
SaveCalifornia.com Blog//

What Governor Jerry Brown means for moral Californians

Monday, January 3, 2011, 6:25 pm |

I wanted to be too busy to watch the inauguration. But the hard truth was unavoidable. Democrat Jerry Brown has been sworn in as Governor…for the third time.

Although Brown swore to “support and defend…and…bear true faith and allegiance…to the Constitution of the State of California,” he didn’t mean the written Constitution. Indeed, he joked about his oath. When saying the part about taking “this obligation freely, without any mental reservation,” Brown said, “Really, no mental reservations!”, provoking the crowd to laughter.

It’s obvious to me that Brown sees his official oath as a mere formality, and views himself as the top authority who has done, is doing, and will do what he desires. Remember how Brown refused to defend Prop. 8 on man-woman marriage, despite his sworn duty to defend and represent the statutes and the Constitution of California? Like Arnold Schwarzenegger before him, Jerry Brown believes he is above the law. This is the very definition of tyranny.

What can the moral citizens of California expect for the next four years?

1. More immoral laws are coming: Jerry Brown is expected to sign every bill on his desk that advances the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda and abortion and pornography, that promotes environmental wackiness, that coddles criminals, and that continues pouring obscene amounts of tax dollars into so-called “schools” that war against parents, moral virtues, and real academics.

2. Voters’ complaints can be leveled directly at the Democrats: The bright side is that the light will be shining directly on the Democrats. No longer can anything bad in California state government can be held against liberal Republicans, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger. The cloak has been lifted and the excuses have evaporated. All the public credit or blame will go directly to Brown and the Democrat-dominated Legislature. It’s time for people to connect the dots. The California Legislature has essentially been under the control of the Democrats virtually since 1957 in the state Senate and since 1959 in the state Assembly. In 2011, SaveCalifornia.com will be a strong voice of truth, especially reporting what the big media won’t.

3. Tax and fee hikes will depend on Republicans and voters: Jerry Brown and the Democrats want to raise taxes on just about everything. But they need voter approval to do it. Furthermore, they can’t place taxes and fees on the June ballot without a two-thirds vote of the Legislature, which would require all the Democrats plus two Republican sell-outs in both the state Senate and state Assembly. Please start telling your friends and neighbors to “Vote no on new taxes or fees, families can’t afford big government.”

4. There is a great need to fall back and regroup and repair our culture’s foundations: How did California get itself in this situation? Government is a symptom of the People’s values and what they believe and worship. Consider that the forces of evil have targeted young people for decades. They have successfully captured and damaged children’s hearts, minds, bodies, and souls in the daytime (through Godless, government-run schools) and in the afternoon and evening (through the Godless entertainment media). And most parents are untrained to raise virtuous children because most pastors won’t teach them how. Is it any surprise that sexual immorality and drug abuse are sky high among young people? It is high time for true Christians and all those who believe in moral virtues to give time, talent, and money toward teaching the practical benefits of God’s standards to the next generation. It’s like we need to take the Book of Proverbs mainstream to young people under 30, within and outside our immediate families. Society’s foundations are cracked and broken. With your help, SaveCalifornia.com will work to repair it with God’s beneficial glue and mortar.

5. Support SaveCalifornia.com’s campaign to reach young people: For quite some time it has been on my heart to teach moral truth to young people, to help them overcome the lies they believe. In 2011, SaveCalifornia.com will reach out to the next generation like never before. Young people are our future, and our future leaders too. They desperately need direction, inspiration, and purpose. They need to grasp and apply Judeo-Christian values in their own lives and in the public square. With your help, SaveCalifornia.com will connect with the under-30 crowd. We’ll activate them through creative technology, targeted ads, community projects, on-the-street activism, and more. It’s very exciting and very needful. So what do you say? Support our vision to reach the next generation. Please participate and invest in the future. Visit SaveCalifornia.com today and click “Donate” to give your tax-deductible gift. Thank you for standing with us as we stand strong for moral virtues for the common good. See my 2-1/2 minute video message and read about our 2011 strategy. Thank you.

Boldly in Christ’s grace and truth,

Randy Thomasson
Founder and President

No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.
Samuel Adams, “Father of the American Revolution,” 1722-1803

VIDEO: My heart and vision for 2011

Thursday, December 30, 2010, 12:12 am |

No matter who’s running Sacramento or Washington, D.C., the heartbeat of strong families, the goodness of God’s values, and the importance of doing what’s right is always worthy and always a success.

