Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom wants to protect himself from, as he might say it, “lower-class Democrats” who are angry about quickly-increasing gas prices (which are rising nationwide due to mostly Arab nations cutting production to increase profits).
Gasoline prices were already rising in California due to several refineries undergoing maintenance, all at the same time. And now, several market-driven catalysts are expected to drive up gas prices all the more.
Of course, the biggest price impact was and is the Democrat politicians’ “green energy” agenda and their “war on oil.” These inhuman agendas have dramatically lowered oil supply, increased oil prices, and killed America’s energy independence, which was achieved under President Donald Trump.
So Newsom, realizing Californians are paying more and will be paying even higher prices this fall, wants to deflect anger away from himself. He’s blaming oil companies and says he’ll call a special legislative session in December to increase taxes or penalties or both on oil companies. But are oil companies really to blame?
U.S. oil companies have been hurting since January 2021, due to Biden & Co.’s “war on oil,” which canceled drilling permits and pipelines, along with killing oil companies’ jobs, hope, and courage. Gasoline prices have more than doubled nationwide since Jan. 2021.
And in Gavin Newsom’s “green energy” California, gas prices are $3 more per gallon than in Florida, where constitutional Republican Ron DeSantis is doing a lot of things right.
California has the highest gas prices in the U.S. because it has the highest gas taxes (the consequences of Democrat rulers), higher gasoline regulations (it costs more to produce California-only blends), lower supply from within (the State greatly limits oil drilling), lower supply from without (the State isn’t permitting new pipelines from other states), and higher real estate prices (more depressing of the supply due to Democrats’ laws) and more expensive employees (job-killing socialism of the Democrat politicians).
Like me, are you tired of viewing under $6 gas as a “good price”? It’s the price of slavery! If Newsom truly cared about lowering the price you pay at the pump, he’d announce he’s against all the bad, Democrat policies decreasing oil supply and increasing oil prices.
But no, he’d rather say he’s not to blame. But you know better. Gavin Newsom and the Democrat state legislators don’t really care about high gas prices or inflation. They’re unprincipled, just want to stay in power, and will say anything to keep their status quo.
What’s more, if Newsom is reelected and Democrat legislators keep their super-majority and pass, in a special session, new taxes or penalties on oil companies, we’ll all pay more. Because most businesses pass along higher expenses to customers, right?
Talk about a lying, thieving, backwards idea from California’s biggest Democrat of them all.
Action steps:
1. Contact your state legislators. Tell them, “Don’t foolishly raise taxes on oil companies, because they’ll just pass on the higher costs to me. Slash your bloated gas taxes, and approve more drilling and more pipelines. Give us a cheap, stable supply of energy!”
2. Find the cheapest gas near you
3. Learn more by reading my blogs on gas supply and gas prices
4. Share this with others to inform them who’s making gas so expensive