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VIDEO: These honest and brave California physicians say ‘lift the lockdown’

Saturday, April 25, 2020, 9:36 pm | Randy Thomasson


April 27, 2020 update. The hour-long video posted on a news station’s YouTube page has been yanked. Apparently, what is considered news is now decided by YouTube and its parent company, Google. I am linking here to the April 22 news report of the same ABC affiliate in Bakersfield. This 3-minute piece by a reporter who was obviously impressed by the evidence of Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi contains some good sound bites. And I’m very glad I took notes (see below) from the doctors’ full media briefing before the anti-free-speech Tech Tyrants yanked it.

April 28, 2020 update: Good news, someone else has posted the physicians’ video on YouTube. Watch it here before it’s yanked again. And we’re happy to have also found the entire video on the website of a different TV station, and have embedded the video code at the top of this post.

You have NOT been given good facts about COVID-19 by the Big Media.

But now, new testing and fatalities data from Stanford University, USC, and the County of Los Angeles show the death rate is much lower than previously predicted and is comparable to the two seasonal flu strains. Yet the COVID-19 death rate is even lower than this latest data reports, since many hospitals are artificially inflating COVID-19 deaths.

Dr. Dan Erickson, M.D. and Dr. Artin Massihi, M.D. are former emergency room physicians. They own Accelerated Urgent Care, which has several clinics in Bakersfield. In Kern County, they are the top tester of COVID-19, conducting 5,000+ tests. Over the last two months, they’ve been intensely studying COVID-19 and those infected with the virus. And these honest, expert doctors conclude that, based on the latest data, the lockdown is not justified and should be immediately lifted.

The physicians’ April 22, 2020 briefing for Bakersfield media was posted on YouTube by KERO Channel 23.

Part 1 (51:55) Part 2 (12:27)

Highlights of this medical briefing:

Of the 5000+ people they’ve tested for COVID-19 in Kern County, 6.45% were positive. Statewide on April 21, there were an estimated 12% of Californians infected, a low 0.03% death rate among those infected, with 96-97% of infected persons completely recovering.

Dr. Erickson stressed several times that with COVID-19 worldwide, he’s seeing “millions of cases; small amount of death.” (Post-briefing note: This trend is also seen in New York state, where new data reported April 23 shows a nearly 14% infection rate, which dramatically reduces the state’s COVID-19 death rate.)

Noting there are 50-60 thousand annual flu deaths in the U.S., and a flu death rate of 0.1%, Dr. Erickson said COVID-19 is “similar in prevalence and death rate to flu.” Looking worldwide at nations that “lock down” and those that don’t [such as Sweden], Dr. Erickson said, “It is not statistically significant whether you lock down or not. So why do we do it?”

What’s more, Dr. Erickson said, “Our immune systems have weakened” from the lockdown. “When I look at the basic tenets that we know of microbiology, and I say, ‘Do we need to still shelter in place?’ Our answer is emphatically no. Do we need businesses to be shut down? Emphatically no. Do we need to test them, and get them back to work? Yes, we do. The secondary effects that we went over — the child abuse, alcoholism, loss of revenue — all these are, in our opinion, a significantly more detrimental thing to society than a virus that has proven similar in nature to the seasonal flu we have every year.”

Dr. Erickson also said:

  • “We also need to put measures in place so economic shutdown like this does not happen again.” 
  • “We want to make sure we understand that quarantining the sick is what we do, not quarantining the healthy.”
  • “We need to make sure that if you’re going to dance on someone’s constitutional rights, you better have a good reason. You better have a really good scientific reason, and not just theory.”
  • “The data is showing us it’s time to lift the lockdown.”

Dr. Erickson revealed that most physicians and health officials in California that he’s talked to agree with these facts, but that they’re all waiting for Governor Gavin Newsom to agree.

