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D-Day in Sacramento: Budget battle coming to a head

Sunday, June 28, 2009, 4:10 pm |

For the time being, God’s moral standard of “do not steal” is winning in Sacramento. Your calls and emails and votes against higher taxes, fees, and borrowing are being heard.

But you must keep up the pressure. Some “conservative” politicians could fold unless they hear from you!

It’s all coming to a head, with floor sessions scheduled tonight and every night following, if necessary, to close the the burgeoning $24 billion budget deficit.

The good news is, so far, not one Republican has sold out on taxes, fees, or borrowing. More good news is Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is embracing conservative reforms. Read more and see how SaveCalifornia.com proposes to annually eliminate tens of billions of dollars in government waste.

For example, on Friday, Senate Republicans unanimously rejected a three-bill package that would have raised the fees on vehicles and property insurance and resulted in a greater percentage of taxes being withheld from your paycheck.

The bad news is that the Democrats, who hold the majority of legislative seats, want more taxes, fees and borrowing, as usual.

From Associated Press: Democrats have countered with $11 billion in spending cuts and $2 billion in higher taxes on oil drilling and tobacco. Their plan also relies on filling the hole with $5 billion in fees and accelerated revenue through earlier collection of personal and corporate income taxes, and $5 billion in other solutions. One of their provisions is to defer state employee paychecks by one day so about $1.2 billion would be counted in the next fiscal year, which has been criticized by some as a gimmick.

To pursue their tax-and-spending ways, the Democrats are desperately seeking six Republicans to join them (they need two in the Senate and four in the Assembly) to achieve the two-thirds legislative majority required to increase taxes.

Yet so far, none of the six Republicans who raised taxes and fees back in February are repeating their folly. California voters’ rejection of higher taxes, fees, and borrowing on May 19 was a very beneficial rebuke.

Your phone calls are helping too. For example, even Republican Abel Maldonado, who last month said he was open to more taxes, fees, and borrowing, voted “no” last week on various big-government proposals.
The voice of principled Californians is needed now, to speak “truth and consequences” to the ears of Schwarzenegger and your legislators. To eliminate waste and avoid more “stealing,” you must call and email Sacramento now.

Click here to send a pre-written email message and for the best numbers to Sacramento decisionmakers

Tax collectors also came to be baptized. “Teacher,” they asked, “what should we do?” “Don’t collect any more than you are required to,” he told them. Then some soldiers asked him, “And what should we do?” He replied, “Don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely—be content with your pay.”
— John the Baptist in Luke 3:12-14 NIV

Update/alert: Citizens resist Safeway and SB 572

Thursday, June 25, 2009, 3:31 pm |

Here’s an encouraging update and new alert. In early June, SaveCalifornia.com warned you about Safeway promoting homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality to customers and their children.

The prominent signs people saw when they walked in the grocery stores proclaimed “Gay/Lesbian Pride Month” with a large picture of homosexual activist Harvey Milk of San Francisco.

Thank you to everyone who took action. Here’s what Ken wrote us the very next day:

I got the Safeway in [my local city] to pull their Harvey Milk signs, at least when I was there.  I explained in a logical manner my thoughts and found a sympathetic ear.  The Safeway worker was actually glad to take the signs down, but said that he needed a complaint from a customer to do so.  I don’t know if his reason was official but that is the justification he gave me for pulling the sign down.  If I see the signs again I am going say something again.  I am also thinking picketing in front of the Safeway store if they won’t take their signs down.  Or I just will shop elsewhere.


ALERT: Call Safeway’s corporate office in Pleasanton, California at 877-723-3929 to tell them you are shopping elsewhere because of Safeway’s public promotion of homosexuality to children and families.


On June 17, a Phoenix TV station interviewed SaveCalifornia.com President Randy Thomasson about Safeway, pitting him against a local homosexual activist.

VIEW: Watch this 104-second clip to witness the sarcastic intolerance of the homosexual agenda forcing itself upon everyone else.

Here in California, with the help of our financial supporters, SaveCalifornia.com is fighting hard against SB 572, “Harvey Milk Gay Day.” SB 572 is on the Assembly floor and could be voted on next week. See our May media clips and act now to help.

