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What’s the #1 gift you can give your child?

Saturday, December 3, 2016, 6:43 pm | Randy Thomasson

At Christmastime, worship of the Savior and Judge of the world, Jesus Christ, has largely been replaced in our secular culture by presents, decorations, music, food, and frivolities.

But in God’s sight, it was vital that Jesus Christ came down from heaven to be born as a baby. It was so He could die on a Roman cross as an innocent and pure Lamb, substituting for and identifying with anyone who truly repents and identifies with Him.

Jesus was born, and he lived, taught, died, rose, and ascended so that we could have a chance at real Life, real Love, and real Purpose today, and so that we don’t have to go to hell when we die.

But only humble persons who recognize Jesus is indeed God in the flesh, realize they are dirty and doomed in their sin, repent of their known sins, and sincerely receive Jesus Christ in prayer as their Savior and their Master to obey can be truly saved.

Salvation is conditional based on our response. Jesus Christ Himself said so:

“He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” (John 3:36)

“Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.” (John 8:24)

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.” (John 5:24)

This solemn truth is why the best gift you can give your child — at Christmastime or anytime — is to introduce them to the reality of Jesus, their own sin, the coming judgment, and how to repent before, trust in, and obey the Risen Christ.

How to present the Good News of Jesus Christ to your children
“Evangelizing Children” from Grace To You

The heart of evangelism is the gospel, “for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Rom. 1:16). If a child is to repent and believe in Christ, then, it will be through the proclamation of the message of the cross (1 Cor. 1:18–25; 2 Tim. 3:15; James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:23–25). Children will not be saved apart from the gospel.

For this reason, parents need to teach their children the law of God, teach them the gospel of divine grace, show them their need for a Savior, and point them to Jesus Christ as the only One who can save them. It is best to start from the beginning—God, creation, the fall, sin, salvation, and Christ in His life, death, and resurrection.

The wise parent will be faithful,
patient, and persistent, being careful
to look at every moment of the child’s
life as a teaching opportunity.

As they teach their children, parents must resist the temptation to downplay or soften the demands of the gospel and must proclaim the message in its fullness. The need to surrender to the lordship of Christ, for example, is not too difficult for children to understand. Any child who is old enough to understand the basic gospel is also able by God’s grace to trust Him completely and respond with the purest, most sincere kind of repentance.

The key is to be clear and thorough. Parents more than anyone have ample time and opportunity to explain and illustrate gospel truths, to correct misunderstandings, and to clarify and review the most difficult aspects of the message. The wise parent will be faithful, patient, and persistent, being careful to look at every moment of the child’s life as a teaching opportunity (Deut. 6:6–7).

One such teaching opportunity is found in the parents’ responsibility to discipline and correct their children when they are disobedient (Eph. 6:4). Rather than seeking simply to modify behavior, the wise parent will look at discipline as an opportunity to help his children become aware of their failure and inability to obey, and subsequently, their need for forgiveness in Christ. In this way, discipline and correction are used to bring children to a sober assessment of themselves as sinners and to lead to the cross of Christ where sinners can be forgiven.

As parents explain the gospel and exhort their children to respond to the gospel, it is best to avoid an emphasis on external actions, such as praying “the sinner’s prayer.” There is an urgency inherent in the gospel message itself—and it is right for parents to impress that urgency on the child’s heart—but the focus should be kept on the internal response Scripture calls for from sinners: repentance from sin and faith in Christ. As parents diligently teach the gospel and take opportunities each day to instruct their children in the truth of God’s Word, they can begin to look for signs that their children have indeed repented and believed.

Evidence to believe in (for teenagers and young adults)

It’s not about man-made religion, opinions or traditions. It’s about what’s true and God’s amazing love for you.

If we could sit down and talk about what’s most important in life, we would eventually get to matters of your heart and soul. Wherever you are spiritually, or think you are, you’re invited and challenged to take The God Dare.

jesusholdingchildOver the course of His ministry, Jesus often presented children as an example of the type of faith adults are to have. When Jesus blessed the children, He told His disciples, “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it” (Mark 10:15) Question: “How did Jesus interact with children?”

CALL NOW: Stop the State from CONTROLLING Christian colleges

Wednesday, August 10, 2016, 5:30 pm | Randy Thomasson



If you support protective boundaries between what’s secular and sacred, and don’t want the private policies of Christian colleges dictated by California state government, please take quick action. SaveCalifornia.com makes it simple for you to leave short voicemail messages with key state assemblymembers (SCROLL DOWN FOR PHONE NUMBERS).