Dr. Erickson continued, saying:

  • “Coronavirus has shown to be very contagious…but the actual cause of death and the disease cycle is similar to what we’re seeing from the flu, with more of a respiratory component.”
  • “Eventually we treat this like we treat flu, which is, if you have the flu and you’re feeling fevery and body aches, you stay home. If you have coughing or shortness of breath — Covid is more of a respiratory thing — you stay home … This virus is the same [similar to recovering from the flu]. You have Covid, go home; let it resolve, and come back.”
  • “From what we’ve seen right now, it’s time to open back up. The science says it is. The models we have been using from predictions to predict the amount of disease are not accurate. This information [pointing to the latest testing evidence] is accurate. It models the flu. Let’s go back to work. That’s what the data is saying — not models. Data is saying that.”
  • “Big businesses are open, little businesses are not, there’s no science behind that.”

Also speaking was Dr. Artin Massihi, who said social distancing was needed initially, “but now that we have the data, we’re seeing that 96, 97 percent of patients completely recover. And those 4 percent of patients that died have over 90% comorbidities … heart failure, emphysema, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, they’re on immunomodulating medications, they’re immunodeficient, HIV — these are the people that are dying. You get some healthy people who die, but that’s an infinitesimal number — tiny.”

Near the media briefing’s conclusion, Dr. Erickson warned about unscientific public policies. “At what point, who says what’s safe?” he said. “Are you smart enough to know what’s safe for you, or is the government going to tell you what’s safe for you? As soon as they use the word ‘safe,’ that means control: ‘We know what’s safe for you … you’re too dumb to understand disease … you see, we know what’s safe.'”

Finally, Dr. Erickson advised people to not accept government-imposed lockdowns. “They’re going to use this model for different things. We get a bomb threat from China; everybody stay in their homes for 3 months — what? They are using this to see how much freedom can they take from you, and will you roll over and stay in your house — and it’s working.”

We are beginning to see figures on the extent of the epidemic and the faulty figures fed us by all government agencies and the conventional controlled media. From CNBC comes revelations that many, many more people in LA County have been exposed to, and have immunity to COVID than heretofore believed, 55 times in fact. This would drop the mortality rate by 50-fold and suggest that we have way, way overreacted to the outbreak. If these numbers are true, and other reports I’ve posted here suggest the same, the SARS COVID-2 virus literally tore through the population incredibly fast. Even with a quite low mortality rate, the lightning speed hit us fast and gave the ILLUSION of a terrifying horror about to befall us. But with this lightning speed, it strongly suggests that the worst is behind us and that officials overplayed their hand.
Dr. Robert Rowen, M.D. in Santa Rosa, California

Democrat politicians vs. vaccine-injured children

Monday, September 16, 2019, 10:10 am | Randy Thomasson

You’ve got to feel for the mothers and fathers of vaccine-injured children in California. Their God-given parental right to protect their children from harm is being murdered off by the ruling Democrats in Sacramento.

Because under the Democrats’ SB 276 and SB 714 — both signed by Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom on September 9, 2019 — no child who has ALREADY BEEN INJURED BY A VACCINE can be exempted by a loving, pro-family, pro-health, pro-reality pediatrician. No, the State will decide instead of doctors, and the aggressively pro-vaccine Big Government will issue very few exemptions.

This lack of compassion from the Democrat politicians means, to exempt your already-vaccine-injured child or genetically-vulnerable siblings of your child from future vaccines that threaten their health, you have only 3 possible paths when January 1, 2020 rolls around:

1. If you already have a medical exemption (or get one by December 31, 2019 from an understanding pediatrician) for your 7th-grade-and-above children enrolled in government-run schools, your children will never be forced to be injected with vaccines before they graduate.

2. Homeschool, because California homeschoolers are totally exempt from any forced vaccinations, whether from the Democrats’ SB 276 and SB 714 in 2019 or from the Democrat’s SB 277 in 2015.