Unfortunately, when SB 572 passed a Democrat-controlled committee last week, only KGO-TV in San Francisco and some conservative radio reported the bad news.

In this virtual media blackout, there’s obviously much more we must do to defeat “Harvey Milk Gay Day.” This is why SaveCalifornia.com has new action steps for you below.

If signed, SB 572 would pressure every California public school to have an official “Harvey Milk Day” promoting the homosexual, bisexual, and transsexual agenda to children as young as kindergarten. The sky is the limit on what a school considers “suitable commemorative exercises.” This is written so broadly, SB 572 could allow gay-pride parades on campus, cross-dressing, and homosexual “marriage” dramas, etc.

It’s all going to come down to how much pressure California’s governor feels. Remember, last year the Democrat-controlled Legislature passed “Harvey Milk Gay Day,” but Schwarzenegger vetoed it.

This year, Schwarzenegger is being lobbied more heavily by homosexual activists. Sean Penn, who played Harvey Milk on the big screen, and Milk’s homosexual activist nephew, have both personally lobbied Schwarzenegger to ask him to sign SB 572. Other differences from last year is that there are four more Democrats in the Assembly voting for “Harvey Milk Gay Day.” And for the first time, a Republican, Senator Abel Maldonado, is supporting this horrible, anti-family bill.


1. CALL Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger at 916-445-2841. Listen to the recorded message and push the buttons to get to a live constituent services representative. Kindly but firmly say, “I’m calling to urge the Governor to veto SB 572, ‘Harvey Milk Gay Day,’ like he did last year. Parents don’t want this, children don’t need this. Schools should teach children academics, not the ‘lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender’ values of Harvey Milk or anyone else.”

Schwarzenegger’s phone lines are open weekday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can also call his offices 24/7 in San Diego, Riverside, Los Angeles, Fresno and San Francisco.

2. EMAIL SaveCalifornia.com’s prewritten email message to Schwarzenegger and your two California state legislators.

3. FAX OR WRITE Governor Schwarzenegger. Use personal letterhead if you have it, or even better — business/organization/church letterhead — when you FAX the Governor at 916-558-3160 or write him at:

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814

4. CALL your own California Republican state assemblymember and other Republican assemblymembers to urge them to “Speak against ‘Harvey Milk Gay Day’ on the floor. Your vote won’t stop SB 572, so please use your voice against this terrible, anti-family bill.” List of Republican assemblymembers.

Who will be the next governor of California?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 8:07 pm |

SaveCalifornia.com does not support or oppose candidates for public office, and provides the following information solely for educational purposes.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, the former head of the ACLU of Southern California, former Speaker of the California Assembly, and former husband before his wife divorced him over his chronic adultery, says he won’t run for Governor of California in 2010.

This leaves two top contenders for the Democratic nomination: California Attorney General and former governor Jerry Brown vs. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom.

On the subject of respecting marriage for a man and a woman, Newsom was reelected mayor in 2007 despite his affair with a married woman. More than any mayor in the state or nation, Newsom has led the charge for homosexual “marriages” in the courts, the law and the culture.

What about the other candidates? Jerry Brown also supports homosexual “marriages,” trying to strike down Prop. 8 at the California Supreme Court, and now calling for Prop. 8 to be struck down in federal court.

On the Republican side, major contenders Steve Poizner and Meg Whitman both say they voted yes on Prop. 8. Poizner also says he’s “fine with domestic partnerships and all.”  Whitman says she supports the court validating 18,000 homosexual “marriages,” and also supports homosexual adoptions and homosexual “civil unions” with all the rights of married spouses

Second-rung Republican contenders include former congressman and state senator Tom Campbell, who has been a prominate voice in favor of homosexual “marriages” and against Prop. 8. Another possible Republican candidate is Ventura County supervisor Peter Foy, who supports marriage licenses and marriage rights for only a man and a woman.

Given that 52.3% of California voters said marriage should only be between “a man and a woman” last November, will they remain consistent on this point when voting for their next governor?

But Israel has rejected what is good;
       an enemy will pursue him. 
They set up kings without my consent;
       they choose princes without my approval.
       With their silver and gold
       they make idols for themselves
       to their own destruction.
Hosea 8:3-4 NIV