
SaveCalifornia.com Blog//

You and your family need a tough bulldog

Saturday, December 21, 2013, 12:35 pm | Randy Thomasson


Some have called SaveCalifornia.com a “bulldog” for family values. I really like that. Because moral citizens need a tough defender on their side like never before. Just look at the increased attacks against your moral values, your Biblical beliefs, your parental rights, and your freedom of speech.

Right now, the Intolerant Left and “LGBT” activists are having a heyday. The A&E/Duck Dynasty conflict is just one example of the very real war against you, me, and everyone who believes in moral virtues for the common good.

And it’s a stark reminder of the need for moral citizens to unite together. Which is why I’m asking for your help today.

For nearly 15 years, SaveCalifornia.com has been that much-needed bulldog for you and your family. Working, speaking, and fighting for you.

Faithfully championing your values. Representing your voice in the media. Alerting California fathers and mothers to the moral attacks upon their children. Empowering parents and grandparents to take action. Helping citizens stand up for what’s right in God’s sight. Combating the Liberal Left.

I know you’re moving quickly in this busy season. But if you haven’t done so yet, will you take a moment to financially empower us so we can strengthen our voice for you and your family in 2014?

gifts_v14Please donate $20 or more to SaveCalifornia.com (your gift is tax-deductible)

When you stand with SaveCalifornia.com, you’re saying, “YES, I support you fighting for my values.” Because together, we’re standing strong for marriage and family, parental rights, children in and out of the womb, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.

It’s a privilege to serve you. THANK YOU for considering how you can help today.

From my heart to yours, JOYous CHRISTmas.

Randy Thomasson
President, SaveCalifornia.com
Campaign for Children and Families


The attack on Duck Dynasty is an attack on you

Thursday, December 19, 2013, 3:55 am | Randy Thomasson

Phil Robertson preaching from the Bible

If you’re bothered by the homosexual activists and the A&E Channel attacking free speech, family values, religious freedom, and Christianity itself, you’re not alone.

For a long time now, SaveCalifornia.com has been educating folks that not only is homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality unnatural, unhealthy, and unbiblical, but that it’s also intolerant and tyrannical, punishing peaceful dissenters.

You see, real tolerance is to disagree with someone on moral or biblical grounds…but to not punish them for disagreeing with you.

This principle of true tolerance emanates from the 1689 Toleration Act allowing freedom of conscience for Christians who disagreed with the Church of England.

But look what’s happened. Homosexual-bisexual-transsexual activists have turned “tolerance” upside down and inside out. Today in our land, homosexual activists and their supporters will punish you unless you agree with them. That’s the very definition of intolerance, and when enforced by law, the very definition of unconstitutional tyranny.

Wake up, America! When you support so-called “gay rights,” you in fact oppose free speech and religious freedom. How many more bakers, photographers, flower shop owners, hotel owners, and property owners have to be victimized by “LGBT” activists and “LGBT” laws? How many more times will moral values be punished before people stop voting for pro-“LGBT” politicians?

Ultimately, you cannot have so-called “gay” rights or “LGBT” rights (which aren’t civil rights at all because it is based on non-biological, changeable behavior) and at the same time maintain religious freedom and free speech in America. They are mutually exclusive.

Visit SaveCalifornia.com’s Not Born This Way

Watch Phil Robertson’s Christian testimony (30-min.)

ACTION: Send an email to A&E Channel at aefeedback@aenetworks.com, and write something like this: In the United States, we are supposed to have freedom of speech and freedom of religion, something A&E has squashed by punishing the personal beliefs of Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty. A&E needs to apologize to Mr. Robertson and keep the show, or I will no longer watch A&E.

Give the gift of parental rights

Friday, December 6, 2013, 8:30 pm | Randy Thomasson

gifts_v14You know how a small word of encouragement can make a big difference?

Sometimes it takes just one person to affirm why we do what we do. Like Missy, who wrote on our Facebook page: “Thank you Randy for all you do for us parents.”

It’s not long or fancy. But it caught my attention. And it means a lot.

Because reaching, activating, and fighting for the rights of parents and the protection of children is a top priority of the SaveCalifornia.com team.

And even in this Christmas season, the moral assault upon families is intense. Even Christmas itself is under attack!

But just as the Liberal Left doesn’t stop pushing their immoral agenda, neither will SaveCalifornia.com stop boldly fighting the good fight for children and families.

And with your help today, we can continue to make an impact for good — for parental consent, for informed consent, for man-woman marriage, for the importance of fatherhood and motherhood, and to protect children from moral ruin.

Will you empower SaveCalifornia.com to represent you in the battle? To work, lead, and fight for parental rights statewide in 2014? Right now, you can help make the difference for us.

Please give your best gift today
Your donation is tax-deductible

In 2013, SaveCalifornia.com led for parental consent on many fronts, including:

  • Alerting fathers and mothers to the sexually perverse agenda happening behind their backs in government schools.
  • Informing parents of the 10 “LGBT” laws harming children in California public schools.
  • Rallying dads and moms to boycott sexual indoctrination events, such as “Day of Silence” and “Harvey Milk Gay Day.”
  • Providing both short- and long-term educational solutions for families.
  • Producing “Church Rescue Packets” showing pastors how to start low-cost schools to rescue children in their congregations and communities.
  • Reaching countless parents — through media interviews, internet, social media, and purchased radio ads — who otherwise don’t realize the threat to their rights.
  • Empowering parents with the tools they need to protect the hearts, minds, souls, and bodies of their children.

You can help achieve more successes in 2014 with your support of SaveCalifornia.com and our Campaign for Children and Families. Will you consider giving a gift of $20 or more today to further our defense of parental rights, the foundation of family?

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration at this important time. Together, we’re standing for the best values the world has ever known — God’s moral virtues for the benefit of mankind. Thank you.

Please give your best gift today
Your donation is tax-deductible

SaveCalifornia.com is a leading West Coast nonprofit, nonpartisan organization standing strong for moral virtues for the common good. We represent children and families in the areas of marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.