That’s why the SaveCalifornia.com team and I are excited about the future, and why you can be excited too.

As you end 2010 and enter 2011, please watch my 2-1/2 minute video message:

If you appreciate our moral leadership and service to families in California and beyond, would you let us know? Support SaveCalifornia.com’s vision to reach the next generation. Please donate $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or $1,000 to our important work. Help SaveCalifornia.com enter the New Year with strength to reach millions of young hearts and minds.

Because we haven’t received enough support this month, I am asking for your personal assistance and extra help. Learn more and forward this video to your friends.


Thank you for linking arms with SaveCalifornia.com. Together, let’s make a difference!

Boldly in Christ’s grace and truth,

Randy Thomasson
Founder and President

5 things to remember at Christmas

Friday, December 24, 2010, 2:49 pm |

As I prepare for Christmas, here are five important things I’m trying to remember. I thought they would help you too:

1. It’s about celebrating Jesus: Imagine your friends threw you a birthday party but then kept you out, or ignored you if you somehow got in. That’s how most Americans do Christmas. Yet the Child born in Bethlehem, who loves us all intensely, is also the Judge of all mankind. Honor Him by reading aloud the Biblical account of his birth in Matthew or Luke. Praise Him for coming to offer salvation from hell to the humble, who submit themselves to Him. This is a sacred truth that even Linus, of the Peanuts gang, knew.

2. It’s not about how you feel:
As long as our happiness is based on ourselves, other people, and the situations that surround us, we will never truly be happy. The search for circumstantial or environmental happiness is why many people get depressed around Christmas. But when you meditate on Jesus’ love, and receive His love of salvation through confession, repentance, and asking for His forgiveness, it’s easy to love Him back. This is called joy. “You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy.” 1 Peter 1:8 NLT

3. It’s not a day, but a state of mind: This week, a bank teller asked my wife if she was “ready for Christmas.” My wife replied, “Jesus is in my heart, so I’m ready.” Christmas isn’t a day, but a state of mind. Because my mind’s no good without the LORD, I want to have Thanksgiving every morning and Christmas every evening. That is, I want to sincerely thank God first thing upon waking and then worship Him throughout the day. God wants his children to celebrate Him daily. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV

4. It’s not simply a “holiday,” but a remembrance of Jesus Messiah (Yeshua Mashiach):
Christmas literally means “Christ’s Mass,” or “feast of Christ.” It is a celebration dedicated to Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who was miraculously born, then supernaturally taught, healed, forgave, died, resurrected, and ascended to heaven — unlike any other figure in history. This is why I don’t say “Happy Holidays.” A local shop owner was told by a customer that he should wish people “Happy Holidays,” not “Merry Christmas.” She said he might offend people. He replied, “If there wasn’t a Christmas, there wouldn’t be a holiday, so Merry Christmas.” I love that! At Christmastime, I wish people “JOYous CHRISTmas, because He’s the Reason for the Season.” People nod in agreement and say “That’s right.” Listen to this upbeat song called “Christmas with a Capital C” by the GoFishGuys. It powerfully explains why “Christmas” is not a mere “holiday.”

5. This is also a great time of year to remember SaveCalifornia.com
: As you give gifts to loved ones, please consider giving a helpful gift to SaveCalifornia.com.

In 2010, SaveCalifornia.com reached over 5 million Californians through our educational campaign exposing the harms of marijuana legalization; we alerted thousands of parents about the very real threat of government-school sexual indoctrination; we educated millions of Americans through the media on why man-woman marriage matters; and we taught application of God’s moral virtues for family, culture, and government all year long, utilizing media and technology.

In 2011, our priority focus is to reach and impact the hearts and minds of young people under 30. They are our future and our future leaders too. Together, we can teach them the benefits of God’s truth and the negative consequences of merely following their feelings. We simply must.

With your help, SaveCalifornia.com will harness technology and new media to launch targeted messages, community action, on-the-street activism, and more. It’s all very exciting and so needful. Can you see it?

Here at the end of the year, you can enjoy touching hearts and redeeming our culture through SaveCalifornia.com. Please participate. Your gift of $10, $20, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or more will help us enter 2011 with strength. You can donate online or donate by mail. Thank you in advance for whatever you can give.  

JOYous CHRISTmas to you and yours!