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Archives for the ‘Democrats’ Category

Who or what killed George Floyd?

Saturday, August 8, 2020, 11:02 am | Randy Thomasson

Why did you see only one video of the Minneapolis police officers’ encounter with George Floyd on May 25, and not the police bodycam video until August 3? We all had to wait more than two whole months for it, because the Democrat Attorney General of Minnesota hid it from the public.

So the false narrative that police in the United States are hunting down and killing unarmed black men ran unabated in the media. Meanwhile, anarchist activists within Antifa and Black Lives Matter took full advantage of the lie, destroying property and killing innocent people all across America.

The police video shows George Floyd resisting patient officers for eight straight minutes. And the toxicology report confirms Floyd was high on drugs, which constricted his breathing and contributed to his demise.

Those are the facts and you can come to your own conclusion. But it’s clear from the video that Floyd was resisting big-time, repeatedly claiming he couldn’t breathe as police patiently tried to get him to sit in the police car, and that cops were concerned enough to call for an ambulance.

The toxicology report found a massive overdose of the opioid fentanyl, along with methamphetamine, in Floyd’s body. These harmful drugs – which can cause “severe respiratory depression, circulatory collapse, coma, and death” — explain Floyd’s paranoia, aggression, and the breathing problems he had while standing and sitting.

As expert prosecutor George Parry details: “In short, Floyd’s foaming at the mouth, incoherence, physical incapacity, non-compliant behavior, breathing difficulty, and rapid downward spiral into unconsciousness and death are fully explained by the toxicological evidence that he had ingested a massively lethal overdose of fentanyl mixed with a smaller dose of similarly dangerous and debilitating methamphetamine. In other words, by the time he first encountered the police, Floyd had already rendered himself a dead man walking and was only minutes away from expiring.

All lives matter, but you only saw one video. Now see the police bodycam video here.

Then read these expert reports on the video and the toxicology report:

Who Killed George Floyd?
By former federal and state prosecutor George Parry in the American Spectator

Why George Floyd Died
By Rod Dreher, senior editor at The American Conservative

“Does our law judge a man before it hears him and knows what he is doing?”
Nicodemus, advocating for fairness for Jesus Christ, before the Sanhedrin

prejudice: The act or state of holding unreasonable preconceived judgments or convictions.
An adverse judgment or opinion formed unfairly or without knowledge of the facts.

The ruling Democrats’ thieving, deceitful tax hike scheme

Monday, August 3, 2020, 10:10 am | Randy Thomasson
“Can’t you cut the waste instead?”

They’ve already hurt you, and intend to hurt you more.

You already know California state government has made you poorer. But did you know that the California Legislature has been virtually controlled by Democrats for the last 60 years? And that Democrats control three-quarters of both the State Assembly and State Senate?

This year, your Democrat-controlled state government is destroying small businesses and family livelihoods with their extremely harmful lockdown. And now, they’re coming in for the kill with AB 1253 to directly raise income taxes without a vote of the people.

As a native Californian, I can’t remember anything like this. But the over-confident, thieving Democrat politicians are drunk with power. That’s why they’re daring to massively raise taxes by government fiat, not letting the voters decide, and doing this damage the same year that state government has financially injured Californians, and in an election year too.

AB 1253 would massively raise taxes on the rich, as if California taxes punishing success weren’t already too high. As California Political Review explains:

AB 1253 would add Revenue and Taxation Code Section 17044 to create three new tax rates for amounts of income above specified thresholds. As a tax levy, it would take effect immediately upon the Governor’s signature and chaptering by the Secretary of State. The bill would apply retroactively to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2020. As a tax increase measure, it would require a 2/3 vote of both houses of the Legislature pursuant to Article XIIIA, Section 3 of the California Constitution.

Specifically, AB 1253 would add a new section to the Revenue and Taxation Code to provide the following three higher tax rates (in addition to the existing ones):

A 1% tax on income above $1 million, but not over $2 million
A 3% tax on income over $2 million, but not over $5 million
A 3.5% tax on income over $5 million

This would make the state with the highest income taxes even more infamous about taking money from the responsible to give to the irresponsible.

Under AB 1253, the most successful earners would see their state income tax rate jump from 13.3% to 16.8%. Making things worse, this tax would be retroactive to January 2020!

Now before you breathe a sigh of relief and think, “I’m glad my taxes won’t go up — this is only a tax on the rich,” think again. Because the power to tax is the power to destroy. Taxing one group always has intended consequences, hurting other people too.

