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D-Day for the government healthcare takeover

Friday, November 20, 2009, 8:03 pm |

While writing to you this evening, out of the corner of my eye I was also watching C-Span, which covered the Senate floor debate on H.R. 3590, the government healthcare takeover bill, and will cover it more Saturday morning.

Taking advantage of the C-Span cameras this evening were Republican doctors Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and John Barrasso of Wyoming, who did a stellar job explaining what’s good and bad about our current healthcare system.  

As longtime physicians who care about preventative medicine and healthy lifestyles, Coburn and Barrasso are strongly opposed to adding a lot more government to the mix because, as they say, government has created most of the current healthcare obstacles that harm Americans by robbing people of patient-driven freedom of choice.

Read more of what Coburn is teaching and what Barrasso is teaching about right, not wrong, reform of healthcare in America.


The vote to bring government-run healthcare to the U.S. Senate floor is scheduled for Saturday. Debate will begin at 10 a.m. EST and will continue for 10 hours. Watch it on C-Span. At 8 p.m. the important vote for cloture (to end debate) will occur. Lots of pro-family Americans have been working toward denying the 60 votes necessary to end debate. It’s going to be very close.

Many people are having trouble directly calling the four swing votes, so please call the main switchboard 202-224-3121. Make separate calls when you ask for Senators Blanche Lincoln, Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman and Mary Landrieu. Urge them to “Kill H.R. 3590. Don’t let this government healthcare bill come to the floor or become law!”


Friday developments: Democrat Ben Nelson jas agreed to join Joe Lieberman in voting to bring H.R. 3590 to the floor Saturday to allow debate after the Thanksgiving recess. In addition, Mary Landrieu, who has negotiated with Harry Reid to insert some “Louisiana pork” in the bill, now says she’s “leaning towards” voting “yes” to bring H.R. 3590 to the floor. This leaves Democrat Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, who’s in a tough reelection bid next year, as the final elusive 60th vote to let government-run healthcare out of its cage.

We’ve received several reports that phone machines of the targeted senators are full. Therefore, I recommend trying again in the AM, especially for Blanche Lincoln, then Mary Landrieu, Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman. Staffers might be there to unclog their message machines or take calls. If you can’t get through at their U.S. Capitol offices, try their district office phones or fax or email them:

Blanche Lincoln contact information 
Ben Nelson contact information
Mary Landrieu contact information
Joe Lieberman contact information


Passing government-run healthcare in the Senate ultimately requires three votes:

Vote 1 is Saturday, Nov. 21 on whether to bring the government healthcare takeover bill to the floor. This requires 60 votes. As noted, there are probably 59 votes right now.

If Vote 1 attains 60 votes, H.R. 3590 would be debated and amended sometime after Thanksgiving Day. 

Vote 2 would then decide whether to end that debate. It will take 60 votes to invoke cloture and this will be the last chance to stop government-run healthcare on the Senate side. Joe Lieberman has already said he’ll participate in a filibuster if unless the so-called “public option” is removed.

If all 58 Democrats and 2 Independents vote to end debate (and right now, they are 3 to 4 votes short of this 60-vote requirement), Vote 3 can occur, which is to pass the actual bill. This requires only 51 votes and those Democrat votes are definitely there if the two 60-vote hurdles are bridged.

So please, take action right now. Call, email and fax the four swing votes anyway you can. Saturday is the first chance to kill government-controlled healthcare. Pro-family citizens and all those who stand for liberty ought to act like it’s our last.

What in the world are public schools teaching these days?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 2:54 pm |

Shh…there’s an elephant in the living room.

Many parents are in denial of the very bad things happening to children’s hearts, minds, bodies and souls in public schools. They mistakenly think the schools are similar to when they were young. But the truth is, government schools have become much worse and are ruining children.

Our job is to love kids enough that we expose the darkness and challenge parents to rescue their own.

Here are the facts. Because of recent bad laws and politically-correct trends, here is what children in California public schools are guaranteed to receive before they graduate:

1. Homosexual-bisexual-transsexual education

2. Pro-abortion education, “confidential” abortion referrals and off-campus “counseling” without parental consent

3. Condom/birth control pills education and distribution without parental consent; no teaching children how to truly avoid STDs; “abstinence-only” education prohibited

4. Anti-God, pro-evolution education

5. Political correctness

6. Dumbed-down academics, less academic success, on average, than private or home schools

7. Negative socialization and peer pressure

8. Less safety, on average, than private schools

9. Anti-Christian education and widespread rejection of religious and moral values

10. Anti-parent sentiments

That’s the bad news. The good news is parents don’t have to subject their children to this brainwashing. SaveCalifornia.com is here to help.  Get the answers and action steps you need at our all-new, special-project website, RescueYourChild.com.