Please realize the latest amendments to SB 1146 still put religious colleges and universities at risk. While the latest amendments remove the crippling lawsuit provision, the bill still sets a very bad precedent by permitting the State to violate time-honored boundaries between secular and sacred.

The amended SB 1146 will force and regulate new public disclosures for religious-based colleges. It would require religious-format colleges to post new disclosures all over campus, to submit to State regulators on campus, and then report to the State when anyone is expelled for violating the college’s clearly-communicated biblical standards and moral code (which will invite a full SB 1146 back all over again).

Bottom line, if the amended SB 1146 becomes law, you can expect the harmful lawsuit portion of the bill to return next year, and after that, the even worse bill banning Cal Grants to students at religious colleges.


When you call, leave this message: “Oppose SB 1146 as amended. Protect ‘separation of Church and State.’ Protect the freedom of religious institutions to decide their own policies. Support true diversity — oppose SB 1146.”

Before you call, please heed these important instructions: If you live in their districts, say that you live in their district. If you don’t live a members’ district, call between 6pm and 8am to leave voicemail messages and DO NOT PROVIDE any identifiers (most offices ignore you if they know you’re outside their district).


These 8 members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee will vote the morning of Thursday, August 11 on SB 1146, which is currently on the “suspense file.”

  • Lorena Gonzalez (Democrat) (916) 319-2080 Capitol | (619) 338-8090 district
  • Susan Bonilla (Democrat) (916) 319-2014 Capitol | (925) 521-1511 district
  • Ling Ling Chang (Republican) (916) 319-2055 Capitol | (714) 529-5502 district
  • Tom Daly (Democrat) (916) 319-2069 Capitol | (714) 939-8469 district
  • Eduardo Garcia (Democrat) (916) 319-2056 Capitol | (760) 347-2360 and (760) 355-8656 district
  • Chris Holden (Democrat) (916) 319-2041 Capitol | (626) 351-1917 and (909) 624-7876 district
  • Miguel Santiago (Democrat) (916) 319-2053 Capitol | (213) 620-4646 district
  • Shirley Weber (Democrat) (916) 319-2079 Capitol | (619) 531-7913 district

Want to do more? Share this alert with others and also leave voicemails for all the members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee, which will vote August 11 on SB 1146.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof… 
First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America

Radical attack on Christian colleges in election year COULD be stopped

Tuesday, July 12, 2016, 6:38 pm | Randy Thomasson



TAKE ACTION: Express your concern and anger

You want religious freedom protected and respected, right? And you want Christian colleges to be able to stay Christian, right?

This is why you and I and many other people of faith are opposing SB 1146, which would permit homosexual-bisexual-transsexual activists to SUE Christian colleges to FORCE upon them a raft of sexual perversity laws that will take the “Christian” out of Christian colleges.

The problem is, few people know how to fight to win. Now I admit, it’s very hard to win for anything good and true in the current, Democrat-controlled California State Legislature.

Yet I can tell you this — everything I know in my 20+ years of serving California families informs me that SB 1146 COULD be defeated on the Assembly floor. But to achieve victory, we must fight with the right targets, right tactics, and right message.

analysisWhy target the Assembly floor:

1. More freedom of conscience on floor for Democrats: Unlike committees where individual Democrats are expected to vote yes on the Democrats’ priority bills, to pass them through committee and send them to the floor, Democrats on the Assembly floor are “allowed” much more freedom to vote their conscience. This includes those who voted yes in committee!

2. Additional freedom for Democrats in an election year: Democrat bosses lose more control the closer Election Day looms because Democrats in swing districts don’t want to lose on something as popular as religious freedom or even violating their own liberal principle of “separation of Church and State.”

Therefore, the Assembly floor vote this August can be the perfect storm IF morally-sensitive Californians unleash a flood of outrage against the tyrannical SB 1146.

In the 80-member California State Assembly, there are currently 52 Democrats and 28 Republicans. Because passing SB 1146 requires a majority vote (41 “yes” votes), this immoral and completely un-American bill will be defeated IF:

  • At least 12 Democrat assemblymembers DO NOT support the bill
  • And NONE of the 28 Republican assemblymembers support the bill

If you support religious freedom and don’t want yours or anyone else’s religious freedom punished, please take immediate action. SaveCalifornia.com makes it simple for you to leave messages with key state assemblymembers.

When you call, leave this simple message: “Oppose SB 1146. Protect ‘separation of Church and State.’ Protect the freedom of religious institutions to decide their own policies. Support true diversity — oppose SB 1146.”

