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What’s best for kids? Back to school or back from school?

Saturday, August 23, 2014, 3:17 pm | Randy Thomasson


Is back from school better than back to school?

The government schools’ sexual indoctrination laws, failure to teach reading proficiency, and bad peer pressure was the topic August 19 when I was on VCY America’s CrossTalk with Jim Schneider (heard in the Great Lakes / Midwest states).*

This very informative interview is must-listening for concerned parents gifts_v14and grandparents. Listen now (takes about a half minute to load)

pattyandherchildrenAfter the show, Patty posted on our SaveCalifornia.com Facebook, “Just heard the show on VCY today. So much information! Thanks for the encouragement! I believe if there is a will, there is a way! Thank you!! I got my kids out of GS as a single parent 7 yrs ago. God knew the desire of my heart and he provided a job for me at a Christian school where my kids got to attend and then I have my own biz on the side that is flexible. God so provided!! Anyone can do this if they REALLY want to! Vacations and retirement funds are over rated! Loving your kids gives the best satisfaction!”

* In the 53-minute interview, I made two errors that deserve public correction:

At 27:30, I say that America’s immorality is causing despair among children and “anger against children.” While it’s true that immoral adults can become anti-child, I meant to say societal and family immorality causes despair and anger in children.

At 29:05, I say that liberal public education founder John Dewey “created the Dewey decimal system for libraries.” That is incorrect. The Dewey decimal system was named after its inventor, Melvil Dewey (1851-1931). My apologies to pro-family library workers!

There are now 10 sexual indoctrination laws impacting children in every California public school. There is no parental opt-out and no child is exempt. See these bad laws, then rescue your child.
Our special site, RescueYourChild.com


Our warning for parents and voters

Monday, July 28, 2014, 1:45 pm | Randy Thomasson


This is not a family you see. These are 2 very confused men who were likely sexually abused as children. And now they have a boy that one or both have adopted. And this boy is now being indoctrinated with big lies about family and sex

As sad as this is, here’s something you can rely on…

That God’s word is true: Jesus Christ Himself defined family as a male husband, a female wife, and their children:

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Matthew 19:4-6 NKJV)

And you can depend on SaveCalifornia.com to speak the hard, loving truth that our culture (people and voters) need to hear.

When Associated Press was preparing a widely-published July 27 article saluting another homosexual-agenda bill redefining family, the reporter pitted 3 liberal voices against me. But despite misspelling my name, and putting a qualifier before me and a subtle put-down after me, I was still able to warn the readers that AB 2344 was not merely changing the family but eroding the natural institution of family in state law. 

Social conservatives say legislation to change family law wouldn’t be necessary if traditional family structures remained the norm.

“This shows how far our society has fallen: It used to be a simple answer to who’s your father and who’s your mother,” said Randy Thomason, president of SaveCalifornia.com and an advocate of traditional families.

Such arguments didn’t resonate in the Assembly, where the Modern Family Act passed on a 62 to 4 vote with some Republican support and little organized opposition.

If you agree with SaveCalifornia.com’s values and appreciate our voice for you, shining the light in the darkness, please donate today to help us reach more people. 

Marriage was defined by God a long time ago. Marriage is almost as old as dirt, and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve — one man, one woman for life till death do you part. So I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage. And I don’t think anyone else should either.
Christian/actor/filmmaker Kirk Cameron

“It doesn’t matter if I vote.” Not!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 9:45 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides the following solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

randy_thomasson Do-the-Math-logo“It doesn’t matter if I vote.”

“God’s in control — what will be will be.”

Do you believe you should always vote? It used to be that moral citizens believed voting was a sacred act before God in a proclaimed republic as ours. And voting has, for generations, been regarded as at least a duty of every patriotic citizen.

But just as Independence Day has devolved into simply a day off with fireworks and picnics, registered voters have forgotten the purpose of voting.

By now you might have heard that, after most of the counting has been done, around 25% of registered California voters actually voted in the June 3 statewide primary election.

As I wrote earlier, for immoral or irresponsible citizens, this is understandable. But this low turnout is unacceptable for moral citizens, who have bought into fuzzy thinking, laziness, faithlessness, and fatalism.

In the month before the June 3 election, I heard from people who complained that judges overturn their vote. But while corrupt judges have indeed destroyed moral ballot measures, such as Prop. 8, this has not happened with candidates. It is fuzzy thinking to claim judges will destroy your vote.

And others — stung by the defeat of moral-issue ballot campaigns and depressed by the two-thirds Democratic control of the State Legislature — utter fatalistic complaints instead of being fruitful in an election cycle. In elections, it appears that union bosses and homosexual activists have more “faith” than most pastors and churches!

An honest talk-show host told me it was such a struggle for him to vote this time. But I reminded him that if we think like losers, we will lose. And I explained why a low voter turnout expectation actually FAVORS moral virtues, if we’ll simply recognize and seize the opportunity.

How could this be, you ask? Think about it. Because when average or non-family voters have a LOW turnout and pro-family voters have a HIGH turnout, there will be victories for moral values.

It’s simple math. If there are 100 possible voters in an election cycles, and half of them actually vote in the election, my vote is 1 out of 50 or 2 percent. If 100% of registered voters go to the polls, I am 1% of the voters.

Here’s an example of 1 out of 100 voters (the highest possible voter turnout), where 1 voter has 1% influence:


Now imagine yourself in a low-turnout election where only 20% of registered voters actually cast votes. Now you are 1 of 20 voters — you are 5% of the electorate. Your influence has quintupled. It’s like having 5 votes per person!


As veteran political columnist Dan Walters of the Sacramento Bee wrote this week:

Although election officials are still counting votes from the June 3 primary election – and a few contests are still in doubt – the lukewarm tenor of the Nov. 4 general election is evident, and that could be bad news for California’s dominant Democrats.

The record-low voter turnout in the primary – about 25 percent of registered voters – is very likely to be reflected in November for many of the same reasons.

The outcome of the top-of-the-ticket contest between Gov. Jerry Brown and Republican challenger Neel Kashkari is virtually certain months in advance, there’s no U.S. Senate contest, and there will be no barnburner ballot measures to motivate occasional voters.

So my question is, are you only motivated by stuff on the ballot, and are thus an “occasional voter”? Or are you motivated by God’s values, patriotism in our Republic, or one who seizes the day because you understand the math and recognize the great opportunity that a low voter turnout affords?

Choose to make a calculated difference. The outcome of many state assembly, state senate, local races, depends on pro-family voters. If you love God and love people, you will vote and vote wisely. Even if you didn’t do this in the June primary election, plan now for November — to vote wisely and use creativity to influence many others to vote wisely. Seize the day!

“Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote … he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”
Samuel Adams, 1722–1803 (The “Father of the American Revolution”)

“Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature.”
James Garfield, 1831–1881 (20th President of the United States)
