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Carrie Prejean: 4 of 12 Miss USA Pageant judges were homosexuals

Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 2:40 pm |

Former Miss California Carrie Prejean is backing up her claim that she lost the Miss USA Pageant because of intolerant homosexual judges.

Monday night, Carrie was on Fox News with Greta van Susteren.  In addition to saying she had talked with Donald Trump, Carrie dropped a bombshell by saying that 4 of the 12 telecast judges were openly homosexual:

VAN SUSTEREN: So you think that the reason why you did not win the overall was because of this particular question?

PREJEAN: I that Perez Hilton admitted it. He said that she was front-runner, and he underscored me the lowest. And three of the other judges were gay, also, which I don’t think a lot of people know that.  But I think that definitely was a huge reason why I did not win.

Remember, on April 21 on NBC’s Today Show, Miss USA Pageant judge Claudia Jordan admitted that “a few of the judges were very against her, they were bothered by her answer.” On the same program, Miss USA Pageant owner Donald Trump said that Carrie’s answer “probably did cost her the crown.”

It’s now obvious that homosexuals discriminated against a contestant for her free speech and religious faith. Who’s unfair now? And who’s victimizing whom?

In our 21st-century culture, I have found that homosexual judges and homosexual politicians are inherently unfair to anyone who disagrees with their homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda.

So if you’re ever asked, “Would you vote for ___________, who also happens to be gay?”, you can respond with “I can’t.  Homosexual  elected officials unfairly discriminate against people who believe in traditional marriage, the natural family, natural sex, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. That’s anti-American.”

Safeway and Sacramento pushing ‘LGBT Pride’ on children

Sunday, June 14, 2009, 8:15 am |

A few days ago,  I received a disturbing email from a SaveCalifornia.com partner:

Dear Randy:

I was shocked recently when I walked into my local Safeway store here in California to see a sign proclaiming that all Safeway stores were celebrating June as “Gay and Lesbian Pride Month.”  The sign proclaiming this was an official Safeway sign and it was prominently displayed to be seen when customers walked in the front door.  It had a picture of Harvey Milk and explained the great things he had done for gay and lesbian “civil rights.”

I asked to speak to the store manager.  When he arrived I politely explained that I thought it was wrong for Safeway to promote just one side of such a controversial moral issue.  I pointed out that the recent fight over homosexual marriage [Prop. 8] showed how controversial the subject was and that at my house we taught traditional family values.

He agreed it was inappropriate for Safeway to take only one side on this controversial subject…AND TOOK THE SIGN DOWN.

This shows the power of one person speaking out.  I urge everyone to go into your local Safeway store and speak to the manager concerning this.

Michael C.

This should anger you as much as it angered Michael. Safeway, which owns 1,775 stores in the U.S. and Canada, as well as 312 Vons stores in Southern California and Nevada, is openly promoting homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality to children and adults alike. If you didn’t already know it, Safeway, which is headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, is a big-time supporter of the “LGBT” lifestyle.

Take action your community: Think about the children shopping for groceries with their mothers, and let your care for them motivate you to walk into your local Safeway or Vons today. If you see the the grocery-store-sponsored “Gay and Lesbian Pride Month” sign, do what Michael did and speak firmly but friendly to the store manager. If the sign comes down, be thankful. If the manager won’t take the sign down, tell him or her that you and your friends will take your grocery shopping elsewhere.

Oppose SB 572, the ‘Harvey Milk Gay Day’ bill

Even worse than Safeway’s perverse, in-store promotion is SB 572, the “Harvey Milk Gay Day” bill, which is scheduled for a June 17 committee vote in Sacramento. This extreme, anti-family bill is authored by homosexual activist Mark Leno and 19 Democrat co-authors.

SB 572 pressures public schools — from kindergarten on up — to perform “suitable commemorative exercises” promoting what homosexual activist Harvey Milk believed in: the entire homosexual, bisexual, transsexual agenda, along with a vehement hatred of “organized religion.”

There is no parental opt-out and no definition or limit to the “exercises” the bill would make students do every May 22, which SB 572 would label “Harvey Milk Day.”

If SB 572 becomes law, schoolchildren would have positively portrayed to them homosexual experimentation, homosexual “marriages,” sex-change operations, and anything else that’s “in the closet.” Like he did last year, Governor Schwarzenegger should veto this very inappropriate bill, which has nothing to do with academic excellence.

For more information, read SaveCalifornia.com’s May 14 news release


Last year, every single Democrat in the California State Assembly voted “yes” to impose Harvey Milk Gay Day upon K-12 government schools. Fortunately, Governor Schwarzenegger quietly vetoed it. SaveCalifornia.com is pursuing another veto. This is why pro-family Californians must raise their voices loudly at each step of the legislative process to say NO, NO, NO to SB 572.

Please pick up the phone and tell Sacramento, “I want you to oppose SB 572, Harvey Mlik Day. This bill would allow gay pride parades and LGBT-promoting assemblies at public schools for children as young as kindergarten. I and other parents are very opposed to this special-interest attack on children’s innocence. The large majority of Californians are opposed to it too. Schools should teach academics, not sexual experimentation. Oppose SB 572.”

Call Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (916) 445-2841
Call the 8 Democrats and 3 Republicans on the Assembly Education Committee
Email Schwarzenegger and your own California state legislators

“But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
Jesus Christ in Matthew 18:6 NIV

Our fight against “LGBT” indoctrination of kids

Saturday, April 18, 2009, 11:40 am |

California parents are hearing about the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda in the public schools. SaveCalifornia.com’s battle against the anti-family “Day of Silence” in public schools is getting their attention.

In the last few days, SaveCalifornia.com has been talking about the problem and encouraging parents to remove their children from the government schools. A few of the media outlets we’re been on include the Alan Colmes Show, CNSNews.com, WorldNetDaily.com and KSFO San Francisco. See what we’re saying to millions of people.

When you donate to SaveCalifornia.com, this is what you’re getting in return: bold, principled production of pro-family values that is reaching people who aren’t on pro-family email lists. Please help us by donating today.