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Archives for the ‘COVID-19’ Category

Call now to protect California kids

Friday, January 6, 2023, 10:05 am | Randy Thomasson
Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom and his top “Covid advisor,” Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary of California’s Health & Human Services Agency

By now, you probably know the so-called “Covid vaccines” are unnecessaryineffectiveand even harmful.

So when the CDC — a major arm of Big Pharma — in October “scheduled” the “Covid vaccines” as a prerequisite for attending school, you knew it was wrong.

And when Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom “ordered” these “vaccines” in the fall of 2021, then “paused” the order until July 2023, you’re right to be concerned.

Because Newsom isn’t one of the 20 governors defying this FDA/CDC “schedule.”


Your 1, 2, or 3 messages today can shut the door on this bad idea. Leave your messages 9am to 5pm for Newsom and his top two medical officials. Tell them, “Don’t mandate Covid shots for children!”

  • California Gov. Gavin Newsom 916-445-2841
  • California Dept. of Public Health Director Dr. Tomas Aragon 916-558-1700
  • California Health & Human Services Agency Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly 916-654-3454

For more information, see my October 29, 2022 post

I walked Tucker through the differential diagnosis and concluded that in the case of Damar Hamlin, that COVID-19 vaccine-induced subclinical myocarditis and then arrhythmic cardiac arrest on the field was at the top of the list. Tucker said that’s “fair.” I think it’s more than fair since the NFL had a COVID-19 vaccine mandate, as did the military, many corporations, universities, and schools. If an EUA vaccine is mandated, then those who have imposed this product on their players, employees, and students have an ethical public health obligation to tell the world what has happened as a result of the mandate and help all those impacted brace for what could happen next. Damar Hamlin is not just another “unexplained sudden adult death syndrome” case. It was “prime time” for the NFL and now “truth time” for the family, Buffalo Bills doctors, and the University of Cincinnati Medical Center staff. Did he take the vaccine, brand, and doses given? Is the clinical evaluation consistent with COVID-19 vaccine induced subclinical myocardits and resuscitated cardiac arrest? If not, what is the proven cause of his calamity (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, anomalous coronary arteries, catecholaminergic ventricular tachycardia, long QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, pulmonary embolus, spinal cord/intracranial injury, etc.). I anticipate Hamlin will neurologically recover and come off the mechanical ventilator, so it is possible that the moral obligation of disclosure will be in his hands at some point in the future. Likely is NFL career has ended, an ICD will be implanted, but a new mission in public health may lie in front of him.
Dr. Peter McCullough, “Public Health Obligation to Disclose Cause of Cardiac Arrest and Sudden Death: Events no Longer Private in Era of Mandated COVID-19 Vaccination”

5 encouraging cultural trends in 2022

Wednesday, December 28, 2022, 4:20 pm | Randy Thomasson

With so much bad news (which is what invariably happens when people don’t obey the Word of God), are you ready for some good news?

Here are 5 encouraging cultural trends I’ve noticed this year:

Now, it’s a fact that all five upward trends are in response to the pain of the Tyrannical Left: Reaction to “transgender treatments” and drag queen shows for kids; reaction to awful Democrat bills at the U.S. Capitol; reaction to unconstitutional censorship of free speech; reaction to unscientific Covid tyranny; and reaction to the non-academic, godless government schools.

And because the White House Occupant will be there two more years, I expect more good reactions to pain in 2023 and 2024!

“Learning is a gift, even when pain is your teacher!”
Basketball great Michael Jordan

ALERT: Protect your kids from harmful ‘Covid shots’

Saturday, October 29, 2022, 2:17 pm | Randy Thomasson

Do you want your children or grandchildren to be forced to have “Covid shots”?

More and more reasonable parents and grandparents are questioning the “necessity” of it, since healthy children were virtually immune to Covid of 2020 and the vaccine-caused variants of 2021 and 2022 are much milder.

In addition, more Americans are waking up to the tens of thousands of deaths and millions of injuries being caused by the unsafe, experimental “Covid shots.”

So when a corrupt CDC committee voted Oct. 20 to “schedule” these dangerous “Covid shots” for children nationwide, SaveCalifornia.com became seriously alarmed. So did most Republican governors.

The good news is there will be no mandatory “Covid shots” for children in 18 Republican states, and even in 2 states with Democrat governors who are worried they might be “fired” November 8.

This is unprecedented resistance to the CDC “scheduling” any vaccine to inject into children. And it could also pressure Gavin Newsom to abandon his plans to jab all schoolchildren with the “Covid shot.”

Remember, Newsom has already backed away from his initial threat. As the medical establishment National Academy for State Health Policy reports, in California:

There is a pending statewide student COVID-19 vaccine mandate that has not yet been implemented. This requirement will take effect no sooner than July 2023 and will only apply to students in age groups for which a COVID-19 vaccine has received full FDA approval.

October 1, 2021: Gov. Gavin Newsom directed the California Department of Public Health to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list of immunizations required for in-person school attendance. Only students in an age group for which a COVID-19 vaccine has received full FDA approval will be required to be vaccinated.

April 14, 2022: The California Department of Public Health shared that they will not initiate the regulatory process for this requirement until after July 1, 2023.

So right now, regarding mandatory “Covid shots” for kids, California is in “the twilight zone.” If Newsom is reelected, he could relent and announce “the epidemic is over.” Or he could impose a “scorched-earth” policy of mandatory “Covid shots” upon children in both government-run and private schools.


Here are steps for Californians living under tyrannical Democrat politicians:

1. CALL AND EMAIL: Tell Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom, and call and email your own state assemblymember and state senator (no matter whether they’re Democrats or Republicans). Tell them, “No mandatory Covid shots for children. Kids don’t need it and parents don’t want it!” 

2. RESCUE: Decide now to rescue your children and grandchildren from the government-controlled schools. In California, homeschooling is exempt from ALL vaccination requirements. See our special site, RescueYourChild.com, and take loving action.

3. VOTE: Elect parental-rights and medical-freedom advocates to replace 20 or more Democrats in the California State Assembly. If Democrats lose their majority, they can’t legislatively attack your family. See and share our Pro-Family Election Center.

A country without a memory is a country of madmen.
George Santayana, Spanish and American philosopher (1863-1952)