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Jerry Brown vs. Smokey the Bear

Friday, December 15, 2017, 2:49 pm | Randy Thomasson

In California, the latest obvious difference between uncaring liberals and loving conservatives is over wildfires.

On one side is Smokey the Bear, who, since 1944, has been telling us, “Only you can prevent forest fires” and “Don’t play with matches.”

On the other side are Democrat politicians, such as Governor Jerry Brown, who calls California’s late-season wildfires “the new normal” and is publicly blaming “climate change” for the rapid spread of wildfires, while ignoring any cause of whatever ignited the flames.

With a record 22 Southern California wildfires this month, please don’t accept the establishment phrase, “the cause of the fire is unknown.”

Oh, the media and government have theorized about how the fires have spread, but they’ve largely ignored that it’s highly probable many of these wildfires were caused by evil pyromaniacs who saw their chance to destroy on a windy day.

Indeed, some of the truth is starting to come out. Among the 22 wildfires, one was officially started by a neglectful transient. Another fire was likely caused by a neglectful public utility. But what about the other 20 fiery outbreaks?

Of those fires, officials have determined a firm cause of just one. The Los Angeles Fire Department said a cooking fire in a homeless encampment sparked the Skirball fire in Bel-Air…

…The owner of a small ranch on Little Tujunga Canyon Road said she was awakened early Dec. 5 by a panicked call from her mother, who said sparks were coming off the steel pylon as a line came loose and “was smacking the hill.”

Looking outside, Gail Thackray said, she saw much the same scene: “There was fire concentrated over there and sparks coming off the pylon…. It spread each direction.” She raced out of their ranch with her mother and daughter, driving out through fire.

What causes most forest fires and wildfires? Lack of love. Because that’s what neglect is. Lack of love = lack of care = careless = neglect. Other wildfires are caused by evil pyromaniacs who get devilish pleasure from destroying whatever they can. The fact is, humans cause around 90% of wildfires in the United States, while Nature causes only 10%.

That’s why the national and state forest services have been telling us for decades to remember that “only you can prevent forest fires.” But has this sober message of reality become unpopular with liberal-“progressives” who oppose holding people responsible?

What’s the solution to protect California families from these unacceptable, abnormal wildfires? First, we need a new state law requiring a wide-enough barrier between hillside homes and wild brush to curtail the spread of flames and sparks. Second, California should massively increase penalties against perpetrators, whether they’re pyromaniacs, transients, or public utilities. Third, children need to be taught at early ages to fear God and love their neighbor. That’ll protect homes!

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.
I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, in John 10:10

Don’t Be Afraid — Wish People JOYous CHRISTmas

Tuesday, December 5, 2017, 9:35 pm | Randy Thomasson

I don’t wish people “Merry Christmas” — although that’s MUCH BETTER than the soulless and anti-Jesus “Happy Holidays.”

Instead, in recent years, I’ve said to both people I know and don’t know (such as store employees) “I wish you a JOYous CHRISTmas in your heart, because true Christmas is about celebrating Him” (and different variations of this).

And sometimes, I’ll say “I wish you the joy of Jesus this Christmas,” which also focuses on the Savior Jesus and being glad about Him.

And you know what? By talking about Jesus Christ with a smile on my face, I’m having great success at glorifying my Savior and reminding people to think about Him and His goodness. You see, wishing others “Merry Christmas” just doesn’t make many people specifically think about Jesus. And have you ever heard about someone named “Chris” on a cross?

Stop and realize that between Thanksgiving and Christmas every year, you have a significant opportunity to stimulate people with whom you talk or email to remember and give attention to the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. It’s all part of your purpose here on Planet Earth. I encourage you to risk loving others in this Christian way.

But whoever denies Me before men,
him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.

Jesus Christ in Matthew 10:33

For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words,
of him the Son of Man will be ashamed
when He comes in His own glory,
and in His Father’s and of the holy angels
Jesus Christ in Luke 9:26

This is a faithful saying:
For if we died with Him,
We shall also live with Him.
If we endure,
We shall also reign with Him.
If we deny Him,
He also will deny us.
2 Timothy 2:11-12


How I overcame ‘Hernia Hill’

Sunday, November 26, 2017, 9:10 pm | Randy Thomasson

Sometimes, the most powerful story of perseverance is your own.

Like that impossible situation you determined to take on…
Or that amazing opportunity where you gave your all…
Or that crucible where you did what’s right, despite temptation or opposition.

For me, learning about perseverance started on “Hernia Hill.” It was an incredibly steep hill I faced many times running on the cross-country team in high school.

That hill was dreaded by every guy on the team, including me. But oh, the goodness that awaited just beyond the peak as “Hernia Hill” descended to flat land — the coveted finish line!

During one race, I ran my best and found myself in second place just before the steep incline. Pressing ahead in pain when my body was telling me to quit, I pushed myself past my opponent and won, setting a school record.

At the time, I didn’t realize the impact that conquering “Hernia Hill” had on me. I could have quit when it looked impossible. I could have walked away when it got too hard.

Thankfully, I didn’t.

That young story of perseverance helped build in me the fortitude that I would eventually need to work in Sacramento for pro-family values, and ultimately the leadership of SaveCalifornia.com.

To be bold and persistent. To stay the course when it gets hard. And to do what’s right for our side — no matter the outcome — and despite opposition from enemies of the moral and Biblical values you and I hold dear.

Yes, the lessons then prepared me to live out of my comfort zone. Like lobbying politicians at the State Capitol; debating liberal opponents on local and national TV; working on a slew of challenging issues impacting moral values and our freedoms in this state.

I hope as you reflect on your times of perseverance — your own “Hernia Hill” — you will recall the magnificent endurance you learned, and how it helped you be a stronger person today.

Because we both know that perseverance is absolutely required by moral patriots such as you and me.

And just as you have persevered so many times, like I persevered in cross country, SaveCalifornia.com has been persevering for children and families in California since 1999.

THANK YOU for being a part of who we are and what we do. Thank you for allowing me and our Team to work FOR you and your family, and AGAINST the radical Left that desperately wants to silence our voice for Godly values and remove our freedoms.

Together, let’s keep persevering for all that is good and right and true. Let’s keep running the race and fighting the good fight in California. Thanks again!

P.S. It’s an honor to represent your voice and your values in the fight for what’s right in California. As we persevere on behalf of your family values, we would be honored to receive your generous support. Your tax-deductible gift to SaveCalifornia.com will give a voice to your values, and provide bold representation on key issues impacting your family. Together, let’s make sure our voices are heard, not silenced! Give your gift here.

Blessed is the man who endures temptation;
for when he has been approved,
he will receive the crown of life
which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

James 1:12

And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations,
knowing that tribulation produces perseverance;
and perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Roman 5:3-4