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Every California school an ‘LGBTQ’ indoctrination center

Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 11:00 pm |

California parents have more reason than ever to remove their children from government schools.

Tuesday night’s vote by the Alameda Unified School Board was a decision to push homosexual-bisexual-transsexual curriculum upon children under the guise of “anti-bullying” training. A judge has already said this can go through, and there is no state law preventing it. The protests of parents and pro-family attorneys were rejected.

If Alameda can do this to indoctrinate little children as young as kindergarten, any California school district can.  Remember, most of California’s 1,000+ school districts are run by liberals or uncourageous conservatives. That’s simply the reality.

This latest threat comes on the heels of Harvey Milk Gay Day and four other statewide sexual indoctrination laws. Add to all this the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual indoctrination of  “Diversity Day,” “Day of Silence,” “Gay-Straight Alliance” clubs, and other sexual propaganda in most high school campuses and many junior high schools too, not to mention more and more elementary schools.

TAKE ACTION: SaveCalifornia.com is urging parents and grandparents to grasp both the problem and the solution and to develop an action plan to rescue their children and grandchildren.

How to have a thankful Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 4:33 pm |

When you boil down all the problems in America, it gets down to people’s refusal to submit to and obey God. If we loved God by following His rules, families would be much more intact, crime significantly diminished, jobs would flourish, diseases would lessen, moral values would be respected, and government would know its place.

Just as we need instruction manuals for cooking, assemble-yourself-furniture, good marriage, good parenting, the complex gadgets we buy, and new tasks on the job, we also need the B-I-B-L-E (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) to understand what Thanksgiving is all about.

The Bible tells us that people who regularly thank God are very different from people who are unthankful, who are associated with foolish and wicked people (see Romans 1).

What do you thank God for? To enjoy a real Thanksgiving in your heart, I offer you this short, encouraging read: “How to have a thankful Thanksgiving.”

Express anger over the threat of government-controlled healthcare

Saturday, November 21, 2009, 7:12 pm |

The camel’s nose is under the tent. And this camel is ready to trample liberty in America.

Saturday night, all 58 Democrats and 2 Independents in the U.S. Senate voted to bring H.R. 3590, the government healthcare takeover bill, to the floor for a debate and possible amendments after Thanksgiving. It was the bare minimum to achieve the 3/5ths majority. The senators are now flying to their home districts for a weeklong vacation.

Whenever that final debate occurs, it will take another 60 votes to invoke “cloture” to end that debate. The good news is several senators who voted “aye” to allow debate say they will kill the bill unless the “public option,” the very foundation of the legislation, is removed.

ACTION: Thank you to everyone who called, emailed and faxed senators to oppose government-controlled healthcare. Now, please call and protest at the district offices of your U.S. senator and other U.S. senators — especially the swing votes (Democrats Ben Nelson, Blanche Lincoln, Mary Landrieu and Independent Joe Lieberman) — to express your deep concern.

Remember, H.R. 3590 would increase insurance premiums, increase taxes, costs $2.5 TRILLION over 10 years, imposes an individual mandate that everyone buy health insurance, launches a federal “abortion insurance” program, cuts and restricts MediCare, and would result in rationing. 

The Democrats’ plan would NOT increase affordability or portability of health insurance. NOR would it restrain frivolous medical lawsuits that have been driving up doctor’s insurance and insurance premiums over the last several years. NOR would it reward, instead of financially punish, consumers who live healthy lifestyles.

Dems get their 60 — TONIGHT
Posted: Saturday, November 21, 2009 7:55 PM
From NBC’s Domenico Montanaro

After hours of debating whether to allow debate to begin on a health reform bill, the Senate voted in favor of letting that happen tonight along strictly partisan lines, 60-39.

The outcome had become all but assured earlier today when Sen. Blanche Lincoln, a moderate Democrat from Arkansas, the last Democratic holdout, said she would vote with her caucus.

It is important to realize that this is just the beginning, the opening kickoff if you will. Lincoln, Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) have all said they would not vote for a bill that in the end that includes a public option. And more importantly Joe Lieberman (I-CT) has said he would join a Republican filibuster on the back end if a public option is included.

The other wild card: Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME). Snowe, who voted against cloture tonight, is against the “opt out” version of the public option. But, of course, she is in favor of her “Trigger” option.

By the way, don’t be surprised if, as we’ve been saying is possible all along, that at the end of the day, Snowe’s Trigger becomes the compromise — particularly after the CBO said Reid’s opt out would not do much to change the current system and would likely have the adverse affect of raising premiums overall.