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Illegal immigration funding, policies under the microscope

Friday, July 10, 2009, 12:52 pm |

“You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste.  It’s an opportunity to do important things that you would otherwise avoid.” — Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama’s White House Chief of Staff

In the midst of its burgeoning $26.3 BILLION budget deficit, Democrats and Republicans agree it’s a crisis but disagree on the solution.

Disagreement is good because it means there is hope to cut waste and fraud. Disagreement is also good because it informs the voters who wants to tax and fee them and who doesn’t.

Democrat leaders said California would “go off the cliff” if there wasn’t a budget deal by June 30. But the Republicans wouldn’t cave to the Democrats’ demands for higher taxes, fees, and borrowing. So the majority Democrats now admit California state government won’t run out of money until late August.

This temporary gridlock means slightly better government may be around the corner. Because no spending plan can pass without Republican votes, the need to cut tens of BILLIONS of dollars in waste is a historic opportunity for Republican lawmakers to reform government. That is, if they hold firm and refuse to cave.

The largest areas of waste in state government are obviously the biggest: health and human services (one-third of the state budget), public education (40% of the state budget), and state prisons (more than 10% of the state budget).

Intertwined in all these areas is the high cost of illegal immigration. Those who ignore U.S. sovereignty and border laws are costing California government more than $10 BILLION each year.  The drain is felt in the government school system, the state welfare system, the unemployment insurance fund, jails and prisons, and much more under Health and Human Services.

Schwarzenegger is proposing limiting welfare and nonemergency healthcare for illegal aliens and their families. But, as  expected, the pro-illegal immigration Democratic majority in the California Legislature has rejected his plans.

According the Los Angeles Times, “One of the governor’s proposals would place a five-year limit on state welfare payments to the U.S.-citizen children of illegal immigrants. That would affect approximately 100,000 U.S.-born children in about 48,000 California households headed by illegal immigrants, who receive a monthly average of $472. The measure could save $77 million annually, according to the governor’s office.

Under another proposal, the governor could commute the sentences of some illegal immigrant felons in state prisons and shift them to federal detention centers. It costs the state $48,000 to incarcerate a prisoner, and the federal government reimburses about 12 cents on the dollar, according to state finance officials. The administration estimates that commuting sentences of 8,500 felons, along with other sentencing changes, could save $182 million, although other state analysts question that.

Meanwhile, there are two citizen-led initiative efforts underway to address the illegal immigration problem:

Gathering signatures right now is the California Taxpayer Protection Act, which would roll back much of California’s government subsidization of illegal immigrants. The effort is being led by former state Senator Bill Morrow and former U.S. Attorney Peter Nunez.

The initiative would end 18 years of welfare payments to illegal aliens with U.S. born children; require all those who are not citizens or permanent legal residents to submit ID documents, provided to Homeland Security, before receiving a birth certificate; allow only citizens and permanent legal residents eligibility for all public benefits including non-emergency and pre-natal care; and allows Homeland Security to review approved applications for federal, state or local benefits that illegal aliens are permitted to receive due to a U.S. born child.

Another proposed ballot measure gathering signatures right now targets illegal voting, whether it’s committed by citizens or non-citizens.

The VoteSafeNow campaign is led by state Senator George Runner. According to VoteSafeNow, the initiative would “protect the integrity of all votes by verifying voters’ identity,” “ensure our brave military men and women have their votes counted,” and “require election officials to verify absentee ballot voters’ signatures and identification.”

Why did Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett die?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 6:02 pm |

It’s sad when anyone dies young. Human beings created in the image of God are precious, and life is indeed a gift of God.

In the Middle Ages, dying in your 50s and 60s was common. But better food, cleaner water, and modern research, surgery, prevention techniques and medicine have today made 77.7 years the average life expectancy in the United States.

Many people were shocked that Michael Jackson died at age 50 and Farah Fawcett at age 62. But modern medicine could not have prevented what these celebrities did to themselves. It was Jackson’s and Fawcett’s own behavior that led to their relatively short lives.

This sober truth should serve as a warning to young people: don’t get hooked on prescription drugs or other artificial substances, don’t engage in sexual activity before marriage, don’t get your value from the attention that people lavish upon you, etc.

The faces of Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett are in the grocery-store stands and are saturating the media. Young and old, churched and unchurched, are talking about them.

I’ve researched these facts to empower you with knowledge so that you can talk with young people, to warn them about the wrong way to live. For, as poet and philosopher George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Michael Jackson

As a child, Michael Jackson’s identity was damaged by his father and never restored. In his 30+ years of adult independence, the “king of pop” made a series of horrible lifestyle choices that led to his early demise. Outliving Jackson is his father (age 80) and his mother (age 79). Read more

Be a patriot. Call Sacramento and join a July 4th tea party!

Friday, July 3, 2009, 3:12 pm |

As we approach the 233rd birthday of the United States of America, I want to challenge you to celebrate God’s planting of this nation with your heart, soul, mind and strength.

First, realize there is battle raging right now in Sacramento over more taxes, fees and borrowing. See our latest alert and call Sacramento.

When you call, please emphasize “No more borrowing,” since that’s one of the big sticking points right now.

The good news is the Republicans’ tough stand against higher taxes and fees has apparently gotten the Democrats to say they’re dropping their tax-and-fee hike proposal.

Second, watch this short video to remind yourself of the price of freedom and that freedom from immoral bondage is the real definition of freedom. Watch John Adams speak in 1776 for the Declaration of Independence. I was inspired by this and watched it twice today.

Third, if you can, stand up Saturday for freedom from immoral tyranny at the state and federal level. Don’t degrade Independence Day by turning it into Party Day or Overeating Day or Personal Whatever Day. Help rescue America by attending a July 4th Tea Party near you. See TeaPartyPatriots.org and TeaPartyDay.com.

Who will rise up for me against the wicked?
       Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?
Unless the LORD had given me help,
       I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death.
When I said, “My foot is slipping,”
       your love, O LORD, supported me. 
When anxiety was great within me,
       your consolation brought joy to my soul. 
Can a corrupt throne be allied with you—
       one that brings on misery by its decrees?
Psalm 94:16-20 NIV