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Freebies, including ‘sex changes,’ for illegals

Monday, January 8, 2024, 1:31 pm | Randy Thomasson

Tell your friends who are Democrats that Democrat politicians in Sacramento and Washington, DC care more about illegal aliens than about you and your family. 

With a $68 BILLION state budget deficit, Democrat Party Gov. Gavin Newsom and his Democrat state legislators are still giving 2.2 million illegals in California “free healthcare,” which will cost more than $3 BILLION per year, charged to taxpayers.

What’s more, illegal aliens will also receive taxpayer-funded “sex changes,” thanks to Democrat Party Governor Gavin Newsom.

You see, operating without the authorization of any law, Newsom’s Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) recently (and quietly) implemented tax-funded so-called “gender affirming care,” which, according DHCS, “refers to treatment provided to address incongruence between a person’s gender assigned at birth and their gender identity.”

So, when Newsom & the Democrats this month began giving illegal aliens of all ages free health insurance via Medi-Cal (California’s “welfare” health insurance program), these Frankensteinian, irreversible surgeries are included.

Stop and think about it. When illegals get more “freebies,” can drive, vote, become cops, and everything else in California, you know that this favored status is no accident: Democrat Party politicians care more about illegal aliens than about you and your family. Tell your Democrat friends!

Definition of citizen: From Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language:


1. The native of a city, or an inhabitant who enjoys the freedom and privileges of the city in which he resides; the freeman of a city, as distinguished from a foreigner, or one not entitled to its franchises.

5. In the United States, a person, native or naturalized, who has the privilege of exercising the elective franchise, or the qualifications which enable him to vote for rulers, and to purchase and hold real estate.

If the citizens of the United States should not be free and happy, the fault will be entirely their own.

Definition of illegal alien: From former Arizona state senator Karen Johnson:

In its original language, the Bible used two different words to describe a “foreigner” and an “alien.” A “foreigner” was a person from another land (like a tourist or businessman) who was only in the country temporarily, but with permission. An “alien” was a person from another land who planned to take up residence, again with the permission of the host country.

In his book, Dr. Hoffmeier describes a famous tomb scene dating to the 19th century B.C. which shows workers entering Egyptian territory. One carries a permit in his hand. The writing on the permit is clearly visible, noting the date (1862 B.C.) and the number of foreign workers who were allowed to enter to work in Egypt. Other ancient documents describe both successful and failed attempts to secure the border and restrictions that frontier border guards placed on foreigners entering Egypt. There is much archaeological evidence, according to Dr. Hoffmeier, to document that a foreigner in the ancient Middle East needed permission to travel across borders from one country to another.

When Abraham’s great-grandson, Joseph, the son of Jacob, wanted to bring his father and brothers to Egypt during another great famine in their land, he had to get permission from Pharoah. Even though he held a high position in Pharoah’s court, Joseph himself was not Egyptian. He was a guest in the land … a foreigner.

The bottom line is that amnesty proponents are simply incorrect when they quote the Bible to support comprehensive immigration reform. The Biblical admonition to “Welcome the stranger” is not a call for welcoming illegal aliens. It’s a call to welcome immigrants who follow the law.

“Without liberty, law loses its nature and its name, and becomes oppression. Without law, liberty also loses its nature and its name, and becomes licentiousness.”
U.S. founding father James Wilson in his 1790 treatise, “Of the Study of the Law in the United States”

ALERT: Don’t let them unscientifically re-mask you

Wednesday, January 3, 2024, 9:57 am | Randy Thomasson
When one of America’s top “public health authorities,” who’s been an accomplice with the lying Covid tyrants for more than three years now, says Covid restrictions didn’t work, it’s a victory for our “never again” movement.

This summer, Dr. Francis Collins, head of the National Institutes of Health under Presidents Obama and Trump, and “science advisor” to the current White House Occupant, privately spoke against the Covid “restrictions,” and the video was recently released. As reported by the Wall Street Journal on Dec. 29:

“If you’re a public-health person and you’re trying to make a decision, you have this very narrow view of what the right decision is, and that is something that will save a life,” Dr. Collins explained in a Covid discussion this summer for Braver Angels, an outfit that aims to bridge political divides. A video of the discussion surfaced this week on X.com.