Before you call, please heed these important instructions: If you live in their districts, call during daytime hours and identity that you live in their district. If you don’t live in their districts, call between 6pm and 8am to leave voicemail messages and DO NOT PROVIDE your name or any identifiers (most offices will ignore your voicemail if you reveal you’re outside their districts).


JOB #1: Call these 8 members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee, who will vote Aug. 11 or 12
(these 8 are also on the Job #2 and Job #3 lists)

  • Lorena Gonzalez (Democrat) (916) 319-2080 Capitol | (619) 338-8090 district
  • Susan Bonilla (Democrat) (916) 319-2014 Capitol | (925) 521-1511 district
  • Ling Ling Chang (Republican) (916) 319-2055 Capitol | (714) 529-5502 district
  • Tom Daly (Democrat) (916) 319-2069 Capitol | (714) 939-8469 district
  • Eduardo Garcia (Democrat) (916) 319-2056 Capitol | (760) 347-2360 and (760) 355-8656 district
  • Chris Holden (Democrat) (916) 319-2041 Capitol | (626) 351-1917 and (909) 624-7876 district
  • Miguel Santiago (Democrat) (916) 319-2053 Capitol | (213) 620-4646 district
  • Shirley Weber (Democrat) (916) 319-2079 Capitol | (619) 531-7913 district

JOB #2: Hold these 5 pro-‘LGBT’ Republicans:

  • Catharine Baker of Walnut Creek/San Ramon/Pleasanton/Livermore (925) 328-1515
  • Brian Maienschein of north San Diego/Rancho Santa Fe/Poway (858) 675-0077
  • David Hadley of Torrance/Gardena/Redondo Beach/Palos Verdes (310) 375-0691
  • Ling Ling Chang is running to represent state Senate district 29 (Walnut, Rowland Heights, Diamond Bar, Chino Hills, Yorba Linda, Placentia, Brea, La Habra, Fullerton, Anaheim, Stanton, Cypress) (714) 529-5502
  • Young Kim of Fullerton, Buena Park, Cypress, Stanton (714) 521-6505

JOB #3: Lobby these 22 Democrats who MIGHT be persuaded through voter uprising NOT to support SB 1146 (need at least 12 of them to abstain or vote no):

  • Adam Gray of Modesto/Merced (209) 521-2111 and (209) 726-5465
  • Joaquin Arambula of Fresno County (559) 445-5532
  • Cheryl Brown of San Bernardino/Rialto/Fontana (909) 381-3238 and (909) 350-7646
  • Patty Lopez of San Fernando/Sunland-Tujunga (818) 365-2464
  • Ken Cooley of Rancho Cordova/Carmichael/Citrus Heights (916) 464-1910
  • Tom Daly of Anaheim/Santa Ana (714) 939-8469
  • Sebastian Ridley-Thomas of Culver City/Ladera Heights (310) 342-1070
  • Freddie Rodriguez of Pomona/Ontario/Chino (909) 902-9606
  • Rudy Salas of Kern and Kings counties (661) 335-0302 and (559) 585-7170
  • Miguel Santiago of Downtown L.A./Koreatown/Huntington Park (213) 620-4646
  • Eduardo Garcia of Palm Springs area and Imperial County (760) 347-2360 and (760) 355-8656
  • Mike Gatto of Glendale/Burbank (818) 558-3043
  • Mike Gipson of Willowbrook/Compton/Carson (310) 324-6408
  • Shirley Weber of San Diego, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, Otay Ranch (619) 531-7913
  • Jimmy Gomez of Eagle Rock / Chinatown / East L.A. (213) 483-5151
  • Das Williams of Ventura, Santa Paula, and most of Santa Barbara County (805) 564-1649 and (805) 641-370
  • Lorena Gonzalez of Chula Vista, National City, south San Diego (619) 338-8090
  • Susan Bonilla of Concord/Pittsburg/Vallejo (925) 521-1511
  • Ed Chau of Monterey Park/Temple City/El Monte/Arcadia/San Marino (323) 264-4949
  • Roger Hernandez of West Covina//Baldwin Park/Azusa/Glendora (626) 960-4457
  • Chris Holden of Pasadena/Monrovia/San Dimas/Upland (626) 351-1917 and (909) 624-7876
  • Jacqui Irwin of Thousand Oaks/Camarillo/Oxnard (805) 482-1904 and (805) 483-4488

Lastly, if the Christian-format colleges and universities opposing SB 1146 would direct all their donors and alumni to make these calls (and would collect important funds to fight campaign-style in these key districts), it would be the best and biggest army against SB 1146 and for religious freedom in California.

He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces…
He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.
Sun Tzu, Chinese general, author of “The Art of War” (544 BC – 496 BC)