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Posts Tagged ‘Children’

Only 1 minute to oppose ‘assisted suicide’

Thursday, September 17, 2015, 8:10 pm | Randy Thomasson

A few hours ago, a dear woman who is deeply against “assisted suicide” because someone in her family was euthanized called me to share her detective work on Jerry Brown’s administration.

She told me that when you use the governor’s web form, you can now click the suicide bill, oppose it, and your “vote” will be instantly tabulated by their computer.

So please do this right now — it only takes 1 minute! And then share with others how they can do the same. Help build a tidal wave of opposition against California becoming the Suicide State.


1. Go to https://govnews.ca.gov/gov39mail/mail.php

2. Under “Email the Governor,” choose “Have Comment”

3. Enter your First Name, Last Name, and Email Address

4. Under “Please Choose Your Subject,” scroll down to the very bottom of the list and select X2AB00015\End of life. (this is what the governor’s staff wrote and even though it’s not the exact number of the bill, they know it’s “assisted suicide,” so go with it)

5. Click “Continue”

6. A new page will open up

7. At the top of this new page, you must choose “Con” in order to have your opposition immediately counted (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART)

8. Under “Write your email,” you may enter in additional comments about why the “assisted suicide” bill is bad (some users have said you must write something in order to process your request, such as “Veto assisted suicide”)

9. Click “Send Email” and you’re done

Do all 3: Web form, phone, fax

1. PHONE: Call the Governor’s comment line at 916-445-2841 9am – 5pm Monday through Friday. Push the buttons to get to a live representative and tell them you want the Governor to veto “assisted suicide,” ABX2-15.

2. FAX: Copy and paste SaveCalifornia.com’s pre-written, expert letter onto your business, church, school, or organization letterhead. All who fax Governor Jerry Brown their opposition to ABX2-15 on their official letterhead are a significant voice FOR natural “days of our lives” and AGAINST “assisted suicide.” Your business/church/school/organization represents people and community influence!

Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage.
Often attributed to Alexander Fraser Tytler, a Scottish historian and statesman

The moral people of California will decide

Friday, September 4, 2015, 8:38 pm | Randy Thomasson


After working the halls of California’s State Capitol today, it’s clear to me that California will become a Suicide State unless people who oppose “assisted suicide” will exercise sacrificial love and enter the fight.

The forces pushing for “assisted suicide” have money and a small army of dedicated, death-wish activists. In contrast, the natural army of pro-life citizens against “assisted suicide” is distracted, absent, or compromised.

I call upon every pro-life person and every pastor to rise up and fight now to prevent California from becoming the Suicide State, where suicide would be increasingly “the norm,” and people who otherwise would have lived years or decades will have their lives cut short.

After passing its final Assembly committee on September 4 (today), AB 15, the new number of the Democrats’ “assisted suicide” bill, is going to the floor of the California State Assembly for a very close vote.

This weekend, please urge everybody you know to make calls opposing AB 15 before it can be heard early afternoon on Tuesday, September 8. There are a handful of deciding votes.

ACT BOLDLY: Especially if you’re in their districts, please lead others to call the deciding votes

LEARN: See how AB 15 does not guarantee choice or prevent pressure to die prematurely

See how AB 15 threatens families

Read how an advocate for the disabled strongly opposes AB 15

GIVE: With your donation, help SaveCalifornia.com persevere to prevent a Suicide State

Sign the petition to repeal SB 277, forced vaccines

Saturday, August 8, 2015, 1:35 pm | Randy Thomasson


I’m not a fan of referenda (plural for a single referendum). They’re the weakest of all of California ballot measures, the differences being:

1. A referendum passed on the ballot (if enough people vote “no,” a referendum succeeds) repeals an unpopular state law. However, the California Legislature can amend or repeal a referendum the day after it succeeds at the ballot. If a referendum were pro-life on abortion or against sexual perversity, I have no doubt that the Democrat-controlled Legislature would try to repeal it with a simple majority vote.

2. In contrast, a statutory initiative overrides the Legislature and can only be amended or repealed by California voters or judicial activists at the California Supreme Court. (And count on judicial activists to try to defeat abortion/marriage/sex ballot measures whenever they can.)

3. Strongest of all is a state constitutional amendment which is over the State Legislature and the state courts, which even the California Supreme Court cannot (or should not) override. Therefore, I only recommend constitutional amendments for anything dealing with abortion (like parental notification for abortion) or sex (such as banning transsexual bathrooms).

However, there is one referendum currently collecting signatures to achieve the 2016 ballot that I strongly support — and I urge you to support it too. Because God-given parental rights, religious freedom, medical freedom, and children’s special needs matter. That’s why we need to repeal the anti-parent SB 277. See why I hate SB 277 and why you should too, whether you’re pro- or anti-vaccine.

So, if this good SB 277 referendum gathers enough signatures to qualify for the ballot, the bad forced-vaccine law that kicks children out of school, even church schools, unless parental abandon their consciences on controversial vaccines, will be placed on hold pending a vote of the People in November 2016.

And if a majority of Californians vote “no” in 2016 (that’s how referenda work — you have to vote “no” to repeal an unpopular law), the anti-parent, anti-religious freedom, anti-medical freedom SB 277 will be repealed. At that point, I don’t think the Legislature would undo it, even though they could. Because even some Democrats oppose forcing vaccinations into the bodies of children and adults.


Learn about the SB 277 referendum and watch a video by proponent Tim Donnelly

Sign the petition at a location near you and pick up petitions to collect more signatures

Thank you for signing a petition and helping others to sign. This month of August is crucial for you, your family members, your friends, and your church congregation to sign petitions to repeal SB 277!

Given that the general public doesn’t accept that vaccines can injure and yet, there are so many stories about vaccine-injured children, I decided to start a list stories written by parents of their child’s vaccine injury. This is only the very tip of the iceberg…
“Stories of vaccine injured children,” Health Impact News