Here are four ways AB 1253’s huge new tax on the rich would hurt everybody:

  1. Million-dollar earners will move out of state. We’ve seen this before and we’ll see it again. The wealthy already have the highest mobility in society with the greatest number of options of where to live. Expect to see an exodus of wealthy Californians, even if only to the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe. That means the ruling Democrats will be more likely to raise taxes on lower earners instead. Because water always finds its way to the lowest level, doesn’t it? 
  2. In turn, you’ll experience inflation. Million-dollar earners that stay in California are smart enough not to lose money. So, because most of them own businesses, they’ll look for more ways to get more money from their customers. This means higher prices for us all. Ready to suffer more? 
  3. It’ll be easier for the ruling Democrats to directly raise taxes on you later. By accepting a huge tax hike on one “class” of Californians, then by reelecting the tax-hikers, we’re telling them we accept regular tax increases as “normal.” This will throw gasoline on the fire for more sales tax hikes, car tax hikes, and income tax hikes creeping into more tax brackets. Remember, to be a good Democrat politician today, you have to think other people’s money is yours. AB 1253 is training them to do that ever so much more so to you and your family. 
  4. AB 1253’s huge tax hike hides all the wasteful spending. Not once will the ruling Democrats say publicly there’s any waste to slash. They won’t admit there’s a mountain of waste, fraud, and abuse throughout California state government. Making it easy for them to deceive and hide waste is 60+ years of Democrats controlling the State Legislature, and no independent, out-of-state, Texas-style audit. And this year, in the midst of the destructive lockdown of Gavin Newsom and the Democrats, government workers continue to be paid, and government pensions continue to rise. AB 1253 is the equivalent of a bad employee — who’s been hurting your customers, wasting your resources, and not caring to do his job — coming to you and demanding a raise. Don’t give the ruling Democrats a raise — fire them!

    TAKE ACTION NOW: Please contact your own state assemblymember and state senator, as well as Governor Gavin Newsom. Tell them, “Oppose AB 1253. No new taxes!” Enter your voter registration address here to reveal the websites of your state assemblymember and state senator. Click their links to see the telephone numbers and web contact forms for each. To contact Governor Newsom, click here.

    “The power to tax is the power to destroy.”
    From the words of Daniel Webster and John Marshall in 1819

How I’m still not wearing a mask

Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 11:37 am | Randy Thomasson

Because I knew the lockdown, social distancing, wiping down, and mask mandates were not based on science, I determined not to block my own oxygen intake, or be treated like an animal, or satisfy the Tyrannical Left by “drinking their Kool-Aid.”

Today, I can confirm that if you shop at a large chain store (which I’ll just refer to as “W”), you don’t have to wear a mask. This is despite the store’s new mask mandate. On the day it was implemented, exemptions appeared on a brand-new sign at the store entrance. Despite stating face masks were mandatory for all customers, the sign also said infants and young children, as well as persons with health conditions, are exempt.

So, if you want to avoid mask mandates, here’s what I suggest:

1. Choose from one of these exemption forms created by SaveCalifornia.com, and print several copies: mental health condition | medical condition | medical condition obstruct breathing | disability

2. Print the CDPH “guidelines” with the state-recognized exemptions, and highlight them.

3. Place all in a folder, and take the folder with you whenever visiting a business.

A winning strategy is to quickly get past the door attendant. Without breaking a stride, walk straight ahead and don’t look at the attendant. If he or she calls out, “Medical exemption?”, just keep walking, but quickly turn your head to clearly say, “Yes.” Or if they call out, “Have a mask?”, keep walking and turn your head, saying, “I’m exempt.” (After you’ve successfully done this once at a particular store, if you see the same door attendant, look them in the eye, smile, greet them, and say “Hi, I’m exempt.” They’ll want to remember you like bank tellers do.)

This will satisfy most door attendants. But at stores where they chase after you or block you, and tell you, “No exemptions,” you need to stand your ground. Be friendly but firm, and say, “Please bring the store manager here now.” You must demand to talk with the manager (who’s the likely only employee who can make independent decisions). When he or she arrives, greet them friendly, open your folder to display the CDPH document’s highlighted list, and say, “The State recognizes my exemption; I’m asking you to also recognize it.”

Feb. 17, 2021 update: Trader Joe’s and Costco now mandate masks. But you can go mask-free — by using your exemption — at Walmart, Sam’s Club, Target, Winco, Raley’s/Bel Air, Ralph’s, Von’s, ALDI, Michael’s, Home Goods, Dollar Tree, Barons, Home Depot, Marshall’s, Ross, Jersey Mike’s, Salvation Army, Petco, PetSmart (all of these provided by Californians who’ve successfully tested these stores).

Remember, you don’t have to describe or justify your exemption, but simply claim it. The key is being informed and confident. And everyone can use SaveCalifornia.com’s medical condition obstruct breathing form, since all face masks obstruct normal breathing one way or another.

Ultimately, it’s a business’ God-given ownership right whether to demand customers wear masks. However, the tactics I’ve successfully used and have provided to you here will give you the best chance to avoid this. If you’re completely rebuffed by the store manager, you can always leave and attempt to shop elsewhere, and urge your friends to do the same.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego answered and said to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up.”
Biblical civil disobedience in Daniel 3