Late Monday, when Democrat-controlled newspapers reported what Buffy Wicks, a Gavin-Newsom-loving Democrat state Assemblywoman told them, I rejoiced that the proposed statewide “vaccine passport” of AB 455 is “dead for the year.” Look at these headlines: — “Democratic lawmakers drop their idea of a California statewide vaccine mandate” — “California Democrats drop plan to require COVID vaccines to work, go to most public places” — “Proposed California vaccine verification bill on ice” — “Vaccine requirement for California workers shelved for the year” The demise of this unscientific proposal, to deny health-conscious people basic necessities and jobs unless they get a risky injection in their arms, is a result of thousands of righteously angry Californians calling and emailing. Because a “vaccine passport” is controversial, and since the “lobby” in favor of it is new and not overwhelming, this was a definite opportunity to win. And so quick action by liberty-loving citizens paid off, flooding Sacramento with thousands of calls and emails for several days, and stopping this monstrous bill before it was formally introduced. The ruling Democrats wanted to avoid loss and protect Gavin Newsom from upset voters! If you participated with in helping to expose and oppose AB 455’s proposed “vaccine passport,” you are part of this victory — thank you big-time! However, with Gavin Newsom’s tyrannical “vaccine mandates” upon state workers, health care workers, and schoolteachers, and with too many big businesses becoming Newsom’s human-crime accomplices, health-conscious Californians need help overcoming the decidedly un-American threat of “the jab or your job.” Here’s my advice: — Get your religious exemption, which is your right under the U.S. Civil Rights Act — Don’t quit your job over the “jab,” but resist and let them reassign you, or even fire you (this way, you’ll qualify for unemployment payments) — Get educated and stimulated by watching the August 31 San Diego BOS meeting (PM part) — Urge your own state legislators to oppose AB 1102 and HR 71 which try to force risky “jabs” — Grasp the fact that Covid-related deaths in California is currently 0.01 or 0.02 “deaths per 100K.” This means if you’re infected with any form of Covid, your chance of dying from it is either 1 in 5 million or 1 in 10 million — much lower than your chance of dying from walking, driving, eating, or being hit by a bolt of lightning — Remind yourself and others of the official government statistics showing tens of thousands of deaths and millions of injuries from the dangerous “Covid vaccines” — Exercise your constitutional character at a medical freedom protest near you |
“I think this whole pandemic from the beginning was about the vaccine. So I think all roads lead to the vaccine and what it means. There are already places in southeast Asia and Europe — they’re laying the groundwork for compulsory vaccination — I mean, compulsory — that means somebody pins you down to the ground and puts a needle in you. That’s how bad stakeholders want vaccination … This ‘needle in every arm’ is a very important moniker. Why? The tension that Americans are feeling right now, as they’re trying to keep their jobs and go to work, is they know they could die of the vaccine — that’s the problem!”
Renowned American physician and Covid expert Dr. Peter McCullough, May 2021