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What God requires

Wednesday, May 1, 2013, 3:02 pm | Randy Thomasson


Daily prayer to God is essential for the soul to be filled, not empty; solid, not confused. I find that when I don’t pray to God each morning, it’s much easier for me to sin that day.

But will God hear your prayers if you’re not truly sorry for your sins? Consider this top Bible verse for the National Day of Prayer, from 2 Chronicles 7:14:

…if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Note how this is a conditional promise from God. For only “if” God’s people follow God’s three requirements will God “then” do three miraculous things in response. What does God require of us?

1. “Humble themselves”: Humility means recognizing our lowly and dependent status before God, and to recognize and confess our sins and guilt before the Creator.

2. “Pray and seek My face”: This is your sincere prayer to your true God. Praying to Him “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24) is how Jesus Christ described true worshipers that the Father seeks. In the context of 2 Chronicles 7:14, this is appealing to the Judge of the Universe, who is offering forgiveness for His People if they fulfill these requirements: a) become humble, b) pray to God in light of His judgment of sin and power to forgive, c) repent of all known sin.

3. “Turn from their wicked ways”: This is the required condition for forgiveness that too many people ignore. “Turn from” means to depart from or abandon. All sinful practices are wicked to God. Fulfilling this condition requires deep humility and fear of God. Turning is an action that proves your attitude. Turning from your sins and turning to God means to replace your desire and practice of sin with a desire for God and His holiness. This hard work requires “putting to death” sinful practices. “For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live” (Romans 8:13).

So when you pray daily or pray to God with others on National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 2, remember to take personal inventory and intend to repent of all known sin in Jesus’ name. For then God will hear from heaven and forgive your sin.

Locate a May 2 National Day of Prayer event near you and participate
(if you don’t find a public prayer event online, ask a pastor or friend what’s happening in your community)

“When you spread out your hands,
I will hide My eyes from you;
Even though you make many prayers,
I will not hear.
Your hands are full of blood.
Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean;
Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes.”
Isaiah 1:15-16 NKJV

Democrat legislators: Transsexual school bathrooms

Thursday, April 18, 2013, 10:32 pm | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.


This week, more bad bills, authored by Democrats, passed Democrat-controlled committees in the California Legislature:

AB 1266 forces K-12 public schools to permit biological boys into girls’ restrooms, showers, clubs, and on girls’ sports teams; and biological girls into boys’ restrooms, showers, clubs, and on boys’ sports teams (committee vote) (see existing sexual indoctrination laws)

AB 926 permits young women to be paid to have their human eggs extracted (and destroyed) for the purpose of “medical research,” which also sets the stage for future human cloning. These egg “donations” harm women’s health, can result in sterility, and denies the participants informed consent. (committee vote) (see “eggsploitation” explained)

This is what you get with the Democrats having majority control, and now supermajority (two-thirds) control, of the California Legislature.

Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely.
The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.

U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)

What you get with the Democrats

Friday, April 12, 2013, 11:21 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.


What do you get with a Democrat supermajority in Sacramento? A virtual guarantee that bad bills harming children and families will pass the California Legislature.

Demonstrating a serious misunderstanding of human design, natural sex, religious freedom, and personal responsibility, these Democrat-authored bills are advancing through Democrat-controlled committees in a torrid quest to replace wisdom with foolishness and moral virtues with licentiousness:

AB 154 permits nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, and physician assistants to perform suction abortions, which tortuously dismember pre-born babies in the womb (committee vote)

AB 926 permits young women to be paid to have their human eggs extracted (and destroyed) for the purpose of “medical research,” which also sets the stage for future human cloning. These egg “donations” harm women’s health, can result in sterility, and denies the participants informed consent. (committee vote) (“eggsploitation” explained)

AB 999 hands out condoms to homosexuals in state prisons, spreading more disease (committee vote)

SB 323 punishes the Boy Scouts by removing their tax-deductible, non-profit status unless they allow homosexual scoutmasters (committee vote)

AB 1266 forces K-12 public schools to permit biological boys in girls’ restrooms, showers, clubs, and on girls’ sports teams; and biological girls in boys’ restrooms, showers, clubs, and on boys’ sports teams (committee vote) (existing sexual indoctrination laws)

AB 460 requires insurance policies to cover homosexual “infertility,” despite Nature’s unchangeable laws requiring a man and a woman to conceive (bill status)

AB 48 prevents families from having the same rounds of ammunition with their home-defense gun as criminals have with their guns (committee vote)

This is what California’s Democrat-controlled Legislature is doing. Now you can inform others.

Irresponsible individual voters ought to abstain rather than vote badly. This thesis may seem anti-democratic. Yet it is really a claim about voter responsibility and how voters can fail to meet this responsibility. On my view, voters are not obligated to vote, but if they do vote, they owe it to others and themselves to be adequately rational, unbiased, just, and informed about their political beliefs.
Jason Brennan, Professor of Strategy, Economics, Ethics, and Public Policy, Georgetown University