “Desire for amputation of a healthy limb has usually been regarded as a paraphilia (apotemnophilia), but some researchers propose that it may be a disorder of identity, similar to Gender Identity Disorder (GID) or transsexualism. Similarities between the desire for limb amputation and nonhomosexual male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism include profound dissatisfaction with embodiment, related paraphilias from which the conditions plausibly derive (apotemnophilia and autogynephilia), sexual arousal from simulation of the sought-after status (pretending to be an amputee and transvestism), attraction to persons with the same body type one wants to acquire, and an elevated prevalence of other paraphilic interests.” Anne A. Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D
  5. HIV super-spreaders: Transsexuals have the highest HIV/AIDS transmission rate (42%)
  6. Not born this way: “Studies are showing that kids are not born with this disorder. A 2019 Harvard-MIT study of half a million homosexual men found no biological basis, no “gay gene.” A 2014 study shows no specific chromosome aberration associated with MtF (male to female) transsexualism. A 2013 study looking for molecular mutations in the genes involved in sexual differentiation found none. Your child was not born in the wrong body.” Source
  7. Deep hurt deserves deep counseling: Transsexuality is a false identity and a serious disorder that deserves deep counseling to discover and heal the source of the sexual confusion, which is often rape or molestation of a child by a perpetrator. This is a real problem, given the conservative estimate that 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys are victims of child sexual abuse. And so many stories of transsexuals include child sexual abuse.

And despite transsexuality being unnatural and unhealthy, the liberal establishment loves imposing “gender identity” laws equating transsexuality with race and ethnicity and punishing you if you disagree. Embracing this tyrannical agenda is no laughing matter. This was Hannity’s biggest on-air blunder yet.

In 1991 after eight years of living as a woman Heyer de-transitioned and became a man once more – one permanently altered both by surgery and regret. And according to Heyer he is not alone. Now in an explosive interview with DailyMail.com, Heyer, 79, has told how he turned from a man convinced that transitioning was the answer; to one evangelical in his view that the notion of Gender Dysphoria as illness and gender re-assignment surgery as cure is, ‘one of the most widely perpetrated and most dangerous lies’ of our time. …”But right now I’m speaking for people who don’t have a voice and think they don’t’ have support. Suicide rates in post-operative transgender community are 19 per cent. If we can save one person just by applying good, effective presurgical psychotherapy then it’s worth it.”
Walt Heyer, a former transsexual who now ministers to struggling “transgenders” at SexChangeRegret.com

Support innocent human life, not ‘Black Lives Matter’

Monday, June 8, 2020, 11:46 am | Randy Thomasson
Watch this June 5, 2020 interview: “It’s a dangerous experiment involving a litmus test on public safety,” said criminal justice expert Dr. Darrin Porcher. Retired NYPD Lieutenant Joe Cardinale added, “It’s going to be like something out a Batman movie. You’re going to see chaotic scenes in the street. And I hate to paint a that picture, but that’s exactly what they’re heading for.”

Have you noticed how Democrat politicians and some large corporations, church pastors, celebrities, and people on social media are supporting “Black Lives Matter”?

But do they know that “Defund the Police” is the #1 published and shouted demand of “Black Lives Matter”? So if you support them, you are supporting having zero police anywhere, which is the most dangerous, pro-murderer idea you’ve probably ever heard.

What’s more, as an organization, Black Lives Matter is demanding BILLIONS of dollars from Americans who’ve never owned slaves, in the form of “reparations” to black Americans who’ve never been slaves. Black Lives Matter also supports permitting illegal aliens to vote.

Are these your values? If not, don’t support Black Lives Matter. Because, in contrast to this racist, violence-prone movement, the God of the Bible says all human beings matter, everyone has intrinsic worth, and harming innocent people or people’s property is a sin.