3. Move to one of the 45 U.S. states that permit philosophical or religious exemptions to childhood vaccines.

When Susan Lawson of Colorado hears parents declaring, unequivocally, that everyone should vaccinate their children because it’s perfectly safe, she says it feels “like a punch in the gut.” That’s because she’s seen another side of the story: Her daughter Julia, now 9, was left with permanent brain damage — an injury acknowledged by a federal court payout — after receiving her MMRV (measles-mumps-rubella-varicella) shot when she was a year old.
Parents of Vaccine-Injured Children Speak Out: ‘The Guilt Is Huge’ (Yahoo News, February 17, 2015)

ALERT: The new SB 276 still replaces pediatricians with a state bureaucrat

Thursday, June 20, 2019, 11:38 am | Randy Thomasson

After surprisingly expressing support for parents’ concerns and the doctor-patient relationship surrounding medical exemptions for childhood vaccines, California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has flip-flopped in a disturbing compromise that threatens to increase tyrannical government under his watch.

The amended SB 276 would permit the State of California to deny any and all medical exemptions for controversial vaccines — essentially permitting the government to replace pediatricians — despite evidence of harm to a child or within a family. This is so wrong!

NEWSOM ON JUNE 1: “I’m a parent. I don’t want someone that the governor of California appointed to make a decision for my family …  I believe in immunizations … however I do legitimately have concerns about a bureaucrat making a decision that is very personal … That’s just something we need to pause and think about. Source  

NEWSOM’S HHS SECRETARY ON JUNE 18: “The Governor would like to thank Dr. Pan for his leadership and for partnering with the Administration on these amendments. These amendments ensure the this bill protects the doctor-patient relationship, strengthens the state’s ability to target doctors who abuse the medical exemption process and gives state public health officials the tools to identify and protect schools and communities where herd immunity is in danger.” Source

ACTION: Every person of conscience, whether pro- or anti-vaccine, should unite for parental rights and medical freedom and against more government tyranny. So let’s together unleash a mini-flood of messages to our double-minded governor!

STEP 1. Copy SaveCalifornia.com’s pre-written message below into the Governor’s web contact form. Once on that web form, select “Have Comment.” Then, under “Please choose your subject,” select “OTHER.” Then paste in the following message (which you can edit, of course):

The amended SB 276 still replaces pediatricians with bureaucrats. The amended bill still permits state officials to trump family doctors and the doctor-patient relationship. So please veto this invasive bill. SB 276 still ignores the real-life concerns of parents with children with genetic weaknesses and children who are already vaccine-damaged, and creates a harsh, “one size fits all” vaccine bureaucracy.

Governor Newsom, please get informed on the serious problems with SB 276 by reading the following public letters: https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/PIC-MBC-SB276-7-9-19.pdf

STEP 2. Call Governor Gavin Newsom’s constituent services phone line at 916-445-2841 (9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday). When your call is answered, simply read all or part of the above message. (The person answering will also ask for your name and address, which you can always decline to provide.)

I believe that there’s still a small chance that Newsom will veto SB 276 later this summer if he receives enough email, phone calls, and personal visits from parents concerned about the State forcing controversial vaccinations.

On Thursday, June 20, at the “hurry up” hearing on the amended SB 276, hundreds of parents pleaded with the Democrat-controlled committee to abandon their forced vaccination bill. Despite reasonable testimony to the contrary, the Democrat committee still passed it.

You can expect this tyrannical bill to pass the Assembly floor and then the State Senate, on a concurrence vote, later this summer. Because these Democrat legislators are paid very well by Big Pharma!

But long-term, parents who don’t want their children forcibly vaccinated, or who oppose school sexual indoctrination, negative peer pressure, and dumbed-down “academics,” should prepare to homeschool because homeschoolers are exempt from California’s mandatory vaccination law.

Realize that homeschooling is simpler and more needed than ever (the curriculum is so good, it does the teaching). See how at SaveCalifornia.com’s special website, RescueYourChild.com. All it takes to rescue your children is love for them and faith in God.