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Archives for the ‘Democrats’ Category

Don’t let the Liberal Left hide the truth from California families

Monday, December 2, 2019, 5:15 pm | Randy Thomasson

Can you imagine if your free speech and religious freedom were outlawed?

It may sound far-fetched, but that seems to be the dream of Liberal Left politicians and their unconstitutional allies in California.

And while the ruling Democrats and their accomplices in the Big Media don’t want you to hear, see, or speak the truth about the damage they’re doing, WE DO. Which is a big reason that SaveCalifornia.com is here for you.

I want you to know that tomorrow’s an important day around the world. It’s called “Giving Tuesday.” And I can tell you that California’s left-wing groups are already working hard to raise millions of dollars for their immoral agenda that opposes (and even seeks to eliminate) your voice, your values, and your constitutional rights.

But here’s the good news. SaveCalifornia.com is also here, working hard to tell families the Truth that Big Government and Big Media don’t want you to know. Because our mission is to champion and defend all that you hold dear. Yes, this is war!

Here’s where you come in. On December 3’s Giving Tuesday, SaveCalifornia.com needs your tangible help to speak up, speak out, and stand strong for you and your family. We also need your help to resist, expose, and oppose left-wing tyranny.

Will you join me in saying NO to the harmful liberal agenda against you and your family? And will you partner with me to say YES to God’s design of marriage and family, and your constitutional rights as an American?

On Giving Tuesday, or even today, will you give a special gift to help SaveCalifornia.com report the TRUTH that the Liberal Left and Big Media are hiding from you?

Because it’s you and other moral Californians who empower our work. Which is why, with your participation, SaveCalifornia.com will boldly represent and equip you and countless other individuals and families.

Can you help? You can make an immediate impact at our special Giving Tuesday page: https://securedonors.com/savecalifornia+givingtuesday2019

Thank you in advance for participating in SaveCalifornia.com’s Giving Tuesday campaign. Because you + us = greater good!

Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?

Psalm 94:16

It’s about to hit the fan, but we’re on it

Friday, November 1, 2019, 5:28 pm | Randy Thomasson

A lot is about to “hit the fan,” starting in January 2020. Bad new laws affecting families. Bad new curriculum indoctrinating children. And bad new policies impacting all Californians.

Yes, you can blame the Democrat politicians, who rule the roost in Sacramento. But what will you and I do about it? And how can we, together, love our neighbor — specifically, children and their parents, grandparents, property owners, and voters?

Here’s what’s coming your way, and why we must jump into action:

1. Disgusting new sexual indoctrination curriculum for kids in K-12 public schools. The perverse brainwashing and gross practices of the “California Healthy Youth Act” will sexually indoctrinate children like never before.

This year, the Democrat-run State Board of Education approved “guidelines” for all school districts. So you can expect this to ramp up come January. We need to be ready!

Here’s the big problem: Under the cloak of teaching (but really, forcing) children as young as kindergarten “to develop healthy attitudes concerning adolescent growth and development, body image, gender, sexual orientation, relationships, marriage, and family,” and “to promote understanding of sexuality as a normal part of human development,” AB 329 has quickly morphed into teaching kids that virtually anything and everything goes.

The sexual anarchy in this devilish curriculum guidelines now includes positive teaching about (and I’m going to write in code):

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especially related to “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” and “gender expression”

From my read, AB 329 and its applicable curriculum teaches children a new amoral ethic: “You can have as much sexual contact as you want, involving pleasure or pain, with any number of people, in any number of ways, as long as it’s consensual.”

That’s the bad news of what boys and girls will get under the misnamed “California Healthy Youth Act.” And, of course, children won’t be told about any negative health consequences. But since kids can’t look away, neither should we.

Yet in light of this terrible attack upon children’s minds, one thing is clear — we must do what we can to help rescue kids by reaching and activating parents and grandparents!

With your generous gift today, SaveCalifornia.com can inform California families by building a new online center that exposes this awful new curriculum threatening precious children.

This is why I invite you to fight the good fight with SaveCalifornia.com. With your good-hearted help, SaveCalifornia.com will build a new online center that exposes this awful new curriculum targeting children. From here, we will do creative outreaches to alert and convince as many fathers and mothers as we can.

And what else is coming your way?

2. A boatload of very bad new laws imposed by the ruling Democrat politicians. Gavin Newsom and the Democrat-controlled California State Legislature are handing out abortion pills to college girls and telling boys to be “girls” and girls to be “boys.” And Newsom and the Democrats are awarding the rights of citizens to illegal aliens, threatening the rights of law-abiding gun owners, and trampling the choices of independent contractors. Along with many other bad laws grinding down our way of life.

Fortunately, with technology, we can work to get around the biased Big Media, which want to keep folks in the dark. Instead, we’ll reach and inform people with facts and evidence.

With your helpful donation today, SaveCalifornia.com will launch a bold new campaign reporting to voters what they get with the Democrats. It’s about time, don’t you think?

So I ask you, will you fight the good fight of faith alongside me and SaveCalifornia.com? Since 1999, we’ve been working, leading, and fighting for God’s best for children and families. Your generous gift today will help us reach parents and voters who desperately need to know the truth.

And with just two months until bad new laws go into effect and new curriculum begins to hit local government schools, we have a lot to do in a short time.

