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Archives for the ‘Marriage’ Category

California baker’s religious freedom beats back unconstitutional ‘LGBT’ attack

Thursday, February 8, 2018, 12:33 pm | Randy Thomasson

Good news! A California baker’s religious freedom trumps the attack of “LGBT” activists.

Yes, you heard right — a religious freedom victory in California. And hopefully, it signals a upcoming victory from the U.S. Supreme Court in June.

Cathy Miller is the hard-working, creative owner of Tastries Bakery in Bakersfield.

Last year, when two confused, arrogant women who practice homosexuality on each other walked into her bakery and demanded a homosexual “wedding” cake, Cathy declined because of her strong Christian faith. Of course, the Bible says marriage is only between a man and a woman; if you don’t have a man and a woman, you just don’t have marriage.

After Cathy referred the homosexuals to another bakery that would have “no problem” with same-sex “wedding” cakes, the two militant “LGBT” activists walked out in a huff. It was no surprise that Cathy was later hit with an official complaint from the State of California.

Fortunately, Cathy was offered the excellent legal representation of pro-family attorney Chuck LiMandri of San Diego. And guess what? A Kern County judge who used to work at a law firm that protected businesses from frivolous lawsuits has rejected the Democrat Attorney General of California, who wanted to force this Christian baker to betray Jesus Christ and participate in and approve of false, unbiblical, homosexual “marriages.”

Yes, Christianity and the U.S. Constitution have won over the anti-free-speech, anti-religious-freedom, anti-ownership-rights homosexual activists and their Democrat politicians! Because the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects religion — for anyone interested in reading it.

Of course, Cathy’s civil religious freedom to obey Jesus Christ instead of homosexual activists legally depends on the U.S. Supreme Court’s expected ruling this June in Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.

But for now, please celebrate Cathy’s moral victory, which is a win for you and other people of faith everywhere. Here’s some good-news articles about it:

Kern County judge rules against State of California in case against Tastries Bakery

Judge: Baker has right to refuse ‘same-sex wedding’ cakes

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,’ and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” Jesus Christ in Matthew 19:4-6





Exposed: SPLC’s unfair ‘hate’ label of moral organizations

Thursday, January 18, 2018, 8:51 pm | Randy Thomasson

One of the biggest liars in the USA has been exposed by veteran investigative reporter John Stossel. Please watch and share!

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which hates moral values and has unfairly labeled many pro-family organizations, including SaveCalifornia.com, as “hate groups,” has finally been called out.

Stossel: “The Center has become a hate group itself. It’s now a left-wing, money-grabbing slander machine.”

Because we unapologetically advocate for the well-being of children and families and the true sexes of being male or female, SaveCalifornia.com was first unfairly and unconstitutionally tagged by SPLC as a so-called “hate group” in March 2012. It’s ironic, because we’re actually a love group. We love God and we love children and families, and sharing the truth in love is love!

Also repeating SPLC’s lies for the past several years have been many California media outlets — and certain websites such as Wikipedia have played along — all unfairly labeling SaveCalifornia.com as a “hate group.” Just because we stand for biblical values: man-woman marriage, the natural sexes of male and female, saving sex for marriage, religious freedom, constitutionally-protected moral speech, God-given parental rights, and private property rights.

Again, please watch and share Stossel’s 5-minute special report.

Lastly, in light of SPLC’s Big Lie against SaveCalifornia.com, will you please empower us to work lovingly, courageously, and faithfully for your moral values? We exist only with the generous support of pro-family citizens in our land, and I need your help. Thank you for your consideration. You can donate securely here.

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Jesus Christ, the Savior of the word, in John 8:32


YOU are needed in this fight TODAY

Tuesday, November 29, 2016, 2:47 pm | Randy Thomasson

Today is a battle between Good and Evil. How? Because today is “Giving Tuesday,” the Hallmark-like designated day for people to donate to their favorite causes.

11-29-2016Now, the Liberal Left loves Giving Tuesday. They maximize it by asking “progressives” who hate God and love evil to donate. And give they do on on Giving Tuesday!

But YOU believe in what’s best for children and families, in God’s enduring and beneficial values, and in all that’s good, right, and true!

Because YOU and I know that:

nuclearfamily• Marriage is, was, and will always only be for one man and one woman.
• Children do best with a married father and mother living under the same roof.
• Religious freedom is of paramount importance in a free society.
• Parental rights and authority are a fundamental requirement of family.
• The “LGBTIQ” agenda is unhealthy, unnatural, unbiblical, and tyrannical.
• Innocent human life from womb to tomb must be protected and respected.
• Personal responsibility and prosperity thrive when government says you’re the boss.

With your dependable values, which are based on the ABSOLUTE TRUTH of what’s good for children, people, culture, and government, will you help COMBAT and REFUTE the Liberal Left TODAY, on “Giving Tuesday”?

gifts_v14Please give $10 or more today
at SaveCalifornia.com


Thank you for caring! You and I know that light OVERCOMES darkness, both physically and spiritually. That’s why SaveCalifornia.com, which has been serving California families since 1999, needs more people — people like you — to SHINE THEIR LIGHT with us to EXPOSE liberal lies and TAKE ON the Left.

Your gift of $10 or more TODAY will go to work for children and families TOMORROW. Please give your best gift now. Thank you for helping SaveCalifornia.com promote good and oppose evil!

Seek good and not evil,
That you may live;
So the Lord God of hosts will be with you,
As you have spoken.
Hate evil, love good;
Establish justice in the gate.
It may be that the Lord God of hosts
Will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.
Amos 5:14-15