Photos of high schoolers in Los Angeles creating official “all gender” multi-person restroom by removing “girls” sign from restroom door.
Unless you act now, you can kiss separate restrooms for men and women goodbye. The next vote in the California State Assembly is April 20.
Ready for sexual anarchy to bust loose?
Today, you’re seeing the pro-perversity Democrats and Republicans pushing to eliminate separate single-stall restrooms for men and women.
But a few years after young people have become desensitized, you can fully expect bad politicians to then push to eliminate men and women restrooms, where there are multiple stalls and multiple persons allowed in.
Mark my words — this is the goal of the transsexual agenda politicians. They want to replace natural, God-given genders with sexual anarchy — to the utter confusion of children. It’s already happening at a Los Angeles high school.
Please take a stand today against this blatant attack on male and female distinctions. Call the deciding votes before April 20 and say:
“I’m calling because I want Assemblymember _______ to oppose AB 1732. This bill paves the way for mixing men with women in multiple-stall restrooms, motivates small businesses to offer one not two restrooms, affects home businesses, and threatens church schools and the religious freedom of everyone. Please vote no.”
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Appropriations Committee meets 9:00 a.m. in Room 4202 (if you live near Sacramento, please come to the hearing on AB 1732)
20 members: 14 Democrats, 6 Republicans
Votes needed to pass: 11 yes votes out of 20 members
To defeat this bill: All 6 Republicans and at least 4 Democrats must not support AB 1732:
1. Ling Ling Chang 916-319-2055 | 714-529-5502
2. Jay Obernolte 916-319-2033 | 760-244-5277
3. Brian Jones 916-319-2071 | 619-441-2322
4. Frank Bigelow 916-319-2005 | 559-673-0501
5. Don Wagner 916-319-2068 | 714-665-6868
6. James Gallegher 916-319-2003 | 530-671-0303
1. Roger Hernández 916-319-2048 | 626-960-4457
2. Miguel Santiago 916-319-2053 | 213-620-4646
3. Eduardo Garcia 916-319-2056 | 760-347-2360
4. Tom Daly 916-319-2069 | 714-939-8469
5. Lorena Gonzalez 916-319-2080 | 619-338-8090
6. Susan Bonilla 916-319-2014 | 925-521-1511
AB 1732 could be on the Assembly floor as soon as April 25. Please call your own state assemblymember by entering your address here.
Bill Text
SECTION 1. Article 5 (commencing with Section 118600) is added to Chapter 2 of Part 15 of Division 104 of the Health and Safety Code, to read:
Article 5. Single-User Restrooms
118600. (a) All single-user toilet facilities in any business establishment, place of public accommodation, or state or local government agency shall be identified as all-gender toilet facilities, and designated for use by no more than one occupant at a time or for family or assisted use.
(b) During any inspection of a business or a place of public accommodation by an inspector, building official, or other local official responsible for code enforcement, the inspector or official may inspect for compliance with this section.
(c) For the purposes of this section, “single-user toilet facility” means a toilet facility with no more than one water closet and one urinal with a locking mechanism controlled by the user.
(d) This section shall become operative on March 1, 2017.
What the 2 key sentences mean:
(a) All single-user toilet facilities in any business establishment, place of public accommodation, or state or local government agency shall be identified as all-gender toilet facilities, and designated for use by no more than one occupant at a time or for family or assisted use.
This means:
1. The “men” and “women” — or “boys” and “girls” — all the men/women/boys/girls restroom signs currently on single-occupancy restrooms must come down.
2. Pro-transsexuality/cross-dressing/”sex change” symbols defining restrooms as “all gender” must go up instead.
3. Small businesses that wish to save time and money can go from having two restrooms (men and women) to only one restroom (“all gender”).
4. Even home businesses come under the “any business establishment” phrase.
5. “Place of public accommodation” is undefined and could mean private entities of several types. Federal law, under the Americans with Disabilities Act, says the only places of public accommodation are private entities. Under AB 1732, which private entities are included and which are excluded? Small businesses, home businesses, religious businesses, schools, church schools, churches — where in the bill does it say who is included and who is exempt? Besides the lack of definition for “public accommodation,” there is no religious exemption in AB 1732.
(c) For the purposes of this section, “single-user toilet facility” means a toilet facility with no more than one water closet and one urinal with a locking mechanism controlled by the user.
This could mean:
1. For businesses that must have restrooms — such as food service or gas stations — under this definition, must they now pay to install men’s urinals in current women’s restrooms?
2. For home businesses, must they now pay to install a men’s urinal in addition to paying for and posting an “all gender” restroom sign?
Please act now, before the April 20 vote on AB 1732 in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.
A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man,
nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment,
for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God.
Deuteronomy 22:5