RescueYourChild.com  is “Ground Central Station” to equip parents to rescue their children from immoral, dumbed-down schools. Please, if you love children, spread the word to others about RescueYourChild.com.

The truth about the California water deal

Thursday, November 12, 2009, 6:36 pm |

The California Legislature and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger have approved a convoluted “water deal” that is supposed to quench the thirst of California individuals, farmers and local governments.

Yet beyond the hype, this water deal — which goes to the voters on the November 2010 ballot — will not build more dams and doesn’t fix California’s worsening water crisis. At its core, the water deal is fiscally irresponsible. It would mean more bureaucracy and more government ownership of land. It would actually remove existing dams without providing guarantees to build new ones. It gives $6.4 BILLION in our taxpayer dollars to liberal environmentalists’ projects. And it raises the price of water on us all, taxing us for overuse.

Sacramento’s bad water deal will raise your rates if you have a yard or children. Regular users will suffer, the government will control more land, and the environmental wackos will control more government. Why don’t we have enough water? It because, under pressure from utopia-seeking environmentalist groups, the liberal Democrats who run the California Legislature and our liberal Republican governor refuse to build more dams to store water year-round.

Having water throughout the year requires storage during the dry months. Yet California hasn’t built a new dam since 1968, despite the population doubling since that time. What’s in the new water plan you get to vote on next year? Pork for the same environmental groups that oppose new dams!

We asked attorney, researcher and government process expert Tom Hudson, executive director of the California Taxpayer Protection Committee, to provide his initial analysis of the water deal. Here is what the water deal claims about itself, as described by the Sacramento Bee on Nov. 5, followed by Hudson’s expert analysis in bold type:

1. “Authorizes an $11.14 billion bond measure to pay for dams, underground water banking, water recycling, Delta restoration and dozens of regional projects.”

Analysis: We cannot afford another $11.14 billion in debt, which will cost more than twice that amount to repay. Unlike the federal government, California has no way to print money or inflate away the value of its debt; we have no choice but to pay back every penny, with interest. Even if there are catastrophes and crises in the future, we still need to pay back this pork-barrel bond first. That is fiscally irresponsible.

2. “Regarding the peripheral canal, the plan would:

“Provide assurances about a proposed Delta water diversion canal. It would prevent the Department of Water Resources from starting construction until the Water Resources Control Board approves a diversion permit for the project.

“That diversion permit must specify ‘flow criteria’ that set new stream-flow requirements to improve Delta habitat.

“Water contractors must sign contracts to pay for the canal project and to offset property tax losses to Delta counties.

“The canal, as proposed by the Bay Delta Conservation Plan, must help endangered species recover, as required by the Natural Communities Conservation Plan, a higher standard than species protection, called for by current federal rules. Without this enhanced standard, state funding can’t flow.”

Analysis: Despite all the hype, this bond does not authorize or require the construction of the peripheral canal. Like a magician re-directing the public’s attention while secretly pulling a “magic” coin from his pocket, this water bond is designed to trick both sides into seeing what they want to see about the peripheral canal. People who want the canal think that this bond will smooth the way for it, even though it does very little to accomplish that goal. People who don’t want the canal think that the bond deal will kill it by placing even more legal obstacles to prevent its construction. Basically, the Legislature is “kicking the can down the road” on this critical issue, without really resolving it or getting us closer to a solution.

3. “The plan would also:

“Create new Delta Stewardship Council, which must prepare a comprehensive, long-term ‘Delta Plan’ by Jan. 1, 2012. The council can require state agencies to follow the Delta Plan.

“Reform the existing Delta Protection Commission so that it expands Delta recreation; promotes agriculture; seeks federal status for the Delta as a ‘place of special significance’; and promotes emergency preparedness, appropriate land use and strategic levee investments.”

Analysis: This horrible deal creates a new layer of government, without eliminating any of the other duplicative layers of government that have caused so many of our water problems. This new layer of government will not only waste taxpayers’ money, it will make it more difficult to resolve our water problems because there will be one more hurdle to getting anything done. Notice that the much-maligned “Delta Protection Commission” is not eliminated by this water deal, but is actually given more powers.

4. “Create Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy, which will receive funds and make grants for habitat restoration activities from a pool of $2 billion set aside for Delta sustainability, restoration and conservation projects. This can include flood protection projects and ecosystem restoration associated with Bay Delta Conservation Plan. However, no bond money may be used for canal planning, construction, operation, maintenance.”