1. Black Lives Matter official platform: “Defund the police”
2. More demands of Black Lives Matter: slave reparations, unlimited abortions, and “sexual self-determination” (see fourth to last paragraph)
3. Black Lives Matter Leader: ‘Defund Police’
4. Celebrities push to ‘defund police’
5. FBI in 2017: “‘Black identity extremists’ [Black Lives Matter] very likely … will inspire premeditated attacks against law enforcement”
6. David Harris, Jr. exposes the dangerous agenda of “Black Lives Matter”
7. Tucker Carlson: Who were the 10 “unarmed African Americans” that cops killed in 2019?

Is there an “epidemic” of police killing unarmed blacks? Are innocent blacks being “hunted” by cops?

That’s the claim of “Black Lives Matter.” But what are the facts?

On June 3, Fox News host Tucker Carlson powerfully laid out the indisputable data showing that, in 2019 in the United States, police killed 10 unarmed blacks and 19 unarmed whites.

Let’s do the math. There were 1,004 people killed by police in the U.S. in 2019. Of these, 802 killings by police noted the race of the police officer and of the person shot dead. Of these 802 killings of suspects, 371 were white and 236 were black, and the vast majority of those shot dead were armed themselves. Black suspects were more likely to have deadly weapon than white suspects, yet more white suspects were killed.

Here’s detail of the 10 total cases in 2019 where unarmed blacks were shot and killed by police:

  1. attacked, choked, and used a taser gun on a cop
  2. physically fought with trooper in woods
  3. physically attacked female police officer
  4. backed car into officer, catching him in door
  5. drove car high-speed at officer
  6. physically attacked police officer
  7. a black woman at home was holding a gun. The officer who shot her has been charged with murder
  8. physically fighting with black cop
  9. claimed to have gun and threatened to kill cops
  10. after killing a suspect, a gun was found in the dead man’s vehicle. The officer has been charged with aggravated manslaughter

This means, of the 10 unarmed black Americans killed by police in 2019, half of their deaths were provoked by the suspect physically attacking the officer just before the shooting occurred. One shooting was allegedly an accident. In the remaining four cases, in two of them the officer was criminally charged.

This is an extremely small number in a nation of 325 million. This is not genocide or anything close to it. The number of police killings of unarmed suspects is actually dropping. In 2015, unarmed suspects killed by police in the U.S. was 38 blacks and 32 whites. Overall totals have since dropped, and have fallen most dramatically for black men.

2019 was the safest year for all unarmed suspects. However, there were 48 cops murdered in 2019 according to FBI data, which is more than any unarmed suspects of all races that were killed by police. In 2018, there were 7,407 blacks murdered nationwide. For every unarmed black person shot in the U.S. by police, more than 700 blacks were shot to death by someone else, usually by someone they knew. No, blacks are not being “hunted down” and killed by racist police.

To put things in perspective, FBI statistics revealed, “In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer. Black males have made up 42 percent of all cop-killers over the last decade, though they are only 6 percent of the population.”

Also noting the drop in police shootings of unarmed suspects was the Washington Post, which, on May 7, 2018, reported, “The number of deadly police shootings of unarmed people has generally declined since 2015…”

Stop and think about it. When someone pulls a gun or a knife on a cop or physically attacks, the police officer has the right of self-defense. What do you say about a cop being 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black being killed by a cop? Perhaps it’s time for police to march and protest that “Blue Lives Matter.”

Worst of all, the “Black Lives Matter” protests and riots in late May and early June have resulted in the deaths of more than a dozen people, and the serious injuries of many others, including cops and small business owners. Why would any reasonable person support a group that causes innocent people to perish?

“What’s gone wrong with black America? Why are they so dependent on white America, on the government, that all they can think of themselves as victims? Which then, of course, deflates them as human beings, undermines
their best energies, their best intentions. So after 50-60 years now past the Civil Rights bill, we’re worse off in many socio-economic categories than we were 60 years ago … Our families have fallen to pieces. Seventy-five percent of all black children are born out of wedlock, without a father. I don’t care how many social programs you have. You’re not going to overcome that … we as black Americans have to begin to take our fate back into our own hands, and stop crying racism.”

Shelby Steele, senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, Fox News interview, June 5, 2020