Saturday, July 29, 2023, 10:19 am | Randy Thomasson
You already know about evil Democrat Party legislators. But do you realize Republicans in the California State Legislature lied to you when they said they would fight for you? You deserve to know who they are (see these bad bill analyses and legislators’ votes at our Pro-Family Legislation Center).
Here during the Legislature’s month-long, paid vacation (ending August 14), has tabulated which registered Republicans in Sacramento are voting for evil Democrat bills. Here’s a partial report:
–> 9 “Republicans” in the California State Assembly have voted for Democrat bills promoting abortion (baby-killing) or the “LGBTQIA+” agenda or both:
Greg Wallis of Bermuda Dunes: AB 659, AB 5, AB 223, AB 352, AB 443, AB 492, AB 576, AB 598, AB 957, AB 1078, AB 1194, AB 1432, HR 33, ACA 5
Juan Alanis of Modesto: AB 5, AB 352, AB 443, AB 492, AB 598, AB 1194, AB 1432, HR 33, ACA 5
Marie Waldron of Escondido: AB 5, HR 33, ACA 5, SB 58, SB 541, SB 729
Diane Dixon of Newport Beach: AB 223, ACA 5
Bill Essayli of Riverside: AB 223, ACA 5
Josh Hoover of Folsom: AB 5, ACA 5
Devon Mathis of Porterville: AB 1194, ACA 5
Phillip Chen of Yorba Linda: ACA 5
Laurie Davies of Laguna Niguel: ACA 5
In addition to Democrat bills promoting baby-killing and the “LGBTQIA+” agenda:
Voting in favor of the Democrats’ radical “recreational drug” bill, SB 58, was Heath Flora of Ripon
Voting in favor of SB 596 giving chairpersons of liberal school boards the power to subjectively claim pro-family citizens speaking at public meetings have caused “substantial disorder,” so that you’ll be arrested and charged with a misdemeanor crime, were Juan Alanis and Josh Hoover
Voting in favor of AB 1352 to permit liberal school board majorities to remove a pro-family school board member from office were Juan Alanis, Phillip Chen, Megan Dahle, Laurie Davies, Diane Dixon, Bill Essayli, Heath Flora, Vince Fong, James Gallagher,Josh Hoover, Tom Lackey, Jim Patterson, Joe Patterson, Kate Sanchez, Tri Ta, Marie Waldron, Greg Wallis
–> 2 “Republicans” in the California State Senate have voted for Democrat bills promoting baby-killing or “LGBTQIA+” or both:
Scott Wilk of Santa Clarita: AB 352, AB 1194, AB 1352, ACA 5
Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh of Yucaipa: SR 33, SB 760, AB 1352
In addition to Democrat bills promoting baby-killing and the “LGBTQIA+” agenda:
Voting in favor of SB 274, largely eliminating government-school suspensions or expulsions of disruptive, defiant “students,” were Scott Wilk, Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh, Janet Nguyen of Huntington Beach, and Brian Dahle of Bieber
Conclusion: Of the 8 Republicans in the 40-member California State Senate and the 18 Republicans in the 80-member California State Assembly, unlike constitutional and often Christian Republican fighters of past decades, none today can be counted on to use their most valuable asset — their voice — to consistently stand and speak to expose the harm of immoral. ungodly Democrat-authored bills. It’s a shame, because when you’re in the minority party in the Legislature, your voice matters much more than your votes.
Obviously, with so many Republican legislators supporting anti-family or otherwise harmful bills, and with none of the current crop of California Republican state legislators caring enough to regularly stand and expose immoral Democrat bills, there’s a crying need for concerned citizens and biblical pastors to recruit constitutional fighters, who know their main job in Sacramento isn’t money, popularity, or comfort, but steadfastly, lovingly, and truthfully speaking in committee and on the floor to expose the harm of Democrat Party bills. Stop accepting deceptive crumbs from mute Republicans or from Republicans who vote for harmful Democrat bills!
If you have an intact conscience, you’re naturally repulsed by the “drag queen” agenda of the Liberal Left, which is embraced by the Democrat Party.
