
SaveCalifornia.com Blog//

800 new state laws

Thursday, January 2, 2014, 1:20 pm | Randy Thomasson


 SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

800 new laws. That’s what’s now in effect in California. The Democrats, who have firm control of California government (two-thirds of each house of the State Legislature + the governor’s office + all other statewide offices), have passed and implemented these new laws which punish parental rights, pre-born babies, gun owners, and business owners (i.e. jobs), and reward homosexuals, transsexuals, illegals, and liberal environmentalists.

For the record, Democrats have been in control of the California State Legislature for more than 50 years (with only 3 years of exception): Assembly Speakers | Senate Presidents

It’s simple how a government functions in an era of voter ignorance and political corruption. In California, Democrat legislators in control pass laws favoring government unions, the wealthy unions pay for an overwhelming number of campaign messages telling voters to support the Democrats, the voters end up electing Democrats, the Democrats’ control of the California Legislature gets stronger, and their laws are passed that you live under today and that affect jobs, prices, and families. If you don’t like the way it works, you have to do things just the opposite, right?

Which is why you should be glad this is an election year. One person can make a different for good government. How? Simply research the declared candidates online who shares your values, then contact their office to say you want to volunteer or donate or both. And be sure to get teenagers involved so they can use their energy to restore good government!

There’s so much up for grabs. This year, all of California’s statewide offices – Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Controller, Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Insurance Commissioner, and Lieutenant Governor will be up for grabs. So will all 80 state Assembly seats, all 53 California congressional seats, 20 of 40 state Senate seats, numerous state ballot measures, and a multitude of local candidates and ballot items.

But don’t be overwhelmed and don’t try to run away emotionally. In so many ways, people who know better have “not begun to fight.” Truly, one person can make a difference for good government, right in your own community. Why not you?

The latest on the Rose Parade and why we need you now

Monday, December 30, 2013, 9:10 pm | Randy Thomasson

It’s the biggest controversy in California right now. I’m talking about the Rose Parade featuring a “live gay wedding” on a float as a role model for every child to see. It’s a direct attack against the family values — the moral values — you and I hold dear.

Parents are outraged. And SaveCalifornia.com is promoting an all-out boycott of this anti-family spectacle. We’re helping get out the word, loud and clear!

This is what I talked about today on 3 radio stations in Greater Los Angeles (KBRT, KNX, KABC), and in other media sources after being quoted in City News Service, the L.A. area newswire that goes to lots of media. Tomorrow I’ll be on Sacramento TV news alerting even more parents.

This is just one example of SaveCalifornia.com’s work that many have come to know and appreciate. Being a strong, bold voice for families, and fighting for the values you hold dear.

But what you may not know is that we depend on gifts from everyday people like you. And that we are very much behind in meeting our year-end needs. To continue fighting strong for you and your family, SaveCalifornia.com needs your help… gifts of all sizes from people who share our values. And we need your gift before Dec. 31 ends.

I know you’re busy, and receiving other requests for donations. But I hope you’ll realize that SaveCalifornia.com is worthy of your support, and that we have real needs, right now.

So please…if you haven’t done so yet, will you take a moment to financially empower us so we can continue serving you and your family in 2014? Thank you for whatever you can give today.

Please give your best gift to SaveCalifornia.com (your gift is tax-deductible)

When you stand with SaveCalifornia.com, you’re saying, “YES, I support you fighting for my values.” Because together, we’re standing strong for marriage and family, parental rights, children in and out of the womb, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.

I just recorded a new video message (2 minutes) that I hope will encourage you and inspire you to stand with us: 

It’s my privilege to serve you. THANK YOU for considering how you can help today.

I wish you a Courageous and Faith-Filled New Year!

Randy Thomasson
President, SaveCalifornia.com
Campaign for Children and Families

SaveCalifornia.com is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.

How to put Jesus first at Christmas

Tuesday, December 24, 2013, 12:59 pm | Randy Thomasson

adoration_of_the_shepherds“Adoration of the Shepherds” by Bartolome Esteban Murillo (1655)

We at SaveCalifornia.com believe in God and family — and we know families that pray together tend to stay together.

So we are strong advocates of returning Christmas to its true meaning as the “festival of Christ.” Because anyone who believes in Jesus can and should renew their excitement about Jesus during Christmas.

Remember that Christmas is about a miracle: the Incarnation where the Word became flesh and God became man; and the Birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world, proclaiming Good News that people’s sins can be forgiven.

In light of the amazing love of God revealed through Jesus Christ, believers should resist personal and cultural traditions that diminish adoration of Christ at Christmas. It’s a struggle. But at His own birthday celebration, shouldn’t Jesus be the center of attention?

SaveCaliforniaMinute_122313_200X160Listen to my SaveCalifornia.com Minute for ideas on how to glorify Jesus at Christmas, such as: reading aloud from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke about the incarnation and birth of Jesus, talking about it, and praying to Him.

Other ideas include singing songs of praise, watching a good “Jesus film,” and sharing around the table why you appreciate Jesus. What can you come up with?


charliebrownchristmas_200x160Peanuts creator, Charles Schulz, wanted “A Charlie Brown Christmas” to have the religious meaning that was central to his own experience of Christmas.

Despite being criticized for being “too religious” Schultz got his way in his 1965 movie. Enjoy this classic moment from this classic film as Linus explains to Charlie Brown the true meaning of Christmas.
Watch it now (1 min. 55 sec)



From my heart to yours, I wish you and your family a JOYous CHRISTmas!

Randy Thomasson
President, SaveCalifornia.com
Campaign for Children and Families

SaveCalifornia.com is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.