Now that you know the bad news and our plan to resist it, will you exercise your values and stand with me and SaveCalifornia.com? You can contribute instantly and securely on our special “Fight the Good Fight” donate page: https://securedonors.com/savecalifornia+fightthegoodfight

Your kind gift today of $20, $35, $50, $100, $200, or $500 or more will help jump-start this needful campaign. Then you and I can reach, awaken, and activate many pro-family Californians and other reasonable people who are already concerned.

Please be generous and donate here

Thank you in advance for considering how you can make a difference with me!

Planned Parenthood abortionists are now the ones on trial

Thursday, October 17, 2019, 7:29 pm | Randy Thomasson

These are your California pro-life heroes. They’ve exposed the murderous crimes of Planned Parenthood, and the Liberal Left has hauled them into a kangaroo court.

Center for Medical Progress (CMP) defendants David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, on trial in federal civil court along with co-defenants Troy Newman and Albin Rhomberg

Right is wrong and wrong is right in the San Francisco federal court of an Obama fundraiser and judge, William Orrick, who served on the board of an organization that houses a Planned Parenthood clinic. And the judge’s wife? She “liked” a National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) Facebook post that criticized CMP as “a sham organization run by extremists.” What’s more, in 2015, “Mrs. Orrick ‘pinkified’ her Facebook page and added ‘I stand with Planned Parenthood’ as a Facebook profile picture overlay.”

True to form, Judge Orrick has tried to hide the felony crimes of Planned Parenthood, which, beyond killing little human beings in the womb and after birth, is selling baby body parts, a blatant violation of federal law. In 2017, Orrick fined David Daleiden $195,000 for publicly releasing the final videos exposing the awful truth. And in this month’s trial, with rare exception, Orrick has forbade showing the jury videos of Planned Parenthood representatives describing money for baby body parts. 

But this wall of deception is cracking. Because the rules of evidence mean that Planned Parenthood’s claim of “damage” (illegal recording, trespass, etc.) can be cross-examined. So at this point, the judge has had to permit two Center for Medical Progress videos to be shown to the jury. One on October 11, and another on October 16.

The latest video is the most shattering to Planned Parenthood’s credibility. The nearly 5-minute video showed Planned Parenthood’s top abortionist Deborah Nucatola “speaking on video about liver, lungs, hearts, muscle, and calvarium (baby heads) that were harvested from the bodies of aborted babies.” Reportedly stunning the jurors and causing tears to flow down faces, this revelation could actually lead to the jury rejecting the abortion giant’s claim of unfair play by the investigative journalists of the Center for Medical Progress.

Here are the 3 big wins for truth in court so far:

1. On October 11, Planned Parenthood abortionist Leslie Drummond-Hay claimed on the witness stand that nobody could hear her conversation with David Daleiden (posting as a baby body parts buyer) and that he brought up the matter of money; however, once the hidden video clip was played in court, the abortionist had to admit that others could hear them and that she had been first to bring up the topic of money.

2. On October 15, despite Judge William Orrick generally prohibiting the jury from seeing CMP’s undercover videos, Mary Gatter, “medical director” for Planned Parenthood abortion centers in Los Angeles and Pasadena, opened her mouth to bring out much-needed evidence. On the witness stand while being questioned by Planned Parenthood’s attorney, Gatter surprised both sides by opining about the “good parts and …. the worst parts of the conversation” that were depicted in the video. That allowed a pro-life attorney to quiz Gatter about what she said on the video. Under cross-examination, she admitted saying “I wanted a Lamborghini” and agreed it was in the context was discussing the price she would be paid for “fetal parts.”

3. On October 16, Deborah Nucatola, former medical director for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, who said “she performs an average of 200 per month, testified in court that she prefers to use the [euphemistic] term ‘tissue donation’ instead of ‘selling baby body parts for a profit’ … and Nucatola also described how ‘she was upset about the release of the videos, and again sobbed when relating how she and her family were ‘damaged’ by them.”

Yet then a pro-life attorney read from Nucatola’s earlier statements under oath at a disposition, where, “in deposition, Nucatola said that the release of the videos was ‘no big deal’ that ‘did not damage me’ … in addition, she had made sworn statements such as, ‘I did nothing wrong,’ ‘I don’t care if these videos are released.’ ‘There is nothing wrong with what I said.’” The video confirmed the cross-examination, destroying Nucatola’s credibility.

Do you agree with me that, under the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment, this case should have been thrown out of court at the get-go? Because remember, investigative journalism is protected under “freedom of the press,” right along with “freedom of speech” and “freedom of religion.”

Back in the 1990s, I remember how aggressive liberal reporters, with their hand recorders and video cameras, showed up unannounced at the pro-family organization where I used to work. But not once did I consider filing a lawsuit (but I did suggest increasing security, primarily by hardening our front door), because I knew about constitutional freedom of the press.

Ultimately, the outcome in the San Francisco courtroom is either going to permit the First Amendment or further destroy it, and will either hide the criminal behavior of Planned Parenthood or expose it.

Truly, the greatest crime in America is the American genocide of 61 million pre-born babies. Because Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the U.S., they’re the the biggest criminals in America. And in the last few decades, Planned Parenthood has added to their crimes by selling baby body parts, in clear violation of federal law.

Everybody who supports what’s good and right ought to support the creative, investigative journalism of the Center for Medical Congress. These pro-life investigators shouldn’t be punished, they should be rewarded!

See pro-life news coverage of this trial

See trial updates from the attorneys defending the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) defendants: LLDF | Liberty Counsel | Operation Rescue | ACLJ | Thomas More Society

See the first court transcripts (Oct. 3, 4, 8, 10)

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20