So when the top “drag queen” from the San Francisco chapter of the blasphemous “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” was honored Monday by the supermajority Democrats in Sacramento, it was a new low-water mark revealing how the Democrat Party is now the Drag Queen Party. And is saying so:
And what’s the root of this sexual delusion? Godlessness, fatherlessness, and molestation are the granddaddy sins spawning homosexuality, which can lead to transsexuality.
Which is why is challenging people to embrace truth and follow the evidence where it leads:
“…females have two X chromosomes and males have an X and a Y.” Source
“Increasing amount of adults who transitioned as teens choosing to detransition” Source
“It’s important to stress what I didn’t find … I did not prove that homosexuality is genetic, or find a genetic cause for being gay. I didn’t show that gay men are ‘born that way,’ the most common mistake people make in interpreting my work. Nor did I locate a gay center in the brain.” Source
Saturday, June 3, 2023, 10:25 am | Randy Thomasson
This year in the California Assembly, “Republicans” Greg Wallis and Juan Alanis repeatedly voted to push “LGBTQIA+” and baby-killing, trampling parents in the process. provides this solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.
June 6 update: Yesterday, Wallis and Alanis added their names as coauthors of HR 33, the “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) Pride Month” resolution, which then passed on a voice vote. Also joining the Democrats as a coauthor and/or voting yes were Republicans Marie Waldron in the Assembly and, for the same resolution in the State Senate (SR 33), Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh in the State Senate.
June 4 update: Here are other Assembly Republicans voting at least once for the Democrats’ immoral, anti-family bills:
Here at the “halfway” point of the 2023 session of the California State Legislature, what have you got? Supermajority Democrats more anti-family and tyrannical than ever, and some Republicans voting like Democrats more than ever.
Who are the “Republicans In Name Only,” the “RINOs”? Let me highlight two “Republicans” who were elected last year and have only began voting on bills this year.
Greg Wallis was district director for the one of the Assembly’s most liberal “Republicans,” independent Chad Mayes, who was “termed out” last year. In 2022, Wallis ran for and won the 47th Assembly District, which includes Greater Palm Springs, Yucca Valley, Yucaipa, Highland, and Beaumont. Wallis’ district office phone number is 760-346-6342.
This year, Wallis voted yes on 13 pro-“LGBTQIA+” bills and pro-abortion bills expanding baby-killing all the more: AB 5, AB 223, AB 352, AB 443, AB 492, AB 576, AB 598, AB 659, AB 957, AB 1078, AB 1194, AB 1432, and ACA 5 (Wallis voted yes to add himself as a coauthor).
And this is despite Wallis, on his campaign website, saying he was a “leader in his church” (obviously, not a Bible-based church). Already, has heard from conservatives in the Coachella Valley who regret voting for Wallis and want him replaced next year.
Another new “Republican” assemblyman who’s voting for the “LGBTQIA+” agenda and the baby-killing agenda is Juan Alanis of Modesto (district office phone number 209-521-2201). Alanis, who portrays himself as a family man, is apparently personally pro-abortion and learned pro-“LGBTQIA+” political-correctness during his 27-year law enforcement career.
Last year, Alanis ran for and won the 22nd Assembly District, which includes Modesto, Turlock, Denair, Patterson, and Newman. This year, Alanis voted yes on 7 pro-“LGBTQIA+” bills and pro-abortion bills: AB 5, AB 352, AB 443, AB 492, AB 598, AB 1194, and AB 1432.
Despite the conservative district, Alanis seems not to be hiding his pro-“LGBTQIA+” alliance. In December, he rubbed shoulders with and spoke to a very pro-“LGBTQIA+” crowd at a liberal “Catholic” church.
Both Greg Wallis and Juan Alanis are redefining the Republican Party to be immoral, undependable on social issues, and even iffy on fiscal issues — destroying the Republican Party from within. This is where the phrase “Republicans In Name Only,” or RINOs, comes from. Will conservative voters put up with this?