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Let’s stop this lockdown madness together

Thursday, September 24, 2020, 6:14 pm | Randy Thomasson
A California girl holding a great sign at a 2020 rally

I invite you to fight.

No, I’m not talking about a physical fight, but a fight for your existence as an American, as a person of faith, and as an informed citizen who wants our constitutional republic back.

You and most Californians are still suffering from the unnecessary, inhuman, destructive lockdown. Which is exactly why you and I must ramp up the fight for our God-given liberties — right away. 

You’ve watched how SaveCalifornia.com has united patriots statewide on the web and social media by promoting peaceful rallies to “Oppose Tyranny,” “Reopen California,” “Restore Livelihoods,” “End the Lockdown,” “Back the Blue,” and “Recall Newsom.” 

And you’ve seen how we’ve encouraged citizens and small business owners to take back their lives. On your behalf, SaveCalifornia.com has been a faithful leader for truth, love, and families through our many alerts, social media, and now live videos too.

In this historic fight between good and evil, SaveCalifornia.com is the go-to place for concerned Californians who need hope and direction. Because in our intense war for freedom, knowing you’re not alone is both comforting and empowering.

The good news is our Fall Fundraising Campaign to equip you to resist tyranny and reclaim your liberties.

Will you help me resist Gavin Newsom’s tyranny and fully take back your constitutional liberties in California? Please donate now. Your gift of any size will empower SaveCalifornia.com to fight harder and better for your God-given rights.

As you know, liberty-loving people must persevere more than the tyrants. It’s imperative – because every God-given and constitutional liberty that you and I have seems to be under attack. Surrender is not an option — we must stand for Truth without wavering!

Will you stand up for Truth with me and SaveCalifornia.com? You can donate using our secure url, which is https://securedonors.com/savecalifornia+freedom.

You can feel confident donating to SaveCalifornia.com, because our online donation page is hosted by a reliable company that processes gifts for many Bible-based organizations. Still, if you wish, you can mail your Single Gift or Monthly Warrior Pledge to:

P.O. Box 511
Sacramento, CA 95812

Thank you for considering how you can make a difference with me today. Our campaign’s deadline to receive helpful donations is October 3.

Boldly in Christ’s grace and truth,

Randy Thomasson
Founder and President

P.S. Please know your gift of any size will help. Because, together, we need to EXPOSE the tyranny of Gavin Newsom and other pro-lockdown politicians, EMPOWER you to reclaim your precious God-given liberties, and CHAMPION your rock-solid values this all-important election season in California. 

Thank you for taking action for what’s right in God’s sight on behalf of liberty and against tyranny. I thank you in advance! Please click here to donate now.

“Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men.”
U.S. General George S. Patton (1885-1945)

VIDEO: Freedom Rally at California’s State Capitol

Saturday, September 19, 2020, 12:43 pm | Randy Thomasson
SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.
Websites mentioned by Dr. Simone Gold:
America’s Frontline Doctors
Consult with a physician who can prescribe you a COVID-19 cure (hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc)

Read Randy Thomasson’s blogs:

Why I won’t wear a mask
How I’m still not wearing a mask
Look what’s curing COVID-19

About Robert “Buzz” Patterson
See his four books

Meet the violent Antifa anarchists

Monday, June 1, 2020, 8:37 pm | Randy Thomasson
An antifa militant runs past a burning police car in Los Angeles, May 30, 2020

If you’re concerned about the looting, burning, and alarming mayhem in the United States of America, you need to learn about Antifa.

America’s new domestic terrorists
“Antifa” is short for anti-fascist — fascism being one-man rule, such as by World War 2 era dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Since the USA does not have a fascist form of government, antifa adherents have blurred vision from the start. Yet because they’re Marxist revolutionaries — against constitutional authority, against property-rights capitalism, and justify violence as a means to an end — it’s the antifa “troops” who are breaking windows, hurling incendiary devices, throwing rocks, and doing great harm.

President Donald Trump is correct that antifa are terrorists. Dressed in black and predominately Caucasian, antifa have “cells” all over the U.S. Taking advantage of the videoed police abuse of George Floyd in Minneapolis, antifa sprang into action on the heels of their Black Lives Matter counterparts. The violence that’s erupted is being led and primarily caused by antifa. What you are seeing is antifa’s militant Marxist platform, using brute force to attempt to simultaneously destroy government and businesses.

The sudden violence, which has included the complete destruction of a police station, and widespread looting, burning, and mayhem, has even caught liberal Democrats by surprise. As left-wing Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti exclaimed, “This is no longer a protest. This is destruction.” Because although today’s Democrat politicians and antifa share similar beliefs (they’re both godless, socialist, irresponsible, thieves, reverse racists, and historical revisionists redefining justice), Democrat politicians try to protect their government positions, which they adore, while anarchistic antifa attack all government, period.

Exacerbated by bad government and cheap-grace churches
As FNC’s Tucker Carlson pointed out, we elect representatives to protect us from harm, and elected officials that fail to quickly quell violent riots have failed us. This is why politically-incorrect foreign governments are laughing at us right now. Because the first three days of violence last week went unabated as liberal leaders coddled antifa and their Black Lives Matter cohorts, apparently regarding tear gas, rubber bullets, police batons, and deploying the national guard as too much. Yes, now arrests are happening, but will everyone whose property was destroyed be reimbursed by their negligent, mostly Democrat-run cities?

And not only did bad government contribute to the destruction you’re seeing, bad government influenced and invited antifa in the first place. Consider this: Why is antifa largely atheistic? Thirteen years of “God is dead” evolution indoctrination in the government-controlled schools. Why is antifa blaming outwardly instead of being humbly introspective? Bad government’s decades of rewarding irresponsibility, and not supporting Christian values, or life-long marriage, or even appropriate discipline of children. Why is antifa violent? Because gratuitous violence is celebrating in the media (liberal government no longer effectively prohibits “harmful matter”), and so many criminals are not being prosecuted, punished, or even serving out their full sentences.

Ultimately, the Church shares responsibility for the rise of antifa. For if righteous voting were a priority, we would have good, not bad, government. If religious liberty were valued, congregants would be taught the Christian precepts of our U.S. founding fathers. If the fear of God, specific sins, and hell were revealed like the Bible teaches, people would think twice before committing obvious sins. If Biblical justice for individuals based on personal merit were taught, a true view of evidence, fairness, and individual responsibility would thrive.

What’s more, if the Church taught holy discipleship, selfishness would be replaced by love for neighbor. If identity in Christ were taught, there would fewer racists and even fewer who falsely accuse others of racism. If family values were emphasized with accountability, personal responsibility and love for others would become a habit. And if sacrificial love and shepherding of children were taught like the Bible teaches, there would be a lot less youngsters in the atheism-teaching, irresponsibility-promoting, immorality-producing government schools.

Where did antifa comes from? They were bred close to home. The sooner we come to grips with this, the sooner we’ll embrace the Truth that can set us free.

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God…
2 Timothy 3:1-4