Analysis: Yet another duplicative layer of government. This new conservancy guarantees that there will be yet another agency to create new hurdles to prevent common sense solutions to our water problems. What is worse, the primary mission of this new Conservancy is to acquire even more public lands in a state where three-fifths of the land is already owned by government. Only about 8% of our state is currently available for development, but the Legislature is creating another Conservancy to put even more land off limits to economic activity. If history repeats itself, this new Conservancy will squander taxpayers’ money to purchase private land from special interests at inflated prices, and then barbed wire fences will be erected to keep the public off lands that they paid for. (Anyone who is not familiar with this process should visit the huge tracks of public lands that were acquired several years ago in the Sutter Buttes in Colusa County. Aside from the millions spent to acquire the land from private owners, the state’s only “investment” in the last few years has been to install locked gates and “Keep Out” signs.)

5. “In Sacramento and Northern California, the water package would:

“Affirm existing legal protections for upstream water diversions; also affirm state law allowing those diversions to be modified.

“Provide $400 million for ‘drought relief’ that may pay cities for water that’s instead used to improve Delta flows; $250 million for a Klamath River dam removal project (plus up to $20 million to offset Siskiyou County economic impacts); $60 million for salmon migration projects in Sacramento River watershed; and $50 million in matching grants to improve upstream wastewater treatment.”

Analysis: This is special interest “pork” spending that California taxpayers cannot afford. It makes no sense for taxpayers in San Diego or Redding to pay for so-called drought relief in the Bay Area. Removing the dams along the Klamath River is criminally insane. It costs boatloads of money, destroys the local economy, exacerbates our electricity crisis, and does not necessarily help the salmon at all. The California Republican Party just unanimously passed a resolution against this particular act of insanity, so it will be interesting to see if any Republican legislators paid attention.

6. “Require 20 percent water conservation statewide by 2020; provide several paths to local water agencies for achieving this; agencies that fail will not be eligible for state water grants.”

Analysis: This one-size-fits-all conservation mandate makes no sense for many water users and it will not work. People who are already conserving water will be punished severely for it, depending how local agencies try to comply with this irrational mandate. The conservation mandate implies that water saved in one part of the state is automatically available to water users everywhere else, but experts know that concept is ridiculous. In many cases, all the water “saved” will simply flow into the ocean, just as it would have done if it had been “used” and then treated. There is no net gain and no purpose served, excite to expand the size and power of government bureaucrats. Worst of all, San Francisco and many Democrat strongholds are exempt from this statewide conservation mandate! Clearly, this has nothing to do with water policy and everything to do with politics as usual.

7. “Increase statewide debt load, though half of the bonds can’t be sold until after 2015 to minimize negative impacts.”

Analysis: The last thing we need is more debt for our state! How do we know that conditions will be better in 2015 than they are now?

8. “Provide $1.9 billion for regional water management; $1.5 billion for watershed protection projects; $500 million for groundwater protection projects; $500 million for water recycling and conservation for urban and agricultural users.”

Analysis: We have passed at least four other water bonds that did this sort of thing, which is all special-interest spending that will not serve any statewide purpose. Add this to the $2 billion allocated for “Delta sustainability, restoration and conservation projects,” and environmental groups that are more concerned about fish and plants than people will get $6.4 billion in this terrible deal.

9. “Require statewide monitoring of groundwater supplies, starting Jan. 1, 2012.”

Analysis: This might be the most insidious part of this water deal: when you strip out the rhetoric and focus on what they are really trying to do, you find out that this is nothing but a thinly-disguised scheme to increase taxes. For years, the liberals have sought every possible excuse to force people with private wells to pay taxes on the water they are pumping out of their own ground at their own expense. It appears that they have finally achieved their goal. The bond talks about “groundwater monitoring” as if it will be done by the Tooth Fairy at no cost to property owners, but the reality is that property owners (or the people who own the water, at least) will be forced to pay taxes for government bureaucrats to install water meters, check the water meters, and threaten people who use “too much” of their own water.

10. “Allocate $3 billion for potential new dams, but only the ‘public benefit’ portion of those projects, such as ecosystem flows, flood control, recreation.”

Analysis: This is another magician’s trick. The water deal will not build any new dams, even if it appears that it creates a hypothetical possibility that dams will be build if an infinite number of conditions are met. In order to get Republican votes, the proponents had to pretend that a small portion of this water bond might actually be used for water. In order to get Democrat votes, the proponents had to make certain that no new dams will even be constructed. This is shameful.

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