Dr. Collins continued: “So you attach infinite value to stopping the disease and saving a life. You attach a zero value to whether this actually totally disrupts people’s lives, ruins the economy, and has many kids kept out of school in a way that they never quite recovered.” This, he explained, “is a public-health mindset,” which was “another mistake we made.”

Which “mistakes” by unscientific tyrants? The “social distancing” and “lockdowns” that ruined lives and livelihoods? The widespread mask “mandates” that never blocked any virus? The non-vaccine “Covid vaccine” that didn’t prevent infection or transmission, and which instead has killed tens of thousands and injured hundreds of thousands of people?

And yet, you’re seeing more hysteria over the latest, mild Covid variant:

But even the CDC says “there is no evidence that JN.1 presents an increased risk to public health relative to other currently circulating variants,” as it does not appear to cause increased severity of illness.

The symptoms of the JN.1 variant are described as “mild” and similar to the common cold (but until 2020, we never required masks for cold or flu, did we, because “health authorities” back then knew masks didn’t block transmission).

Still, some Democrat-controlled California counties are pushing useless masks:

The Democrat Party stronghold of Marin County in October “ordered” patients, staff, and visitors to wear masks in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities from Nov. 1 through March 31.

Similarly, the mask kingpins of Santa Clara County since Nov. 1 have “ordered”: “Regardless of vaccination status, all persons in Patient Care Areas of Health Care Delivery Facilities must wear a Face Mask.”

To a lesser extent, several other San Francisco Bay Area county “public health officers” — in San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda, Contra Costa, and Sonoma counties — have “ordered” the masking of all healthcare workers around patients.

Yolo County’s “public health officer” Aimee Sisson, a mask maniac who was formerly Placer County’s PHO, is recommending, not “ordering” masks.

Yet in Los Angeles County, Big-Pharma-devotee “Dr.” Barbara Ferrer on Dec. 29 “ordered,” for at least two weeks, masks on “all staff and visitors” and also “all visitors to test for COVID-19” at in-patient facilities.

But the science conclusively shows masks don’t block viruses

1. Science shows masks do not prevent viral transmissions
2. Small viruses go right through the holes in paper, cloth, and N95 masks3. Masks did not slow the spread of Covid in the U.S.
4. Science shows wearing a face mask harms your health

What to do if you live in a mask-imposing, Democrat-controlled county?

1. At the hospital or surgery center, accept the mask the front desk person hands you, drape it over your ears but only under your chin, and then remove it once you get in the room with the doctors or nurses, who are unlikely to enforce it.

2. On your own social media or email list, inform others why masks don’t work and explain that this harmful policy came from your Democrat-Party-controlled county board of supervisors, which hires the “public health officer,” who serves at their pleasure.

TYR’ANNY, noun: Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression.
Tyranny definition, 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language by Noah Webster

Pursuing success in 2024

Monday, January 1, 2024, 11:35 am | Randy Thomasson

Now that the New Year is here, I want to remind you of an important fact of life: People who see themselves as difference-makers indeed succeed.

As Christian motivational speaker Zig Ziglar said, “I believe success is achieved by ordinary people with extraordinary determination.”

I agree with this, as long as both the means and the end are God-approved. Because ultimately, the only successes that last are those that receive the applause of heaven.

Yet it’s also true that persistence and endurance are Bible-based qualities, as are the values of faith, hope, and love for Creator God and people.

I hope these admirable merits describe you as a follower of SaveCalifornia.com. I know they reflect my desires as the leader of our Christian-values organization since our founding in 1999.

Truth-tellers and difference-makers have an incredible opportunity in California right now. Because the pain and fear caused by the New Communist Democrats are definitely being felt. From inflation to crime to illegal aliens to transients to crazies targeting kids, reasonable Californians want solutions to big problems!

You and SaveCalifornia.com are part of the answer. As we educate the public on the cause and effect of problems, and point the way toward solutions, more people will follow, learn, and change. From the Bible, from history, and from real life, I know this to be true.

Thank you for following or even financially supporting SaveCalifornia.com’s work for you in 2023. For 2024, I wish you a Courageous and Faith-Filled New Year!